A Nightmare—The Second Invasion!

Su Hao returned to the city-state with Qin Shuang.

He did a simple calculation of the number of crystals he obtained from that trip to the mine.

The ones he obtained himself, plus the ones he collected with Qin Shuang, came to a total of 37 dark mutant crystals and about 67 other rare ones.

Su Hao stored all of them in the warehouse and then went to see the dragon egg.

At that very moment, the dragon egg—which was about as tall as a wooden table—was moving in front of Su Hao.

However, the egg shell still showed no signs of cracking.

Su Hao placed a piece of dark mutant crystal next to the dragon egg, which seemed to feel the power of the dark mutant crystal.

A black light then shone into his eyes!

The fist-sized dark mutant crystal turned into a thick cloud of smoke and drifted toward the dragon egg.

The next second, all the black smoke began swirling around the dragon egg.


The eggshell had cracked!

A light green dragon horn broke out of the eggshell, and a corner of the eggshell broke.

Su Hao's eyes lit up when he saw that.

The dark mutant crystal was very useful indeed. One was enough to speed up the ever-slow incubation of the Green Dragon egg.

After using that dark mutant crystal, he still had 36 left, which was more than enough to raise his green dragon to a higher level.

All of a sudden, a loud, panicked yell was heard from outside! "My Lord! This is bad! The second wave of the invasion of darkness is here!"

The leader of his militia was covered in blood. His right hand had been gnawed off, and he yelled out in agony as he spat out some blood!

Su Hao's pupils trembled as he looked out of the window, and fear struck him as soon as he saw the bright red scene outside the window!

What he saw was an endless swarm of red monsters that entered his city-state!

All the civilians in the city were being devoured like ants by the endless red monsters!

Even his 700,000 or so Sacred Night Bugs were being mercilessly devoured by the red monsters upon contact!

The damage was extremely heavy!

The Sacred Night Bugs, which were already beyond SSS-level and had the aptitude to surpass the gods, were being devoured!

Su Hao stood on the windowsill and watched his 700,000-plus Sacred Night Bugs being reduced to dust in a few seconds!


Su Hao could not believe it!

It was obvious that the beast tide in front of them was not as simple as the first one.

Furthermore, there were level 25 beasts within the endless red wave of monsters!

The level 25 beast was the size of two hills!

"A Black Tortoise!"

There was a level 25 Black Tortoise during the second invasion, which brought an endless number of red monsters that were 10 times stronger than the first wave!

Su Hao's eyes turned dark. He was unable to keep his usual calmness at this moment.

The second invasion was already ten times stronger than the first invasion.

Su Hao felt that it was the result of his extraordinary development.

The invasion that the other lords dealt with was only about twice as difficult as the first.

However, with his extraordinary development, his city-state, dozens of subjects, and more than 50 militia, he had become a god.

Therefore, the second invasion was ten times more difficult than an ordinary one!

At the same time, all the buildings in the city were devoured by the red monsters!

In an instant, everything fell apart—the level five Holy Healing Spring, the level four Summoning Altar, the two level seven arrow towers, the towering Skyscraper Tower, and the two sub-castles that were more than 20 meters tall!

Su Hao could see the frightened faces of all the citizens in the city-state!

They fled frantically in all directions, hoping that a god would descend and save them!

Alas, all of that remained nothing but hope. In just a second, countless red monsters treated them like peanuts and swallowed them mercilessly!

The weak humans were like a drop of water in the ocean. Under that strong influence of nature, they appeared extremely weak and incompetent.

The humans were completely powerless to resist at that moment. They could only wait for their demise in despair, and even the mere act of struggling had become something of a luxury!

The endless red monsters razed the huge city into a flat land. Corpses, bones, and thick blood were stuck to the red monsters, giving off a rotten smell.

Su Hao's body stiffened at that moment and could not say a word!

He knew very well that his turn would come any second!

At the same time, the mountain-sized Black Tortoise opened its terrifying blood-red eyes and attacked him!

In a split second, Su Hao was jolted! He sat up from his bed in the room and discovered that his whole body was covered in cold sweat.

After a few seconds, he realized that he had been dreaming!

Then, he panted and lowered his eyes.

He knew that this dream was not entirely fake.

instead, it might be a warning or a reminder from the gods.

He also realized that the second invasion in five days would not be as simple as he initially thought.

The defense system of the city wall was too weak, and he had to lead his people to strengthen the city wall before the second invasion came.

Moreover, the power of the second invasion in his dream was not completely out of bounds with reality.

It was highly likely that there would be a being ten times more powerful than those from the first invasion.

Those were the rules of the invasion in his previous life. the larger the territory and the more people there were, the more difficult it would be to face the invasion. The danger to one's territory and people would also be greater.

His growth was already very far ahead, and the second invasion in five days would definitely be extremely terrifying!

If the Black Tortoise in his dream really appeared in the second invasion, his city-state would not be able to feng it off at all.

In his previous life, the Black Tortoise was a beast that only occured after the tenth invasion. For his rebirth, however, Su Hao concluded that the probability of encountering it during the second invasion was more than 90%!

if he did not make the necessary preparations, his city-state would be reduced to ruins in five days!

Therefore, it was necessary to strengthen the city wall.

Although the city wall could not be the decisive factor to ensure that the Black Tortoise and other monsters could not enter the city-state, a stronger wall would definitely buy Su Hao a lot of time!

On that basis, he needed to speed up the absorption and development of the Sacred Night Bugs.

Getting the Holy Light Bugs to reach a million, and then turning the millions of them into the powerful Sacred Night Bugs was his priority. He could then get the Sacred Night Bugs to multiply and reach more than a million!

By then, the Sacred Night Bugs would have enough power to resist the second invasion.

However, that was not enough!

He still needed to speed up the cultivation of his Green Dragon, for it was imperative that he got it to hatch before the second invasion arrived.

Once the Green Dragon was born, the poison it spat out could quickly eliminate the normal red monsters that invaded the darkness!

At that time, he would use the strong city walls to stall for time so the Green Dragon could get rid of the red monsters in the shortest time possible!

That was the only way Su Hao could consolidate all his forces to deal with the level 25 Black Tortoise, whether in terms of manpower or the ability of a million Sacred Night Bugs! If all the preparatory work was successful, he was confident that he could take down a level 30 Black Tortoise too!