Devouring Demonic Beasts, Farming Experience To Level Up!

In addition to the earlier task, the captain also sent small elite guards to the forest to hunt. Although everyone had some complaints, they didn't dare to say anything.

"I don't know why the captain needs so many animals. Were the ones we killed earlier not enough?"

Someone who knew the inside story said in a low voice.

"Recently, the leader has been obsessed with using animals or demonic beasts to make wine and make tonics. I believe that this can improve his strength. His birthday is coming soon, and the captain wants to cater to his interests."

"If that's the case, why do you still want us to capture a turtle alive?"

"I heard that the turtle is strange and very powerful. The captain wants to catch it and offer it to the city Lord."

These people were all elites, so they naturally wouldn't put a mere turtle in their eyes. They immediately revealed contemptuous eyes and said disdainfully, "It's just a turtle. There's no need to use a butcher's knife to kill a chicken. The captain is making a mountain out of a molehill."

However, when the time came to finally meet Lin Xuan, they would no longer be able to say such words.

All the animals in the forest were affected and their numbers were greatly reduced. At the same time, the group of turtles that had parted ways with Lin Xuan earlier fell into the hands of those people again.

They couldn't be blamed for their bad luck; they could only say that the reasoning was too low. After all, there were only a few places in the forest that had a water source.

Those people were all there to spot the turtles and catch them. As long as it was a turtle, it was inevitable that it could not be separated from the water. However, they did not expect to see other turtles instead of Lin Xuan.

"Come over and see if it's this one."

They checked each and every one of them, and they all shook their heads to indicate that it was not the case. "That turtle was slightly larger than them, and these are all ordinary turtles."

The guard snorted coldly. "I don't believe we can't catch a turtle!" 

Lin Xuan did not know that someone was already hunting him down. He was heading toward the edge of the forest. The place he was at was no longer safe. Those people who had escaped and suffered at his hands would definitely come back.

"I wonder who they are."

The only pity was that he had yet to figure out their identity. They probably went back to find help, and in fact, it was almost the same as Lin Xuan's guess.

"It seems that the most important thing now is to find a way to improve my strength."

He felt a sense of urgency. The potential danger made him have to plan ahead. If those people were just small fries and already had such abilities, then the person above them must be even more powerful. He had to be on guard.

After all, an ordinary man's possession of a treasure would be a crime. Moreover, turtles were long-lived animals. Some people liked to eat turtles and use them to make wine.

"Since I'm focusing on defense, I should continue to use my advantage."

He also wanted to balance his attribute points, but the number of attribute points dropped each time was limited, and he could not squander them without limit. The starting point of attack power and speed was too poor, and if he just piled them up, it would be a waste of time and delay his own development.

It was better to play to his strengths and avoid his weaknesses. Since the Black Tortoise was outstanding in defense, then he should expand this advantage. When his defense was invincible, even the Heavenly Father could not kill him.

"They say that the best defense is offense. Why don't I change my way of thinking? Offense is also defense. It's not impossible."

If it was any other monster, it would definitely not be able to do it. However, Lin Xuan had hardened skin, strong spikes, and defensive rebound skills, so he could easily do it.

Only by constantly devouring could he increase his experience and attribute points. It was the same logic for killing demon beasts, just like killing monsters to level up in games.

What Lin Xuan had to do now was to devour the demonic beasts!

In the vast coastal forest, it was not easy to find two-legged people, but there were still four-legged demon beasts or animals.

[The host has successfully killed a Tier 3 demonic beast, the Blue-Eyed Toad. You have received 30 experience points and 3 attribute points!]

[Devouring creature detected.]

[Success rate of devouring Tier 3 Blue-Eyed Toad (dead) %100]

[Host has activated Devour Skill.]

[The host has successfully killed a Tier 2 demonic beast, the Poison-Tailed King Bee. You have received 20 experience points and 2 attribute points!]

[Devouring creature detected.]

[The host has successfully killed a Tier 2 demonic beast, Earth-Splitting Mouse. You have received 20 experience points and 2 attribute points!]

[Host has successfully killed a Tier 1 demonic beast...]

Demonic beasts were not as common as cabbages on the streets. Other than the Tier 3 demonic beast at the start, the rest of the demonic beasts were Tier 2 or Tier 1. The experience and attribute points they dropped were pitifully low.

After all, he was already at Mystic Tier 5. While it was easy to kill these monsters, the experience points gained were also very little. It had to be at the same level as him or one level higher.

"Forget it, let's just do it." Lin Xuan consoled himself. Fortunately, he had found a mouse hole and all the Earth-Shattering Rats were Tier 2. As if he was farming experience, the system notifications kept ringing.

It sounded really cool.

The dead rats on the ground all turned into experience points in his eyes.

"Although it's not high, there's still meat no matter how few ants there are." If he could find a few more of these rat holes, he might be able to level up, but he was not so lucky.

Not to mention rats, he couldn't even find a single strand of demonic beast hair. Lin Xuan strolled around, surrounded by towering trees. He did not know if it was his imagination, he could usually see many animals, but he currently could not find a single one at all.

He couldn't help but mumble, "Strange, where did all the animals go?"

Not only did he not see any demonic beasts, but there were also only a few animals. Lin Xuan could not help but feel a little confused.

There must be something wrong with this abnormal situation!