The Giant Net On The Cliff!

The abnormality of the forest made Lin Xuan feel a greater sense of danger.

"I really hope there's a High-grade Demonic beast here. If that doesn't work, I'll just have to find some spirit fruits."

Perhaps even the heavens were looking out for Lin Xuan. A light breeze blew past, bringing with it a strange fragrance. He sniffed it carefully and realized that it was coming from the southeast.

"Are there spirit fruits there?"

Lin Xuan still trusted his sense of smell. After all, his sense of smell had been strengthened. Besides, there was nothing else to do now, so it was fine to go and take a look. It would be fine even if he missed and found nothing.

He crawled along the smell, and the narrow road gradually became wider. The number of trees decreased, and the vegetation was no longer so dense. All kinds of rugged and strange rocks appeared, which looked very abrupt.

What came into view was actually a cliff!

At the bottom of the cliff was a bottomless ravine. Although Lin Xuan couldn't see clearly, he could hear the sound of water flowing faintly. He guessed that there should be an extremely dangerous undercurrent below.

He looked down and realized that the smell was coming from there.

There were many trees and weeds growing near the cliff. There was a small blue flower swaying in the wind. Its pistil was extremely delicate, but the leaves beside it were silver, like stars, shining with a strange light.

Lin Xuan was overjoyed. It's the Silver Orchid flower. 

This was a good item. Although it couldn't be compared to the Blood-Lipid spirit fruit, it had a powerful detoxification effect. There were many poisonous insects and fierce beasts in the forest, and this flower was just what Lin Xuan wanted.

Looking at the roots and growth of the serene Silver Orchid flower, it should have been a few years old. It was rooted in this place and if it wasn't for a coincidence, Lin Xuan wouldn't have been able to find it at all, and it was likely that no other Demonic beasts would have discovered it.

Therefore, there were no Guardian Demonic beasts there, which eliminated any danger. As long as he was careful, he could pick this Silver Orchid flower.

He looked around, although the cliff was steep, there were many trees and weeds that could be used as support. Not far from the Silver Orchid flower, there was a Welcoming Pine tree. Seeing this Lin Xuan immediately moved.

He carefully approached, but even so, there was still a lot of gravel falling into the abyss without a sound.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan was not afraid of heights. Otherwise, this height could really scare a person to death.

A turtle was performing a difficult action as if it was performing a high-up performance. It looked extremely dangerous, but because of its special identity, this had a somewhat comical taste.

Finally, he landed on the Welcoming Pine tree. Lin Xuan's claws were short but powerful as he held onto the tree bark firmly, he slowly approached the Silver Orchid flower.

He was only halfway there when he heard a soft sound as if something had broken. The branches started to shake violently, but Lin Xuan reacted quickly and managed to stabilize himself.

"What's going on?"

Lin Xuan was shocked. He turned his head and saw that the roots of the Welcoming Pine had rotted for some reason. It was just that the view was blocked by the leaves before, so he did not notice it.

If he was in his normal state, the tree would have definitely been able to bear the weight of his body. But now, he was like the last straw that broke the camel's back.

The cracking sound was getting louder and louder, and seeing that he was only one step away from the Silver Orchid flower, Lin Xuan hastened his steps.

He must reach the Silver Orchid flower before the Welcoming Pine breaks. Otherwise, the only outcome will be his death. 

This was not like the lava from the previous volcano. This was so deep that the bottom could not be seen. There were also some undercurrents and there might be protruding rocks also. There was no buffer at all. Falling from such a high height would at least cause serious injuries.

As he walked, the branch of the Welcoming Pine suddenly tilted, and Lin Xuan also tilted to the side uncontrollably. Half of his body was suspended in the air, and it was extremely dangerous.

Now, it was impossible to back down even if Lin Xuan had ten thousand skills.


As the branches broke, Lin Xuan fell rapidly. The wind whistled by his ears, scraping his body like a steel knife.

This time, it was really over.

Lin Xuan closed his eyes subconsciously, but he suddenly stopped in mid-air, as if something had caught him. He opened his eyes and saw the Silver Orchid above his head!

It seems that the luck goddess was on his side.

From the corner of his eye, Lin Xuan realized that there was a white and thick thread hanging from his body. It looked very tough, and when he pulled it with his claws, it did not break.

"Where did the white line come from?"

Lin Xuan was confused. He realized that there was more than one white line on his body, even under his feet. He tried to move his body but realized that he couldn't move at all.

The White thread was as sticky as glue, and once it touched his body, he could no longer break free. Initially, only one claw was bound, but with Lin Xuan's movements, his four limbs could no longer move and were bound by the white threads.

Lin Xuan's pupils suddenly shrank and a thought appeared in his mind.

This was not a white thread at all, but an incomparably huge spider web. He focused his eyes and saw that the white lines beneath him were distributed in a very regular pattern, like a crisscrossing chessboard.

This spider web was extremely large, almost covering the entire stalk of the serene Silver Orchid flower. However, due to the visual effect and the effect of the sunlight, the spider web could not be seen from above.

The starry lights he had seen earlier were reflected from the spider web.

Lin Xuan also found a pile of bones not far from the spider web, which must have been the doing of the owner of the spider web.

It was terrifying!

He had been wrong from the beginning! It wasn't that there wasn't a Demon beast guarding the Silver Orchid. On the contrary, this Demon beast used the Silver Orchid to prey on the other Demon beasts that were attracted over.

The terrain here was steep, and it was easy to fall. If one was not careful, he would fall into the spider web.

All the predator needed to do was to wait for the rabbit to come, and it would have an endless supply of food.

In that case, to be able to weave such a large net, just how large was the body of this Demonic beast?

Lin Xuan's hair stood on end as he realized this.