I've Never Seen Such A Dog Turtle 

The spider silk that Lin Xuan took out from the space looked like he spat it out himself. Everyone was dumbfounded as they looked at the scene that defied all common sense.

Everyone's worldview had collapsed, and their pupils were shaking.

There was actually a turtle in the world that could spit out spider silk!

Was it the turtle that had a change of heart or the spider that had cheated? What kind of Turtle-Spider was this? Or a Spider-Turtle? A newly mutated Demon beast species?

Everyone was in disbelief. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed it either. At this moment, they were bound by the spider web and couldn't move. Let alone running, they couldn't even move a finger.

Lin Xuan crawled over evilly and bit everyone, adding a state of paralysis.

Everyone watched as Lin Xuan swaggered away and let go of the animals that they had worked so hard to catch. Their hearts were bleeding.

Fortunately, this turtle fiend was preparing to leave and didn't cause any more trouble. They couldn't help but sigh in relief.

"Forget it. There are only a few of them alive anyway. Let them go. At least there are still the ones who are dead. This time, we didn't suffer too many losses. We can barely go back and report our mission."

The person who said this saw the turtle stop in its tracks and suddenly turn its head to look at him. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he actually saw a mischievous light in the eyes of a turtle.

A bad premonition suddenly gushed out in his heart.

The turtle turned back and slowly pushed the dead animals down the cliff.

Looking at the turtle's actions, some people were shocked, some people were in disbelief, and some people were burning with anger. Then, they all turned numb, as if they could already see the scene of their Captain flying into a rage when they went back to report.

This time, it was really over.

It might not be human, but this turtle was a real dog!

Someone couldn't help but curse, "You're really an animal!" After he finished speaking, he realized that there was no difference between cursing and not cursing.

Lin Xuan left in satisfaction. If he didn't teach these people a lesson, they would think that he was easy to bully.

The poor people were on the cliff. The wind was strong, and their faces were blue and their lips purple. They were all shivering from the cold.

In addition, they were bound by the spider web and were in a paralyzed state. They couldn't move at all, nor could they send out a signal for help. They could only shout at the top of their lungs.

No one came even after they shouted their lungs out. It was extremely miserable. Lin Xuan's actions were worse than taking their lives.

On the other side, the team leader was surprised to see that none of the people he sent out had returned. This was unprecedented.

"They haven't returned for so long. Could it be that they have encountered some danger?"

That's not right. Even if they had encountered a difficult Demonic beast, they could still reflect the signal to ask for help. There shouldn't be no news like this at all. 

The Captain decided to lead his men out personally. With the help of the hounds, they finally found the group of people on the cliff, but they were not in good condition.

Some of them had already fainted, and those who were still conscious felt like they saw their saviors when they saw the Captain and the others. They almost burst into tears.

"Captain, you're finally here!"

"What's going on?"

The Captain looked at the people wrapped in the spider web and tried to cut it, but found that the spider web was extremely tough. He went forward to check it carefully and said with a serious expression, "This is ..."

"The silk of the Demon-eyed spotted Wolf Spider!"

He was experienced and knowledgeable, so he recognized the spider silk's origin. He shouted nervously, "Quickly be on alert!"

The people who followed him immediately looked around vigilantly, afraid that a big spider would jump out.

The group of people in the spider web were stunned by his sudden surprise.

"You guys encountered the Demon-eyed spotted Wolf Spider?"

Logically speaking, if they had encountered it, they would probably be a pile of bones at this moment. It was impossible for them to be standing here in one piece.

The Captain was a little suspicious. On his way here, he didn't see any traces of the Demon-eyed spotted Wolf Spider.

"What Spider? We ran into that turtle!"

"Turtle? Isn't this the spider silk of the Demon-eyed spotted Wolf Spider?"

Hearing these people's words, the Captain was even more puzzled.

The two sides stared at each other, and their words didn't match.

After spending half a day's effort, he finally rescued this group of people. The Captain also knew the ins and outs of the matter, and his face was so gloomy that water could drip out.

"That's what happened. The turtle was too evil. Not only did it let the animals go, but it also pushed all the dead bodies down the cliff." 

The group of people lowered their heads, not daring to look at the captain's expression.

The atmosphere gradually became heavy.

"You mean that the turtle can not only paralyze people but also spit out spider silk?"

The Captain's heart was in turmoil. What kind of turtle could have such abilities? It was simply unheard of.

It seems that this turtle was an extremely rare mutated Demon beast. This matter is unusual; he must report it immediately. 

The vast mountains stretched on endlessly. No one had expected that there would be a town of such a scale in the mountains. The buildings here were more inclined to the Chinese style.

This was because the people who lived here were all ancient martial arts practitioners who had secluded themselves from the world to cultivate.

In one of the majestic buildings, a middle-aged man exuded an air of authority without being angry. He was the powerful figure who controlled this land, Xie Zhenlin.

Hearing the Captain's detailed report, Xie Zhenlin's eyes shone with interest.

"I don't want to hear the process, I only want a satisfactory result. There aren't enough turtles now, so you must deal with it immediately. Also, that strange turtle you mentioned, you must capture it alive for me. I want to study it!"