A Body Immune To All Poisons!

At this moment, Lin Xuan was shuttling through the forest, his attitude extremely carefree. He was still unaware of the greater danger and trouble that was about to arrive.

After eating the Blood-Lipid spirit fruit and the serene Silver Orchid flower, the effects hadn't completely worn off, and there was a strange smell floating around him.

Ordinary animals and humans would not notice it, but in the eyes of some powerful Demonic beasts, Lin Xuan was like a walking ginseng fruit, which was quite nourishing to them.

Lin Xuan turned around but there was nothing. He frowned and muttered to himself, "Am I overthinking? I feel like something is following me."

Looking around, there were only giant trees that covered the sky. Other than Lin Xuan, there were no other living beings. The air was filled with a dead silence.

Seeing that nothing was out of the ordinary, Lin Xuan turned around and continued on his way. However, he did not see the strange glint in the Scarlet eyes on the treetops.

The more Lin Xuan thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. It was fine if he couldn't see any ordinary animals, but why wasn't there even the sound of insects or birds? The calmer it was, the more it made him panic.

Just as he was thinking ...


A drop of saliva landed on the ground and instantly corroded a big hole. At the same time, a fishy smell came. Out of his instinct for danger, Lin Xuan quickly hid in his turtle shell.

In the next second, his body was suspended in the air as though he was wrapped in something. The black scales were like black gold, blocking Lin Xuan's vision. He could not see the scene outside at all.

The hissing sound was endless, like the sound of a snake spitting out its temper. Looking at the forked tongue, he knew that he had guessed correctly!

[Seventh-rank Demonic beast, Black Cloud Crimson Snake]

The snake's body was getting tighter and tighter. The pressure from such a huge snake could be imagined. It could almost strangle an elephant to death in an instant. The meat in Lin Xuan's turtle shell was also squeezed.

However, he would never sit still and wait for death. Sharp spikes grew out of his body and the Red snake was caught off guard. It loosened its tail in pain and Lin Xuan fell down.

Looking at the huge creature in front of him, its eyes were like two big lanterns that were flashing, and its sharp fangs were flashing with a dim light. It was obvious that it was poisonous.

After what happened just now, it had learned its lesson and did not roll Lin Xuan up with its tail.

The red snake attacked swiftly like a Black Spirit, fast as lightning, and its body was unpredictable. No wonder he didn't notice it when it was hanging on the tree.

However, Lin Xuan was hidden in the turtle shell, so the Red snake couldn't bite him. As its fangs were blocked by the turtle shell, it seemed like it couldn't hurt Lin Xuan.

However, the Snake's tongue could still ignore the turtle shell's obstruction. Its saliva was all over Lin Xuan's body, and in that instant, he felt extremely disgusted.

[The host has been poisoned.]

Hearing the system notification, Lin Xuan was a little surprised. He didn't expect the Red snake's saliva to be poisonous.

Perhaps it was because of the Silver Orchid, but Lin Xuan didn't feel any discomfort. As long as it wasn't fatal, the poison wouldn't hurt him.

Even so, it couldn't be underestimated. It wouldn't be a joke if one was bitten by these poisonous teeth.

The Red snake was not willing to give up on the delicious food in its hands. It surrounded Lin Xuan and kept hitting him. It was a little afraid of the sharp spikes on the turtle's back, but it felt that the turtle would be unable to hold back sooner or later.

Both parties did not act rashly and waited for the best opportunity. Lin Xuan took the lead and bit the Red snake, adding a state of paralysis to it.

The Red snake wanted to bite back, but Lin Xuan retreated back into the turtle shell. The two Demonic beasts were just going back and forth. If the Red snake could open its mouth to speak, it would probably be cursing.

This way of fighting was simply too shameless.

[The host has been poisoned.]

[The host has been poisoned.]

[The host has been poisoned.]


The system's notifications kept on ringing. Even as the scales of the Red snake were poisonous Lin Xuan held on. If it were any other Demonic beast, it would not have dared to do so and would have died from the poison.

Lin Xuan also wanted to complain.

"This red snake is too resistant."

Lin Xuan was feeling a little dizzy. The poison was slowly taking effect in his body. The snake scales had a certain level of defense, unlike how they dealt with humans, where they would hit the target in one hit.

His attack wasn't high, but with the accumulation of his attacks, the red snake's movements finally became sluggish. It was probably the paralyzing effect that took effect.


With a loud bang, Lin Xuan heaved a sigh of relief as he looked at the Red snake lying on the ground, unable to move. With his attack power, he had to attack the snake's weakest spot when it was immobile.

Take its life when it's sick!

Lin Xuan aimed at the snake's vital spot and stabbed it hard.

[The host has successfully killed the seventh-rank Demonic beast, Black Cloud Crimson Snake. You have received 500 experience points! [Attribute points: 50]

[Devourable creature detected]

[Rank 7 Demonic beast Dark Cloud Crimson Snake (Dead) Devouring success rate 100%]

[Host has activated Devour skill]

[Acquired impervious body!]

Lin Xuan thought he was hallucinating. Good Lord, he is now immune to all poisons and can even resist other types of damage. 

With this physique, it was equivalent to all of his defense improving. The items that had been dropped like these few times were all very useful. It was simply like he was lucky.

[Host: Lin Xuan]

[Level: 17]

[Stage: Black Class rank 7]

[Species: Sharp Shell Turtle (Evolvable)]

[Innate skills: Turtle Aura level 14, Turtle Shell level 12, Devouring Evolution level 11]

[Normal skills: Hardened Skin level 10, Acute Hearing level 8, Powerful Thrust level 9, Defensive Rebound level 8, Paralyze Level 5]

[Agility: 20]

[Hardness (Physical defense): 230]

[Endurance (Magic resistance): 90]

[HP (Vitality strength): 180]

[Lifespan (The estimated number of years that one will live till they die of old age): 500]

[Attack: 25]

[Available attribute points: 50]