The Haunting Humans

As expected of a seventh-rank demonic beast. With the accumulation from before, Lin Xuan's level and realm had improved. Not only that, but his various attributes had also increased a lot.

The Red Snake had played a huge role in the leveling up of his paralysis skill. If he had not been using it on it, he would not have been able to gain so many proficiency points.

He had previously consumed the Serene Orchid Silver Flower, which increased his poison resistance during the battle, and devoured the Red Snake, which was why he had such a Constitution.

"Hehehe, Brother Snake, I have to thank you properly."

Lin Xuan looked at the Red Snake's corpse and suddenly revealed a malicious smile. His way of thanking was, of course…

All the Snake scales, galls, and fangs were taken away. After all, these were all good things. After all, the Red Snake was extremely poisonous. Among the Xuan-class demonic beast, there was almost no creature's poison that could compare with it.

The fangs could be used as mist, while the scales and galls might be useful at critical moments.

Lin Xuan's defense was extremely strong to begin with, and with the addition of the impervious body, he could be said to be an existence that could do whatever he wanted in the forest.

"The only pity is that it doesn't drop any poison-related skills."

However, paralysis was also very useful as it could make the enemy lose their mobility. In addition, he had obtained the poisonous fangs and Snake gall from the Red Snake, which were enough for him to use for self-protection or defense.

This was especially so for the Red Snake's gallbladder. He only needed to dilute a drop of it and it could be used for a long time. It was likely that such a large Snake gallbladder would be enough for him to use for a long time.

There was a commotion not far away and it attracted Lin Xuan's attention. He frowned, "there are more and more people in the forest recently. It seems like we can only take a detour." 

Lin Xuan did not want to get into trouble. After all, he did not lose any attribute points or gain experience from dealing with these people. Other than increasing his skill proficiency, there was no other use. It was better to kill a few more monsters.

Even though he wanted to hide, the hounds had already picked up Lin Xuan's scent.

Woof! Woof! Woof!

Looking at the Hound that was barking at him, Lin Xuan's eyes flashed with ruthlessness.

The commotion here quickly attracted the group of people over. From the sound of their footsteps, there seemed to be quite a number of them.

The hounds have found something new. Maybe they found the Turtle! 

"I've worn out my iron shoes in a long search, but I found it without any effort."

It was obvious that they were here for Lin Xuan. The pressure that this group of people exuded was even stronger, and their overall strength was higher than those before.

'He was really like a ghost!'

Lin Xuan held back the urge to curse. He didn't know why this group of people would go against him. Since that was the case, he didn't need to show mercy.

The Spider silk fell from the sky, emitting a faint light under the refraction of the sun.

The group of people were prepared and knew that Lin Xuan could spray Spider silk. They were very agile and weren't stuck by the Spider silk, but a few drops of liquid fell on their faces.

At first, no one paid attention to it, thinking that it was dew from somewhere. As time passed, they felt a little dizzy and their faces were a little itchy, as if ants were crawling.

At first, they could still bear it, but in the end, they couldn't help but reach out to grab it.

"What's going on? my face is so itchy."

"Me too, could I have been bitten by some mosquito?"

More and more people were scratching their faces crazily, and they didn't stop even when their faces were badly mangled.

At this moment, someone finally reacted, "could it be the liquid just now? We've been poisoned!"

However, it was too late for them to realize this.

Their faces turned blue, and were full of scratches from their fingernails. There was almost no piece of flesh intact.

Lin Xuan revealed a mysterious smile as he watched the group of people fall to the ground. Some of them couldn't even stand steadily. Some of them rolled on the ground or hit trees. They tried to use pain to relieve themselves, but it was like drinking poison to quench their thirst.

They thought that they could just defend against the Spider silk, but little did they know that the originally white Spider silk had long been soaked in the Black cloud Red Snake's venom by Lin Xuan, and the spider silk that was thrown out was poisonous.

The poison of a seventh-rank demonic beast was enough to make this group of people drink a pot of it. If Lin Xuan had not diluted it to avoid wasting it, they would have died on the spot.

Even if it was diluted, when the poison spread to the internal organs, if it could not be detoxified in time, it was likely that it would not be good.

Lin Xuan swaggered away, and behind him were cries of pain.

Xie Zhenlin looked at the number of people who had returned to report on their mission. Not only had their numbers been reduced by a lot, but they were almost disfigured. He asked with a dark expression,"Where did the others go?"

"We were useless. That Turtle's spider web suddenly contained poison. We weren't able to react in time and were all hit."

Fortunately, they were lucky enough to run into someone who came to rescue them. They were probably all going to die there, but some of them couldn't hold on. The poison had entered their lungs and they were powerless to save them.

When Xie Zhenlin heard this, he flew into a rage.

 "It's been so long, but it's just a Turtle. Not only did you not catch it, but you also caused so many casualties. You're all a bunch of trash!"

"The city Lord's Turtle-like methods are truly endless and too treacherous, it's really hard for us to guard against him!"

Xie Zhenlin laughed coldly. It's just a Turtle. You guys make it sound like it's as difficult as dealing with a tenth-rank demonic beast. 

City Lord, you might not know this, but this Turtle's strength is unfathomable. Even now, we still don't know what rank of demonic beast it is. 

First, it could paralyze the enemy, then it could spit out spider silk, and now it was even poisonous. Could it be that this Turtle would continue to evolve?

Xie Zhenlin calmed down. The more difficult it was to deal with this tortoise, the more powerful this demonic beast was. If he could capture it, it would be of great help to him.