Mister Kidney Deficiency?

Xie Zhenlin's gaze flickered, and he had a plan in his heart.

"It seems that this demonic beast is not something that you can deal with at your level."

The group of people lowered their heads in shame.

The two young men beside him stepped forward and said, "We're willing to share your burden, city Lord."

They were all the captains of the city Lord's trusted guards. Each of them was outstanding and had been carefully selected. It could be said that they had extraordinary strength.

The young man in blue was called Li Junhao. His team was known for their speed, high combat power, and fierce attacks. The members of the team were skilled in all kinds of weapons and belonged to the close combat type. Each one of them was extremely powerful in combat.

Yang Wen was standing beside him. Their team was made up of light archers and heavy crossbowmen. Not only did they have a long range, but their coverage was also very wide. Under his leadership, they could fire tens of thousands of arrows at the same time, and they could shoot through the forest from a hundred steps away. They could be called "Godly Archers", and none of their arrows had ever escaped their net.

These two were Xie Zhenlin's right-hand men. Seeing that they had taken the initiative to volunteer, Xie Zhenlin was obviously very satisfied.

Li Junhao and Yang Wen both wanted to take on the task. After all, the city Lord's birthday was around the corner. Whoever could help the city Lord resolve this matter first would definitely be able to gain the city Lord's favor.

"We'll definitely be able to capture that Turtle alive for the city Lord and congratulate him on his birthday!"

"With your words, I can rest assured, then" Xie Zhenlin said approvingly.

"Cough cough!"

Before he could finish, he was interrupted by a person who coughed.

Everyone turned around and saw a pale-faced young man with blue lips. He walked over while waving a folding fan, and the word "Kidney Deficiency" was almost written on his face.

The crowd was shocked. Why was he here?

It was no wonder that everyone was so surprised. It turned out that this person was Su Yu, the captain of the sky transport team. Their team was not good at close combat or long-range attacks, and they were responsible for research and development.

Su Yu, in particular, liked to study some strange weapons. He rarely appeared in front of people and had a very low sense of existence, but he could usually catch people off guard and catch them off guard.

This Turtle is interesting. It just so happens that I've recently extracted a strange poison that can be used on him. 

Everyone thought it was something good, but it turned out to be poison, so they immediately lost interest.

Captain Su, you might not know this, but this Turtle can also use poison. I'm afraid he has a certain resistance to poison. 

The corners of Su Yu's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a faint smile. Is that so? But my poison is not ordinary. Please follow me. 

The crowd followed Su Yu to a wide open space, where a huge iron cage was placed. It was covered with a black cloth, so they could not see what was inside.


A deafening roar of a beast was heard, giving everyone a shock.

"Captain Su, I don't know what kind of creature is in the cage."

Su Yu lifted the black cloth, and what came into everyone's eyes was a monster with a black body and scales all over its body. It was like a small mountain, giving them great pressure.

Its mouth was thin and long. When it saw the crowd, its pupils turned into vertical slits and it quickly assumed an offensive stance. With a sharp howl, it revealed its dense rows of teeth.

"It's a fourth-order demonic beast, the Iron-armored Sawtooth Beast."

Even with the iron cage in the way, everyone could not help but take a step back. The Iron-armored Sawtooth Beast moves slowly. Its attack power is okay, but its defense is very strong. Most importantly, it has a certain Poison resistance. 

Su Yu took out a bottle of emerald green liquid. The color was very beautiful, like Jade. He introduced it to the crowd, "I'll now demonstrate the effect."

Everyone thought that Su You would pour the whole bottle into it. After all, the Iron-armored Sawtooth Beast was huge, and it had defense and Poison resistance.

Who would have thought that he would carefully extract three drops? Such a stingy appearance made everyone speechless.

Captain Su, you don't have to go that far, right? It's better to get more in case the medicine isn't enough. 

Su Yu waved his hand at their kind reminder, telling them not to worry. These three drops will be enough. 

The crowd was a little suspicious, but since Su Yu had said so, they couldn't say anything. Could he really poison the Iron-armored Sawtooth Beast with just this?

Su Yu sprinkled a few drops of the liquid directly on the beast's body, as casually as he could.

The Sawtooth Beast had a thick layer of scales. How could it absorb the poison like this? It was likely that all the poison would be blocked by the scales.

The Sawtooth Beast was irritable and restless, and even kept banging its head against the iron cage. It looked like a lively Dragon and there was no sign of poisoning at all.

"I'm afraid this is an accident."

The moment the words fell, the scales of the Sawtooth Beast that were previously stained with the liquid changed color. At the same time, its movements gradually slowed down. In the end, it could not even stand on its four limbs and could only collapse on the ground.

Just when everyone thought that it was a failure, the effect of the medicine was unbelievable. In just a moment, it was already on the verge of death.

In the face of everyone's shock, Su Yu was extremely calm. Everything was under his control. "If I don't control the dosage, I'm afraid the Saw-toothed Beast will die on the spot." 

"This poison is so powerful."

Everyone sighed with emotion. Even the Saw-toothed beast was like this, let alone the little Turtle.

Su Yu waved the folding fan in his hand, looking unfathomable.

This poison is the result of my combined extraction of the Scorpion poison from the tricolor poison-tailed Scorpion, the Toad poison from the Heavenly Water Jade Toad, and the Bee poison from the Heavenly Fire King Bee. Even a sixth-order demonic beast would find it hard to resist. 

One had to know that these were all highly poisonous creatures, and the toxins were extremely difficult to extract, let alone gather all three kinds of toxins. One could imagine how powerful the damage would be.