The Three Teams Set out Together to Capture The Demonic Turtle!

After listening to Su Yu's explanation, everyone was amazed and couldn't help but clap their hands in wonder. 

"It seems that this task is for you, Captain Su. You will definitely be able to take down this Turtle for the Castellan." 

"I'm afraid that only Captain Su can develop such a strange poison. A single type is already very valuable, let alone so many kinds of them fused together." 

In the face of everyone's compliments, Su Yu said humbly, "You're all flattering me. What I'm doing is just an unorthodox method. I'm talking about catching the enemy off guard." 

In terms of real strength, I'm not as good as Captain Yang and Captain Li. I'll need your cooperation. Otherwise, I won't be able to use all my skills even if I have half a hundred skills. 

Su Yu knew how to conduct himself well. His words were watertight, making Li Junhao and Yang Wen feel comfortable while also making them cooperate and contribute their efforts willingly.

"If that's the case, why don't our three teams move together?"

"I also have the same intention."

"It seems that everyone has the same idea as me."

Looking at the happy and harmonious appearance of the few people, Xie Zhenlin nodded in satisfaction and said, "Then I'll wait for your good news, and then I'll hold a big celebration party for you."

On the other side, Lin Xuan had no idea that the three teams were already fully equipped and ready to set off. They were searching for traces of monsters in the forest. He had a feeling that if he could kill another seventh-rank monster, he would probably level up.

Unfortunately, there were not many seventh-order monster beasts in the forest. Even if there were, they were all in their nests or in the deepest part of the forest. Who would come out for no reason?

The two Spirit fruits in Lin Xuan's body were almost fully digested and would not attract any more powerful demonic beasts.

"How strange. Could it be that these demonic beasts knew that I was coming, so they all went into hiding?"

Lin Xuan sighed as he looked at the cave in front of him. There were huge footprints, so a beast must have lived here before. However, from the traces and smell, this place had been abandoned.

He could only continue to head west. After an unknown amount of time, he arrived at a place where thick gas was present. A faint miasma floated in the air, but it was a strange green color.

"There's a trace of poison in this place." 

Lin Xuan looked at the green gas in front of him. Even the soil here was softer than other places, and he was hesitant to continue.

He remembered that in his previous life, there was a type of spirit fruit that liked to grow in such an environment, but he did not smell the related scent.

"Forget it, I'd better go and try my luck. Maybe I'll have some new discoveries." 

Lin Xuan stepped in and was quickly engulfed by the surrounding green mist. His defense was high and he had an impervious body, so the poison would not have much effect on him.

As the surroundings were filled with miasma, visibility in the air was very low. Most of the plants here grew in strange shapes, and Lin Xuan carefully observed the surroundings.

Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of a black shadow from the corner of his eye.

"What's there!"

Its slender tail was fleeting, and the black scales on it could be vaguely seen. Lin Xuan quickly chased after it.

When he got closer, he saw that the creature was long and narrow, covered in scales, had short and strong limbs, and a flat and long tail. It looked very similar to a Pangolin.

[Tier 5 Demonic Beast Spirit Treasure Pangolin]

He did not expect to encounter a Pangolin here. Although it was not the sixth-tier demonic beast that Lin Xuan was looking for, it was still acceptable if it was a fifth-tier demonic beast.

The most important thing was that this Pangolin was different from ordinary ones. Its entire body was a treasure. Eating its meat was extremely beneficial to demonic beasts. It was equivalent to a walking spiritual plant.

It was also very good at burrowing, so there might be something good in the nest. Thinking of this, Lin Xuan followed closely.

The Pangolin's speed was neither fast nor slow, as if it wanted Lin Xuan to follow it. He did not think too much and did not notice that the gas was getting thicker not far away.

It was only when Lin Xuan stepped into the air and the whole Turtle sank that he realized that he had been brought into a swamp by the Pangolin.

Dead branches and rotten leaves floated on the swamp as if it was flat ground, forming the best camouflage. Unless one was walking on it, it was impossible to tell with the naked eye.

The soft liquid wrapped around Lin Xuan, and he could not exert any strength at all. It was as if there were countless tentacles below him pulling him, dragging him down deeply.

Only then did Lin Xuan notice that there were many white bones floating around the swamp. The Pangolin had not left, and its eyes were shining with a brutal light.

These demonic beasts must have been brought into the ditch by the Pangolin.

"Good fellow, a demonic beast still has so many tricks up its sleeve."

Lin Xuan couldn't help but sigh. Indeed, no matter what kind of creature it was, it would do anything to survive.

The Pangolin was extremely familiar with the terrain here. It had made use of this swamp to wait for the demonic beasts that had accidentally entered it to die before it could reap the benefits. It was indeed a good plan.

The more they struggled, the faster the swamp sank. Unless they relied on external forces, the demon beasts that fell into it would only die.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan was small and not heavy, so he did not sink so quickly. The pangolin was gloating at the side and did not notice the cunning glint in his eyes.

The next second, the Spider silk hung on the branch beside him, and Lin Xuan used it to escape from the swamp bit by bit.

"Little guy, you want to deal with your Grandpa Turtle with your little tricks? Wait for your next life." 

The Pangolin was dumbfounded. Its first reaction was to run. Even a seventh-rank monstrous beast had lost its life in this swamp.

Out of all the monsters that were affected, Lin Xuan was the first one to be able to climb out of the swamp, and at such a fast speed!