Unexpected, Right! He Could Still Reflect!

As time passed, everyone's patience ran out.

"I think the turtle may have died in the swamp. There are so many swamps in the miasma forest, we don't have to waste any more time."

"If this turtle doesn't come out, do we have to keep waiting? Maybe he'll die inside."

No one dared to go in and search rashly. The terrain in the miasma forest was complicated, and there were miasma and dangerous swamps. There was no need to take such a big risk.

After an unknown period of time, just as their patience was about to run out, the hunting dog suddenly became restless, staring at a certain place and suddenly barking.

Everyone was shocked. That turtle was still alive! 

At the same time, Lin Xuan also heard the barking of the hounds. Without a doubt, it was the same group of people who had caught up to him.

His eyes suddenly became particularly sharp. "This group of people really don't want to leave! Is there still an end to this?"

Lin Xuan wondered if he had dug up their ancestral graves. Otherwise, why would they bring a dog to chase him every few days?

He didn't want to have a conflict with this group of people just because he didn't want to cause more trouble. It didn't mean that he was afraid of trouble. Lin Xuan also held back and didn't go all out. If he had known that this would happen, he would've just killed the roots.

Not to mention that this group of people was pressing him step by step, they had challenged his patience time and time again. This was simply bullying the turtle too far! He had to teach them a lesson, or they would really think that he was easy to pick on.

Lin Xuan's expression suddenly became particularly fierce. As he walked out of the miasma forest, his figure was completely exposed to everyone. He looked at the people not far away and suddenly had a thought.

They really think highly of me to send so many people over.


The sound of a sharp blade cutting through the air could be heard. Fortunately, Lin Xuan reacted quickly. The arrow brushed past the turtle shell and stabbed into the tree beside it. Half of the arrow was buried in it.

There was a crack on the trunk that was so deep the bones could be seen. Countless green leaves fell one after another, like a silent deterrence. From this, it could be seen how strong the arm strength of the person who had used the bow and arrow was.

Yang Wen put down the arrow in his hand. "I can't believe that the stinky turtle managed to avoid it."

"Captain Yang, your skill level has dropped," Li Junhao teased. "Is it because you haven't fought in a long time that you're not used to it? Now, you can't even hit a turtle."

Yang Wen did not get angry at his teasing. "Just wait and see, Captain Li. I'll show you the true power of our Bullseye Team."

"Archers, get ready!"

At Yang Wen's command, the people behind him raised their bows and crossbows. Their movements were in unison as if they were cast from the same mold.

The heavy crossbowmen at the side did not join in. There was no need to use a butcher's knife to kill a chicken. It was just a turtle, and the crossbowmen could completely deal with it.

"Release the arrows! Let's see how this turtle can avoid this!"

Countless arrows flew at lightning speed and formed a huge net. Even if Lin Xuan had wings, he would not be able to fly out, let alone three heads and six arms.

As a man, he knew when to yield and when to stretch. Of course, Lin Xuan would not choose to meet the rain of arrows head on.

Yang Wen laughed out loud when he saw Lin Xuan quickly hide in his shell. No wonder there's a saying that a turtle hides its head. It's indeed worthy of its name... 

Every member of the Bullseye Team could shoot an arrow from a hundred steps away. At such a short distance, they could hit the target even with their eyes closed.

There was a dense array of sharp arrows in all directions. Yang Wen could almost see a turtle being turned into a porcupine.

However, in the next second, his smile immediately froze on his face. 

"How could it be like this!" Yang Wen blurted out.

The arrows didn't have any effect when they landed on the turtle shell. They didn't even leave a white mark, let alone pierced through the shell. Those who didn't know would think that they were just scratching an itch.

A series of crackling sounds could be heard as the arrows fell to the ground. Not long after, the area next to the turtle shell was covered in black arrows.

After one round of shooting, the crossbow was empty. Not a single arrow could penetrate Lin Xuan's defense.

The atmosphere fell into a dead silence.

Lin Xuan even stuck his head out and waved proudly.

Su Yu and the others looked at the turtle's human-like actions, as if it was laughing at them. For a moment, no one knew what to say.

Yang Wen's face turned green as he chided angrily, "What's wrong with all of you? Didn't you eat? You can't even kill a turtle."

He had been full of confidence just now, but the current scene was like a tight slap to his face.

Yang Wen felt as if he had lost all his dignity. He gritted his teeth and said, "Archers, increase your attack! Heavy crossbowmen, join the battle too!"

Several giant crossbows that weighed a thousand jin were carried up together like a small mountain, giving people great pressure. If this arrow landed on one's body, it would not be a joke.

Even if it wasn't a fatal wound, one would die on the spot if hit.

"Release the arrows!"

No one noticed that on the face of the turtle, there was an expression of success.

Lin Xuan was waiting for this moment.

Countless arrows were aimed at him, but he felt no fear. Instead, there was an impulse to try.

All of this confidence came from the 'Reflect Skill', and Lin Xuan could try out the true power of this skill.

In his previous battles with the demonic beasts, he had mostly won by using tricks. Although the demonic beasts had attacked him, most of the damage had been offset by his defense.

The greater the force, the stronger the effect of the rebound. Such a scene was just right to display the full power of this skill.

At this moment, it could be said that 10 000 arrows were fired.

Yang Wen was full of ambition. "Fire!"

Countless arrows flew towards Lin Xuan like meteors. It was a spectacular scene, and the huge crossbows even cast a shadow on Lin Xuan's head.


Just as the arrows were about to land, the system's warning tone sounded.

[Reflect Skill successfully used.]