An Ineffective Attack, Hit Yourself

There seemed to be an invisible cover on the turtle shell, wrapping Lin Xuan inside. The moment the arrows touched the turtle shell, everything bounced back.

Lin Xuan felt extremely warm, but it was bloody outside.

Everyone had yet to react to what had happened when their pupils suddenly dilated, as if they had seen something extremely unbelievable.

The arrows took a turn in the air and suddenly circled around before they charged toward Yang Wen's team. Everyone had a look of disbelief on their faces.

The effect of force was reciprocal. The more force they shot out, the more force was returned.

In an instant, the arrows were already very close to them.


"Hurry up and run!"

No matter how fast they were, they couldn't outrun the arrows that were raining down on them. Screams of pain could be heard one after another, and the scene was extremely tragic. Blood even splattered on Li Junhao and Su Yu's faces.

The originally neat team suddenly became a mess.

"W-What's going on..."

Yang Wen was terrified. He didn't know why, but Li Junhao and Su Yu were not affected because they were good at fighting.

Only a small portion of the Bullseye Team managed to escape death. They looked at the large hole on the chest of their comrades and fell to the ground with their eyes wide open. Most importantly, almost all of them had died due to their own arrows.

On the other hand, the turtle was completely fine. It was simply unbelievable and strange.

A huge wave was set off in everyone's hearts, and they all felt a lingering fear.

"It must be some demonic technique that the stinky turtle used!"

Yang Wen could not catch his breath and almost fainted. He had carefully selected the members of the Bullseye Team. Every single one of them was extremely talented or had outstanding looks.

After going through countless battles with him, there were very few casualties. After all, they were long-range attackers and could always maintain a safe distance. But now, in this battle, almost half of them died.

If it wasn't for Li Junhao's quick reaction to support Yang Wen, he would also have fallen to the ground.

"Captain Yang, don't be angry. I will definitely avenge you! No matter how strange this turtle is, he can't use this skill limitlessly. There are so many of us. At most, we'll just attack him one by one. We'll exhaust him to death in a tag-team battle!"

Li Junhao was extremely confident. With Yang Wen as an example, Su Yu could not help but remind him, "Captain Li, you have to be careful. If you can't deal with it, we can capture it alive."

"Just now, Captain Yang used a group attack. Maybe it's the turtle's defense system or skill. You can try a single target attack."

As expected of the captain of the Sky Convoy, Su Yu quickly discovered the problem and pointed it out to Li Junhao.

Li Junhao nodded and led his men forward. Under the rain of arrows, the turtle was unscathed, which really shocked them.

]"However, he won't be so lucky next time. First team, go!"

With Su Yu's reminder, Li Junhao did not choose to attack rashly. Instead, he split into a few small teams and carefully approached Lin Xuan.

These people's steps were vigorous, their temples were bulging, but their breathing was steady and strong. One look was enough to tell that they were martial artists. They held all kinds of weapons in their hands, and it could be said that they came with ill intentions.

Pa da!

The sound of the wind breaking through the air could be heard. A spirit snake was seen taking the lead, moving as fast as lightning and instantly wrapping around Lin Xuan's body. Upon closer inspection, it was a long whip.

The one who used the long whip was a middle-aged man. The whip was so agile that it seemed to have been given life. It was almost too much for the eyes to take.

At the same time, a meteor hammer followed closely behind. It was so fast that it even created lights in the air, leaving a long and dazzling trail of sparks behind it.

Of the eighteen types of weapons, there were only the unexpected ones. There was nothing that this group of people couldn't take out. It could be said that they were like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical abilities.

The meteor hammer and whip both tried to lock Lin Xuan's limbs, but he immediately retracted back into his turtle shell like a loach, so slippery that no one could find a place to lay their hands on.

"Dammit, could it be that this turtle has really become a spirit?"

Everyone returned empty-handed and was filled with anger. However, there was nothing they could do to Lin Xuan. All sorts of weapons hit the turtle shell, but the damage seemed to be futile and they could not break through the defense at all.

The man wielding the meteor hammer struck hard, but was reflected back by the turtle shell. The impact numbed his hand, and the giant hammer that was half the height of a man fell from his hand, accidentally hitting his companion beside him.

"Argh! My foot!"

The scene instantly became chaotic, and Li Junhao's expression gradually turned ugly.

Lin Xuan took advantage of the chaos and bit the long whip in the air, his whole body hanging in the air.

The man thought that he had hit Lin Xuan and quickly claimed credit. "I got a hit on the stinky turtle!"

Who would have thought that the whip would suddenly change its position in mid-air and hit the rock beside it? The man's eyes were filled with fear. He tried to pull the whip back, but he found that the whip did not seem to listen to his control.

Su Yu suddenly had a bad feeling.


With a loud bang, the hard turtle shell hit the rock wall, and sparks flew in an instant. Lin Xuan used the force to counter the impact, and a huge crack suddenly appeared on the rock, spreading rapidly in all directions like a spider web.

Su Yu's pupils suddenly shrank. "Get out of here!"