The Turtle That Suddenly Came Back To Life

Hearing his words, Li Junhao could not help but roll his eyes. "Captain Yang, are you joking? This turtle is already dead. Why would it even blink at you?"

Yang Wen rubbed his temples. "Maybe I'm too tired. That's why I'm seeing things. I'm sorry to have made a fool of myself." 

Although he said so, he couldn't help but look at the turtle. It would have been better if he didn't look, but he was shocked when he saw it. This time, he saw that even the turtle's limbs moved. He exclaimed, "The turtle has come back to life!"

Li Junhao was a little speechless by his shock. "What's wrong with you, Captain Yang? You're usually a steady person. Why are you spouting nonsense now?"

Yang Wen quickly explained, "No, I really saw it move its limbs."

Facing everyone's doubtful gazes that obviously did not believe him, even Yang Wen could not help but wonder if he was hallucinating.

Lin Xuan, who was using the 'Fake Death' skill, almost laughed out loud. He would play tricks on them from time to time, treating them like monkeys. For some time, people present claimed that they saw the turtle come back to life.

It would be fine if just one person said that, but more and more people claimed to have seen it. However, in the eyes of the others, Lin Xuan couldn't be any colder. The two sides almost started fighting.

In the end, Su Yu stepped in and snorted. "I'd like to see what's playing tricks here." 

Then, he reached out his hand and grabbed Lin Xuan.

"Captain Su, be careful," Yang Wen quickly reminded him, but Su Yu easily grabbed the turtle shell. The turtle's limbs and head drooped limply, and there were no signs of life.

"See? I told you this stinky turtle is dead. The corpse you saw earlier must be twitching and twitching," he concluded as he shook it hard, but then he noticed that everyone's expression had become extremely strange. "What's with your expressions?"

Yang Wen's voice was filled with anxiety. "Captain Su, the turtle has really come back to life!"

Su Yu thought he was joking. As Lin Xuan's head was facing the crowd, he did not see it. However, everyone could see it clearly. The turtle raised its head and looked at them coldly with its green bean-sized eyes.

Yang Wen and Li Junhao could not help but feel a chill in their hearts. They had never felt this way when they were facing a powerful demon beast. That gaze was indescribable. It was filled with ridicule and disdain. He was just a turtle, but he had a decisive aura of killing that was above all living beings. They were extremely shocked and all of them were stunned on the spot.

When Su Yu aimed the tortoiseshell at himself, a black shadow suddenly flashed by. He couldn't even see Lin Xuan's movements. The earth-shattering scream pulled everyone's consciousness back to reality. The scene was a little comical, but they couldn't laugh.

There was a turtle on Su Yu's face, looking like it was strangling his throat. He tried his best to break free, but he couldn't. Lin Xuan bit his nose hard, determined to teach him an unforgettable lesson so that he would be traumatized by turtles for the rest of his life. 

It was not easy to separate them. Although Su Yu's face normally looked a little pale, he still looked graceful, but at this moment, he could only be described as tragic.

"Captain Su, are you alright?" everyone asked cautiously.

Su Yu forced a smile, but it was so painful that he gritted his teeth. He replied, "I'm fine!"

However, the bloody wound on his face made his words unconvincing. Although his martial strength was not the highest, his keen observation skills and calm and witty mind allowed him to gain a place in the family. His status was even on the verge of surpassing Yang Wen and Li Junhao.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been the leader this time. But now, he had suffered a huge setback at the hands of a turtle. Even though Yang Wen and Li Junhao had suffered heavy casualties, they were definitely not in such a sorry state. He had lost all face.

Looking at the safe and sound turtle, Su Yu's expression was cold, like a poisonous snake hissing. "Let's go!"

Everyone returned to the temporary camp. Compared to the high-spirited state they were in before they set off, their morale was low and they returned dejected.

Su Yu had already taken care of his wound, but there remained a row of fine teeth marks on his face, and with the purple marks, he looked extremely awkward. The dead silence spread. No one spoke. In the end, Yang Wen was the first to break the silence. 

"I didn't expect this turtle to be even more difficult to deal with than we thought."

Li Junhao was also extremely shocked. "Not only did the bullseye team return in defeat, even we couldn't do anything to him."

"Neither long-range attacks nor melee attacks work, not even poison—" Yang Wen paused. He knew that he had said something wrong and quickly looked at Su Yu, but Su Yu had his head lowered, and his expression could not be seen clearly.

"Are we really unable to do anything to this turtle?"

"When we left, we issued a Military Order, and we were waiting to bring this turtle to the City Lord's birthday celebration. Now that the result is like this, I'm afraid the City Lord will be greatly disappointed in us."

Disappointment was a small matter compared to losing the trust of the city Lord. That would be a big matter. At this point, everyone was at their wit's end. They could only look at Su Yu. "Captain Su, what do you think we should do next?"

Su Yu chuckled, but it was a smile that made people panic. "It seems like we can only use that. It was still in the research and development stage and a little unstable, so I didn't want to take it out."

When the members of the Tianji Convoy heard him, they said in surprise, "But that hasn't been successfully developed yet. What if…"