The Ultimate Secret Weapon "Will-O-Wisp"

Su Yu hated Lin Xuan to the extreme. He even took out an undeveloped weapon. It was clear that he was going to put in a lot of effort this time.

The hatred in his eyes was so intense that it almost materialized into a burning flame. He gritted his teeth and said, "Even if it's not successfully developed, it doesn't affect its power."

Everyone was shocked by Su Yu's twisted expression and facial features, and no one dared to say anything.

"If I don't skin this bastard alive, I won't be able to dispel the hatred in my heart."

Yang Wen and Li Junhao looked at each other. They had not heard that the Tianji Fleet had been researching anything recently. It seemed that they had done an excellent job of keeping it a secret.

"What exactly are you guys talking about? don't keep us in suspense," Yang Wen asked curiously.

Su Yu did not answer directly. His eyes were filled with determination. I have a plan. It's absolutely foolproof this time. You'll know when the time comes. 

When night fell, everyone gathered again. The members of several teams guessed, "are we going to launch another attack?"

"Didn't we suffer heavy casualties during the day? I'm afraid it's even more disadvantageous for us at night."

"I heard that this operation was personally ordered by Captain Su, and it's only convenient to act at night." 

Yang Wen and Li Junhao were also confused. Su Yu didn't tell them the details of the battle plan and only told them to gather the people.

Su Yu was holding a can in his hand. The shape of the can was very simple, and it looked quite old. It was engraved with words and symbols that were difficult to understand. It was like a heavenly book, and it made people confused.

Something could be vaguely seen jumping in it.

Everyone fixed their eyes on it. It was actually a ball of green flames!

"How can there be flames of such a color?"

Compared to everyone's shock and astonishment, the members of the Tianji Fleet looked at the ball of fire with extremely complicated gazes. Upon closer inspection, there was even a bit of fear.

"This is ghost fire. It's very lethal, and once it's ignited, it's hard to put it out." 

Hearing Su Yu's introduction, the others couldn't believe it. How could a small flame have such great destructive power? 

"Are you kidding me?"

Yang Wen and Li Junhao finally knew what Su Yu was going to do.

He was actually planning to set the mountain on fire!

It must be noted that this coastal forest covered a vast area, and there were many animals, some demonic beasts, and even some precious plants living in it.

If he released the ghostly fire, all of this would probably be reduced to nothing.

However, no one stopped Su Yu. After all, in their eyes, no matter if it was an animal or a demonic beast, they were just animals. Their lives were not worth anything.

Su Yu opened the jar, and like a Pandora's Box being opened, the dark green flame instantly soared high.

The cold air hit them in the face, and everyone couldn't help but shiver. It was as if they saw the gates of hell open, and the huge tongue of fire swept everything around, instantly assimilating the surroundings.

Under the night sky, the flickering flames floated in the air, and the sky was stained with a dark color. It was extremely strange.

From afar, it looked like the river of forgetfulness from hell.

The river water was dark green, reflecting the pained faces of the dead souls. Wherever it passed, there was dead silence. Those green spots of light were the painful souls trapped in the flames, unable to be freed.

A hamster seemed to have been attracted by the commotion here. It had just popped its head out when it was swallowed by the green flames.

They didn't even hear a scream. Earth Mouse was burned to the point that not even ashes were left. Everyone was extremely shocked and couldn't speak for a long time.

Even though the flame was cold, the temperature inside was extremely high. Such a terrifying power was worthy of the name "Ghost fire ".

"Let's go," he said.

The ghostly fire was imprinted in Su Yu's eyes, and his whole face looked a little scary.

The three teams quickly retreated, and behind them was a sky full of flames.

Lin Xuan didn't know that this group of people would be so crazy to think of using 'Will-O-Wisp' to burn the mountain to deal with him because they had finally retreated.

"I've suffered a big loss this time. I'm sure they won't come looking for trouble with me again."

However, this was not a place to stay for long. In order to avoid trouble, Lin Xuan decided to leave.

However, not long after, he felt a cold aura. Lin Xuan thought that it was because the night was too cold and did not take it to heart. However, he saw a green light not far ahead.

"There are still fireflies in this season?"

Lin Xuan was a little surprised. When he got closer, he realized that it was not a Firefly but a green flame!

"How can there be such a strange flame?"

Lin Xuan frowned. He didn't feel the temperature rise. Instead, he felt a little cold. Other than the strange color, the flame didn't seem to have any killing power.

This thought had just appeared in his mind, but it was overturned by what happened next.

All flying insects had the habit of lunging at fire, and not far away, a Tier 3 Golden-winged poisonous Gray Moth flew over.

It seemed to be attracted by the green flames and flew over subconsciously.

Before it could get close, it was only touched by a little spark. The green flame came menacingly and its body instantly expanded, swallowing the gray moth. Lin Xuan did not even see a residue.

He was dumbfounded. The whole process took less than a second, and the shocking change happened almost in an instant. The green flames were like wolves that had smelled blood and were about to spread over.

Lin Xuan didn't dare to be careless and immediately turned to run.

"F*ck, this fire is too terrifying!"

Even if it was an Insect, it was still a tier-three demonic beast. However, in front of this ball of flames, it was not worth mentioning at all.

Lin Xuan had never seen such a terrifying and strange flame before. It was definitely the work of those people. It was still fine before.