A Wisp of Earth Vein True Qi

Not far away, a green light shot up from the ground like a pillar of light, completely blocking Lin Xuan's retreat. There were pillars of light in all directions, and his gaze gradually became serious.

There's also this strange fire over there. It seems like we can't go there. 

The fire was blazing and had already engulfed many places. Even if they were animals or demonic beasts, no matter how fast they were, they could not escape this disaster. They could not even make a sound before they were turned to ashes.

The entire coastal forest had become the Paradise of this strange fire, and a dead silence pervaded the air. There were no screams or wails, but it was even more terrifying.

The green flames were like the Grim Reaper that reaped lives, mercilessly invading and occupying this land.

Lin Xuan felt a little sad. Countless animals and demonic beasts had lost their lives because of him, but he couldn't do anything. After all, he was like a clay Bodhisattva crossing the river.

"In the end, I still underestimated the human heart."

If he had known this earlier, he would have tried to poison this group of people to death even if both sides were injured. Perhaps the coastal forest would not have suffered such a big problem.

Lin Xuan had turned into a Mystic Turtle here and obtained the system. It could be said that he had a Second Life, so he had a different feeling for this land.

As far as the eye could see, the whole place was scorched earth, like hell on earth, no longer the scene from before.

Lin Xuan didn't think that this group of people would be so crazy to the point that they would do anything to deal with him, even releasing this strange fire to burn the mountain.

The fire was getting bigger and bigger, with a destructive force, devouring all the life around. Lin Xuan had no way to retreat, and the green flames were everywhere.

He knew how terrifying and powerful the strange fire was, so he planned to find a place to hide first and avoid this disaster.

"Since there's no way to go up to heaven, I might as well go down to earth!"

Lin Xuan's gaze landed on the ground. 

"Even if the fire was strong, it couldn't burn through the ground."

The situation this time was completely different from the last time in the Volcano. The green fire was strange and fierce, and it would not be extinguished for a while.

Even if he had fire immunity and a strong defense, if he was missing for a few days and nights, he would be half-dead if not dead.

It was never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Moreover, turtles have long lifespans. As long as he was still breathing, he would definitely make these people pay him back a hundred times or a thousand times in the future.

Lin Xuan chose a spot where the soil was softer and started to dig a hole. According to the destructive power of the flames, he had to dig a hole at least a hundred meters deep.

Just as he moved, a huge tongue of fire quickly spread along the vegetation.

[You've been attacked by Will-O-Wisp]

[You've been attacked by Will-O-Wisp]

Lin Xuan ignored the system notification.

The 'Will-O-Wisp' was lethal, so he could barely endure it.

The faint flames gradually engulfed Lin Xuan's body, and the world in his eyes changed completely. Everything was shrouded in green light, and everything was filled with an ominous and strange feeling.

An extremely cold feeling came, and the surrounding temperature dropped to zero in an instant. As the center of the Will-O-Wisp enveloped him, the temperature rose rapidly.

Like riding a roller coaster, Lin Xuan's entire being fell into the realm of Ice and Fire. It was almost a hundred times more destructive than ordinary flames. Even when he was in the magma, he had never felt this way.

The speed of his hands did not slow down either, and he continued to dig.

After an unknown period of time, Lin Xuan's Turtle shell was corroded by the Will-O-Wisp, giving off a green glow while his body temperature was boiling hot.

Lin Xuan had no doubt that if he were to be thrown into cold water, the water would boil instantly.

Under the burning of the Will-O-Wisp, his consciousness became somewhat fuzzy. He only felt that his head was heavy and his feet were light. His digging speed also became slower and slower, and his four limbs could not muster up any strength.

"No, I can't slow down!"

Lin Xuan was practically throwing his life away. There were even blood stains on his claws. He was like a machine that did not know fatigue as he continued to dig.

He kept going down and down. He was probably a few hundred meters deep now. His surroundings became darker and darker. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he actually saw a white light rising slowly not far away.

"That's strange. What is that thing?"

Lin Xuan moved forward, but halfway through, the claw stopped in mid-air as if it had touched a barrier, stopping him from moving forward.

He gathered all the strength in his body and jabbed.


Something seemed to have shattered, and a wisp of white gas escaped from it and quickly entered his body.

'It's finished!'

Lin Xuan's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that he had accidentally released some poisonous gas from underground?

There was a raging ghost fire above and poisonous gas underground. It was simply not safe.

The huge impact caused Lin Xuan's vision to turn black, and the last thing he heard before he lost consciousness was the system notification.

[Congratulations, Host, you've obtained a Wisp of Earth Vein True Qi.]

[A scattered Wisp of Earth Vein True Qi, lacking a medicinal catalyst for awakening will not allow the Host to break through the bottleneck and awaken as an Earth-grade Beast. Perhaps Host still lacks a chance. ]

The Earth Vein True Qi wrapped Lin Xuan within, resonating with the Black Turtle Shell. From afar, it looked like a Tai Chi Yin Yang Eight Trigrams pattern, full of indescribable Dao rhythm.

Even the ghostly fire that had come menacingly earlier had to retreat. It was extremely obedient in front of this Wisp of True Energy, completely unlike its previous fierce and ruthless appearance.

It could be seen that the Earth Vein True Qi had a strong background. With its protection, even if Lin Xuan lost consciousness, his life would not be in danger.