Plant Turtle? The Problem Was How to Bring It Back

The fire burned for three days and three nights without any signs of extinguishing. The forest that used to be there had become scorched earth, without any signs of life.

It wasn't until the fourth day that the flames showed a tendency to gradually blow out, because there really wasn't anything that could be burned anymore.

On the fifth day, the Will-O'-the-Wisp was finally extinguished. Su Yu and the others, who were guarding outside, received the news immediately and set out for the forest.

"Even if he's a thousand year turtle, I don't believe that he'll be able to survive!"

Su Yu was confident in the Will-O'-the-Wisp, and there was no possibility of him failing this time.

Everyone searched around for Lin Xuan. The ground was still warm when they stepped on it, which showed how powerful this ghost fire was. Looking around, there was only black scorched earth with no other colors.

The air was filled with a strange smell, and the surface of the ground was full of traces of burning cracks. Deep ravines extended all the way to the bottom of the ground, like a centipede, ugly to the extreme.

Who would have thought that this place used to be a paradise for plants and animals? In comparison to its past state, it was like heaven and earth.

"The Will-O'-the-Wisp was so powerful. It can't be that the turtle's body has been burned to ashes, right?"

"That's unlikely. This stinky turtle's defense is pretty good. It should be able to keep its turtle shell."

Just as everyone was searching, they suddenly heard a cry of surprise.

"You guys, come over and take a look."

Su Yu and the others quickly walked over. In a deep ravine, someone found something that looked like charcoal. Its whole body was burnt black, and the lines of a turtle shell could be vaguely seen.

Most importantly, there were still signs of life!

Even if Lin Xuan turned into ashes, they would still be able to recognize him. Everyone was shocked. 

"This turtle is still alive!"

Su Yu's pupils suddenly shrank. His first reaction was that it was impossible, but the fact was right in front of him, so he had to believe it.

After taking a closer look, he realized that something was wrong. Although this turtle still has signs of life, it was not moving at all. It was really strange. 

"So is he dead or alive now?"

Everyone was confused. They could say that Lin Xuan was dead, but there were signs of life. They could say that he was alive, but the Will-O'-the-Wisp was so fierce, and it had burned for several days and nights. How could there be a living creature? Even the entire forest had turned into a dead silence.

Moreover, he was in a vegetative state among humans. Although he was alive, he was no different from a dead person.

Could this be a plant turtle?

No matter what, this was enough to prove that this turtle was extraordinary.

After being roasted by the ghost fire for several days and nights, he could still retain his life. Whether he was brought back to be presented to the City Lord or used for research, he would have great value.

"Forget it, the most important thing now is to bring him back."

Yang Wen and the rest took out their net to capture Lin Xuan. However, the moment they touched his turtle shell, the net seemed to be melted by the high temperature and instantly turned into a pool of liquid.

What was going on?! 

Everyone was shocked by the strange scene in front of them. Could it be because of the ghost fire?

They then changed to a stronger beast-catching tool. The cage made of black iron was extremely strong. Once a demon beast entered it, it would be difficult to escape.

Even so, it couldn't escape the fate of being melted. It was only a moment slower than the net, and it soon became scrap iron.

Everyone was dumbfounded. No matter what tool it was, it met the same fate.

"What's the situation now?"

Su Yu's eyes were filled with excitement, as if he had discovered a new continent. He said excitedly, "Doesn't this turtle have a strong poison? Maybe the Will-O'-the-Wisp mutated after coming into contact with the poison."

However, these were all only Su Yu's conjectures. As for the specific reasons, he would have to wait until he transported Lin Xuan back to study him carefully.

However, this did not affect Su Yu's interest in him. The others were also extremely excited. such an extraordinary item for the City Lord, it must be a rare treasure. 

"But we can't touch anything, so how are we going to bring this turtle back?"

This was a serious problem.

All the previous animal-catching tools were useless, and no one dared to act rashly for a while. After all, they had learned a lesson from their previous experience. If they caught it with their bare hands, they would be taking a great risk.

Su Yu seemed to have thought of something.

"Since the container can't contain him, we can't bring him back with our abilities. But if it's an Earth Class expert, they can condense true Qi outside their body and use it to wrap him up and bring him back. All the problems will be solved."

However, the strongest person present was Li Junhao. Even though he was only at the peak of the Black Class, he could not expel true Qi from his body, much less condense it.

"Captain Li, do you want to give it a try?"

Facing everyone's gazes, Li Junhao waved his hands. "Don't look at me. Although the peak of the Black Class and the Earth Class are only one level apart, the difference in strength between the two is like heaven and earth. I can't do that."

If one could only reach the peak of martial arts at the Black Class, then after entering the Earth Class, one could transform true Qi into the body to fight. One could even use true Qi to form armor and so on. It was a series of unpredictable means.

Among the Profound, Earth, Sky, Star, Moon, and Sun Class, to ordinary people, the Profound Class was already unfathomable, flying on roofs and vaulting on walls was not a problem.

However, Li Junhao was just a beginner. It was said that those who cultivated the Sun Class could even step through the void and fly into the sky. However, these were all just legends, and no one had ever seen it.

Although, it was undeniable that practitioners above the Mystic Class were all extremely powerful. If they were to go a little higher, they would be able to turn the clouds and rain easily.

"In that case, the only thing we can do now is to send someone to invite that person out of the mountain."

Su Yu's expression became extremely respectful when he said this. At a closer look, he even looked a little afraid.

Yang Wen and Li Junhao instantly fell silent. Only that person could make them reveal such an expression.