If You Don't Enter The Tiger's Den, How Can You Catch The Tiger Cub?

"Please forgive us, City Lord. We underestimated the strength of that turtle. We didn't expect him to be so difficult to deal with. Fortunately, the Young City Lord intervened in the end and we didn't fail our mission. This time, it's all thanks to the Young City Lord."

Even Su Yu couldn't do anything to it, which made Xie Zhenlin even more interested in the turtle. "It's a pity that the turtle is already dead. If it was alive, it might have even greater research value. It's already dead, so there would be no use. Forget it. It's good that you brought it back."

Seeing that the City Lord had no intention of pursuing the matter, Su Yu heaved a sigh of relief. "Thank you, City Lord." 

"Tell the people below to keep their mouths shut. If the news gets out, outsiders will think that we couldn't even deal with a turtle and had to spend so much effort."

Su Yu nodded quickly. "Don't worry, City Lord.. I'll keep my subordinates in check. They won't say anything."

Xie Zhenlin's gaze landed on Xie Yixuan. "I heard you've been in closed-door cultivation recently. Is everything going well?"

Xie Yixuan was very confident. "I've already touched the threshold. I'm just a paper window short of breaking through. It shouldn't be long before I advance."

He nodded his head in satisfaction. "Go back and have a good rest. Your uncle and the others will be attending tomorrow's birthday banquet."

On the other hand, when the footsteps got further away and there was no movement outside, Lin Xuan deactivated his fake death and opened his eyes.

However, he was shocked when he saw a floor full of rare treasures that almost filled the entire warehouse. There was an Eastern Sea Coral Tree on the left which was half-a-man tall, and grew thousands of meters deep in the sea. It had the miraculous effect of nourishing the body, and its branches could be used in medicine.

There were also all sorts of antique calligraphy and paintings. Even though he didn't know much about them, he could tell that they were authentic. They had a sense of history and were worth a lot of money.

"What a good fellow. It's the City Lord's birthday and he received so many good things." Lin Xuan was extremely grateful. He faked his death to make them let down their guard and then escape. But now, he was directly sent to the treasure vault. He really had to thank them now. If he didn't rob them, it wouldn't make sense.

As he was about to make his move, he was bounced back. His expression froze, remembering the ball of energy wrapped around him. He tried to touch it with his hand. The ball was very elastic and felt like a bubble made of rubber.

Xie Yixuan wrapped his vital energy around him…

He had a bad feeling. This time, he increased his strength, but there was still no effect. It was like punching cotton. No matter how much strength he had, it wasn't useful.

"No way… Am I going to be locked up here forever?" He kept banging around in the barrier, but even when he made a dent in it, it instantly returned to its original state, nullifying his power. He couldn't find a way to break through.

He panted, "I don't believe that I can't break you, you damn thing."

One should never underestimate the ability of an earth-rank, but in the end, he did just that. He calmed himself. "If it's difficult to break through the entire barrier, is there a possibility that I can break through it at one point and let the true energy inside leak out? That way, I can escape."

Compared to the first method, the second method was much simpler. He had an idea of trying to pierce a small hole in the true energy barrier. It was a good thing that he had saved up some attribute points and had not used them yet. He added all of them to Powerful Thrust and Hardened Skin.

After the strengthening, he began to exert force again. This time, he aimed at a certain point on the barrier.

[Hardened Skin successfully used.]

[Powerful Thrust successfully used.]

Compared to attacking the entire barrier, he only aimed at a certain point this time. As expected, he didn't feel a strong resistance. Soon, he felt the barrier shake.

Da da da da-

Just as he was about to succeed, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from outside.

"Damn it, why is someone here at this time?"

The footsteps were getting closer and closer. He had no choice but to give up. He immediately shrank back into his turtle shell and began to play dead so that he wouldn't be discovered.

With a creak, the door of the treasure vault opened and Lin Xuan could smell the strong smell of alcohol.

"The Young City Lord is too much. He's just having a good time drinking, but he wants me to make this stinky turtle into a specimen. Can't he ask someone else to go…" The soldier grumbled continuously. He was under Xie Yixuan's orders to present the turtle as a specimen at the City Lord's birthday banquet, symbolizing the beautiful meaning of a long and boundless lifespan. After all, turtles were long-lived animals, and this one was different from other ordinary turtles.

Lin Xuan wanted to curse when he heard this. They actually wanted to make him into a specimen!

The soldier injected a wisp of Qi that Xie Yixuan gave him into the barrier. With the injection of Qi, the originally indestructible barrier began to thaw rapidly like ice.

He hiccuped, and his hands stopped moving. The infusion of true energy was interrupted, and the barrier that had melted slowly returned to its original state.

Lin Xuan suddenly realized that only true Qi could fight against true Qi. He remembered the thread of Earth Vein True Qi he had obtained before. He thought it was just something to collect, but he didn't expect it to have such a use.

While he was immersed in his thoughts, the barrier was just a little bit away from being completely removed. 

The soldier took out a dagger that glowed with a cold light and approached the turtle. It seemed like he was planning to bleed it.