A Great Opportunity

The foot soldier had just picked up the tortoise when he felt an intense pain in his palm. Before he could react to what happened, his vision turned black and he fainted completely.

The entire process only took a few seconds. Lin Xuan looked at the soldier on the ground and the spikes on the turtle shell retracted.

He didn't expect the upgraded powerful thrust to be so powerful. In addition to the numbing effect, the little soldier didn't have any power to fight back and fainted.

However, Lin Xuan did not kill him, so the soldier would only be unconscious for a dozen hours at most before waking up. When he woke up the next morning, he would only feel that he had drunk too much and slept.

As the soldier fainted, the true energy stopped flowing in. As expected, the barrier returned to its original state and wrapped Lin Xuan up again.

But this time, he knew how to deal with zhenqi[a][b], so he was not flustered.

[Earthstring true qi successfully used]

Lin Xuan attached his true qi to the turtle's back, and a warm current flowed through his body. It was like soaking in a hot spring, filling him with energy.

This true qi is indeed a good thing. It seems that I have to advance to the earth rank as soon as possible. 

As the spikes emerged again, the barrier began to shake. Soon, a crack appeared on the top, and it began to spread like a spider web.

This true qi was like a pass. Compared to the effort he had put in before, this time, it was effortless.


Not long after, the entire barrier dissolved and Lin Xuan finally broke through the shackles, breathing in the fresh air outside.

Lin Xuan didn't leave immediately. He walked around the treasure vault. 

After suffering such a huge loss, it's really unreasonable if I don't pay for the mental damage. 

Lin Xuan's lips curved up slightly, his smile a little evil.

Other than all kinds of treasures, most of the remaining gifts were mainly spiritual herbs. A faint medicinal fragrance floated in the air. Looking at the spiritual herbs that were piled up like a small mountain, his eyes lit up and he immediately pounced on them.

In addition to the commonly seen deer antlers and bear galls, which were precious parts of animals, there were also many hundred-year-old spirit plants.

"Eight-pointed frozen grass!"

"Ice-fire snake scale fruit!"

"Cockscomb phoenix sunflower!"

"Silver spirit heaven's heart!"

Lin Xuan was drooling as he looked at them. The medicinal effects of these plants were very mild, and there would be no side effects even if he ate them directly, not to mention his thick skin.

The whiskers of some of the hundred-year-old ginseng were like human limbs. It even had facial features that were white and chubby like a baby.

I heard that when ginseng grows to a certain age, it will become like a human. Eating this kind of ginseng is a great supplement. 

Lin Xuan took a bite without hesitation. It was a little bitter in the mouth, but it immediately became extremely sweet.

It seems that this city lord is quite powerful. I can tell from the gifts sent by the four parties. I wonder what kind of person he is. 

When he entered the city, Lin Xuan was in a state of suspended animation and did not have time to look at his surroundings. When he opened his eyes, he found himself in the treasure vault and could not help but feel curious.

He casually opened a bottle of pills, and the pills inside rolled out like jelly beans. The air was immediately filled with a strong medicinal fragrance. Just smelling it was refreshing, and there was no need to eat it.

"There are several precious herbs in this pill. I'm afraid it's not easy to make."

Lin Xuan ate bottle after bottle like he was eating snacks, not worried that he would burst.

These are all good things. The city lord can't finish them all, so I'm just trying my best to help. 

Not long after, all the medicine bottles were empty. Lin Xuan swept the clouds away and swept them all away, leaving not even a single residue.


Lin Xuan felt his stomach bulging as he lay on the ground, quietly absorbing and digesting the energy. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt a little hot.

"The temperature seems to have increased."

Lin Xuan began sweating profusely as if there was a fire raging all over his body. Even his heart was beating wildly as if it were going to jump out the next second.

He looked at his red limbs and quickly realized that the medicine was taking effect in his body.

At this moment, he could clearly feel several inexplicable forces flowing through his body, along his meridians and blood, eventually hitting a major acupuncture point.

A monster's body structure was different from a human's, and it was stronger to a certain extent. Moreover, Lin Xuan had been strengthened by the system. If it were any other human or monster, they would not be able to take it at all.

Even so, Lin Xuan felt a little uncomfortable after consuming a large number of spirit herbs and elixirs, as well as a few hundred-year-old ginsengs.

"I've overdone it."

Bright red blood flowed out from his nose, and his entire body felt uncomfortable. Lin Xuan even began banging his head against the wall to vent his anger.

Bang Bang Bang!

Fortunately, the sound insulation of the treasure vault was very good, and the walls were also very hard. No matter how much noise he made, the outside could not hear the movements inside.

"Damn it, I shouldn't have eaten so much."

Lin Xuan was a little regretful, but his regret was useless now. If someone were to enter the treasure vault at that moment, they would definitely find an extremely strange scene.

A completely red turtle that looked like it had been cooked was rolling back and forth and hitting its head against the wall repeatedly.

He didn't know how long it took for the uncomfortable feeling to finally ease up, but it was eventually replaced by an unprecedented comfort.

It was as if all the violent energy in his body had turned into trickles of water, nourishing his meridians and dantian.

After the medicine took effect, the benefits it brought to Lin Xuan were immense. It was as if he had been reborn, and his body was unprecedentedly relaxed as if he were floating in the air.

As the saying goes, "bitter first, sweet later." After tasting the sweetness, Lin Xuan actually felt that the pain before was worth it.

"Eh, What's this?"


[b]capitalise or no?