Shocking! Herb of Awakening

From the corner of his eye, Lin Xuan saw something on the turtle's back. With the help of a reflective object, he finally saw it clearly.

The originally black turtle shell started to turn emerald green, and from afar, it looked like jade. Lin Xuan's sharp eyes noticed that there were some bizarre patterns on it, which looked very strange.

It was a pity that his four limbs were too short to reach the turtle's back. Otherwise, he would have tried to touch it.

Lin Xuan looked at it for a long time, but he couldn't figure out what it was. It looked like some kind of totem, but it gave off a messy feeling.

How strange. There were no such things on the turtle's back before. 

Lin Xuan was sure that there were no patterns on the turtle shell in the past, but he didn't know if they had grown recently or just now. He didn't know what these patterns meant either.

It seemed that he would have to pay more attention to the changes on the turtle's back in the future.

It wasn't just the tortoise shell. He opened his attribute panel, and when he saw the numbers on it, his mouth fell open.

[Host: Lin Xuan]

[Level: 20]

[Stage: Black level rank 10]

[Species: Sharp shell turtle (evolvable)]

[Innate skills: Turtle aura; level 22, turtle shell; level 20, devouring evolution; level 18]

[Normal skills: Hardened skin; level 17, acute hearing; level 15, powerful thrust; level 18, defensive rebound; level 15, paralyze; level 14]

[Agility: 40]

[Hardness (physical defense): 400]

[Endurance (magic resistance): 200]

[HP (vitality strength): 300]

Lifespan (the estimated number of years that one will die of old age): 500

[Attack: 30]

[Available attribute points: 0]

All of his attributes and skills had been greatly improved, and even his realm had reached black class level 10, only one step away from earth class.

I've really struck it rich this time. This trip was worth it. 

Lin Xuan was so happy that he couldn't speak. He didn't expect to gain a blessing in disguise and actually get a great opportunity.

Although he was now at black class level 10, and it seemed he would be able to break through soon, the difference between the black and earth classes was a dividing line. It was not easy to break through this paper window. It could be said to be extremely difficult.

If there was no opportunity, it could possibly take anywhere from six to ten years. Some demonic beasts might not even be able to break through even when their lifespans were up.

Lin Xuan kept all the valuable antique paintings and calligraphy in his storage space. It would be a waste if he didn't take them. He also took away all the spirit plants that he couldn't finish, leaving nothing for those people.

Just as he was plundering wantonly, a small box suddenly came into view.

It was exquisitely carved from top-quality Hetian jade. Such a natural whole piece of Jade was rare and extremely precious. It could be considered a good gift.

Now that it was being used to store things, Lin Xuan couldn't help but be curious.

Who's this? His family owns a mine, and he's using such good jade to store things. It seems like the things inside must be extremely valuable. 

With a strong curiosity, Lin Xuan walked over and opened it. He was immediately disappointed. This person must be joking. He only has these few weeds. 

A few withered leaves were scattered in the box, and they looked no different from ordinary weeds. There was no medicinal fragrance, so they really couldn't be considered rare treasures.

Lin Xuan even wondered if someone was pulling a prank by putting a few weeds inside or if the original items had been replaced.

Just as he was about to put down the box, he found a line of words on it.

"Congratulations to Brother Xie for having a son at such an old age. I hereby offer you an awakening herb…" 

Lin Xuan couldn't help but open his mouth wide when he saw the last part. So this unremarkable weed was actually an invaluable awakened spiritual plant that all the demonic beasts fought for, even willing to give up their lives for it.

In the memories of his previous life, there was such a plant that was born from the gathering of the spiritual qi of heaven and earth. It contained great fortune. Any demonic beast or human who consumed it would immediately awaken with very few side effects.

The so-called awakening was to directly cross the mystic class and reach the earth class. This kind of speed was simply like riding a rocket. How could it not make the demon beasts go crazy for it?

Every time such a spiritual plant appeared, it would attract a large number of demonic beasts. A tragic scene was always left in its wake, the corpses of demonic beasts littered everywhere. The blood that flowed could even be said to form a river.

However, in his past life, Lin Xuan was too weak and could not even take a look at it, let alone join in the fun. He did not expect to see it here.

Lin Xuan couldn't help but sigh. This was purely the benefit of being in a high position. No wonder that young city lord is already an earth class at such a young age. 

After all, he had such a good father who had won at the starting line since birth. He must have had a lot of elixirs along the way. How could people not be envious?

Lin Xuan looked at the withered yellow leaves and couldn't bear to part with them. He had just said that it would be extremely difficult to break through to the earth class, and now there was such a huge pie falling on his head.

"The heavens are simply helping me. With it, I'm not afraid of not being able to break through."

Naturally, such a good thing could not be given to others, so Lin Xuan swallowed it.

His vision turned black, and his spirit arrived at an extremely special space. Everywhere his eyes could see, it was all nothingness, and there was an inexplicable gas floating in the air.

The gas was like an invisible wind, blowing against Lin Xuan over and over again. However, it did not attack him at all. He felt as if his entire body had been cleansed and sublimated. It was an indescribable feeling, and it felt extremely mysterious.

"What is this place?"

Lin Xuan looked around and floated aimlessly. He couldn't find an exit and couldn't see the end.

After an unknown period of time, a faint light spot finally appeared before his eyes. It was as if the black world had suddenly gained other colors.

The colorful light spots were like small, slowly crawling fireflies. This place was like a small universe, and the light spots were like the stars in the Milky Way.