Jungle Exploration Event

The other party video called him almost instantly.

Why did she like video calls so much... Luckily, Xu Xin had already washed up after waking up, so he picked up the call.

"You really killed a wild beast? Aren't you too strong?! You dared to go out in that situation last night?"

It was the same energetic voice again. Li Wenxi appeared on the screen in the novice two-piece set. Her curvy figure and exposed long, fair legs made Xu Xin's eyebrows twitch.

Good Lord, she was so unguarded early in the morning and gave him a full-body photo.

The novice two-piece set was quite nice.

"I was lucky. Both parties had been injured, and I was the fisherman who benefited," Xu Xin replied casually, "So do you want it? Exchange it with blue-grade resources."

"You're using a white-grade backpack to exchange for my blue-grade resources?" Li Wenxi put her hands on her hips and looked very dissatisfied, "Now that the novice protection period is over and the wild beasts have come out, there's already a way to obtain animal skin. Do you think it's appropriate for it to be so expensive?"

From the looks of it, she was indeed very interested in the backpack, but she just felt that it was too expensive.

"Don't forget that today's event is called jungle exploration. There will definitely be resources that we didn't have in the past three days. You're not thinking of just holding them with your hands like you did before, right?" Xu Xin was calm and collected. He knew how convenient the backpack was. It wasn't just about reducing the weight. Being able to put big things into the small backpack and freeing both hands was the most important thing.

"Hmm..." The beautiful girl frowned. She still felt that it was too expensive. Although she still had a lot of blue-grade stones and ores, she had just gone down to take a look at the mine. She had not gone too deep in, but she could already hear the snores of some animals coming from inside. At least until she had the ability to drive away or kill the wild beasts in the cave, these blue-grade resources would be less with every use.

"You... You're looting a burning house! After today is over, white-grade backpacks like yours will be plenty! Even if we can't beat lions and tigers, we can still beat rabbits and the like!" Li Wenxi still wanted to argue.

"You wouldn't want to find resources in the process of exploration but have to give up because you don't have hands to hold them, right? How about this, two blue-grade stones and two-grade blue iron ores, and I'll give this bag to you, plus a red berry and two kilograms of bear meat," Xu Xin tried to persuade her.

"...You killed a bear?!"

After last night's beast riot, there were bound to be some strong people who would be able to obtain something. Even if one didn't have a Synthesis Station, they could still make wooden sticks and hammers. Although those were the lowest grade of blunt weapons, in the hands of strong people, the damage of blunt weapons might not be any less than the stone spear in Xu Xin's hands.

At this time, the Trading Platform was no longer as monotonous as it was before the novice protection period ended. Some had put meat on the shelves, and Xu Xin also posted the wolf meat that had been gnawed by the bear for sale. The remark was that he wanted to exchange for green or blue-grade resources.

Even so, there were no backpacks or animal skins for sale on the trading platform.

It was easy to understand. Even if one obtained a piece of tattered beast skin, those who had a Synthesis Station would give priority to making a backpack for themselves. Those who did not have a Synthesis Station would not sell the materials they saw for the first time. Those who could benefit from the beast tide were naturally not stupid.

However, Xu Xin did see a message from the person called "Ji Zhaoyang" on the Regional Channel. He said that he had a Synthesis Station, and if anyone had animal skins but didn't have a Synthesis Station, they could message him privately and he could help them make backpacks. He wondered if anyone would believe the other party. After all, the buyer had to hand over the raw materials first, and no one would trust someone without a good reputation.

Seeing that there were even free gifts, Li Wenxi was instantly tempted. She had already experienced the effects of the red berries last night, and they were not just ordinarily good. There was basically no difference between night and day. The torch would attract the attention of wild beasts, but the red berries did not have this concern at all. In addition, if it was only two of each for the stones and ores, it was indeed not a problem for her.

"How much do you think I can sell my backpack for on the Trading Platform?" Xu Xin added.

"Deal!" Li Wenxi made the decision and sent him the transaction.

[The other party has initiated a trade with you. Stone (blue)*2, iron ore (blue)*2 in exchange for patched backpack (white)*1, big red berry (blue)*1, bear meat (green) 5kg]

"Hey, two kilograms of bear meat. Why are you asking for five kilograms?" Xu Xin looked at the beautiful girl on the screen speechlessly. She blushed and turned around whistling.

Xu Xin helplessly shook his head and clicked "agree". After all, he did have the intention of looting a burning house. Although he could indeed sell his backpack on the Trading Platform, no one else was as rich as this little rich lady who had a mine. Basically, there was no market for it.

He didn't mind letting her take advantage of him a little. He had so much bear meat anyway.

The beautiful girl on the opposite of the scree looked at the ugly backpack in her hand with a little disdain, "Hmph, if I can't find any good resources today, I'll definitely scold you to death tonight!"

Xu Xin laughed out loud. Just as she was about to say something, a shrill scream came from the other side.

"Waa! What was that? It's so cute!" On the other side of the screen, Li Wenxi's eyes suddenly widened, and her entire body was about to lean against the screen.

Xu Xin lowered his head and saw that Cocoa had climbed into his lap. It was rubbing its eyes with its little paws and was not fully awake. When it heard Li Wenxi's scream, it was shocked and looked at the screen in a daze.

"Y-y-you! You even have a little raccoon!" Li Wenxi was envious. Xu Xin's gigantic treehouse had only made her envious for a short while, making her feel that he was quite powerful, but at this moment, she was really envious to the point of going crazy.

"It's a red panda," Xu Xin reminded. He lifted Cocoa up, grabbed its little arm, and waved, "Come, Cocoa, say goodbye to the big sister!"

With that, he moved to end the video call.

"Wait, you..."

The video call ended. It was almost nineo' clock, and Xu Xin didn't want to explain a bunch of things to the other party.

On the other side, when Li Wenxi saw that the other party had exited the video call, she blinked her eyes that were already wide open. She suddenly felt a surge of anger. Good Lord, no one had ever hung up on her like this before!

That little guy was just too cute!

Just as she was about to call back, a voice rang out.

[Dear survivors, the first reward event, jungle exploration, is about to begin!]

[Next, we will introduce the contents of the event. Please listen carefully.]

[Within a three-kilometer radius of each treehouse, there are three treasure chests, copper, silver, and gold. Each treasure chest contains limited resources that can only be obtained from the treasure chest.]

[The copper treasure chest can be opened directly. The silver treasure chest's key is in the copper treasure chest, and the gold treasure chest's key is in the silver treasure chest.]

[The goal of all survivors is to find these three treasure chests, obtain limited resources, improve the treehouse, and yourself, thus improving the survival rate in the next danger outbreak.]

[A friendly reminder, don't explore the area three kilometers away from your treehouse, or something terrible will happen.]

[The duration of this reward event is 9:00 am today to 6:00 pm tomorrow.]

[It's best not to slack off. The survivors in each region who obtain resources that are only worth the last 50 among all the survivors during the event will leave this beautiful world forever.]

[Are all of you ready?]

[The jungle exploration event begins now!]