The Hidden Meaning in the Rules

Xu Xin listened to the mysterious voice seriously, even more seriously than when he was playing the ranking competition.

Who wouldn't care when their lives were at stake?

Hearing that the last 50 would be eliminated, Xu Xin's eyes twitched.

It was a cruel last-rank elimination. He knew that the mysterious voice would not be so kind. Even if it was a reward event, there would be 50 deaths in each area, and God knows how many people would encounter danger in the process of exploration.

Although 50 people was not a lot compared to the remaining 8000 or so people in their area, only 0.6%, this was the first event after the novice protection period ended. Who knew how many more so-called "events" would be waiting for them in the future?

Xu Xin began to analyze the rules stated by the mysterious voice.

Due to the location of the keys, the three treasure chests had to be opened in the order of copper, silver, and gold to open all three treasure chests. Could the location of the treasure chest be moved? If yes, the event would be a little easier if he could put the treasure chest he found first into his bag.

Would there be wild beasts guarding the treasure chest? The worst possibility was that there would be wild beasts around the treasure chest that he could not defeat.

Would there be any obvious signs around the treasure chest? Xu Xin felt that there should be.

A radius of three kilometers was definitely not a small area. A small city's urban area was only about that big. Even with Xu Xin's night vision, it would be impossible for him to search the entire area in two days even if he went without sleep and searched the area inch by inch on foot.

If it was just based on luck, then it would be too boring.

As he was thinking, Li Wenxi sent him a video call, and Xu Xin picked it up.

At this moment, the beautiful girl's expression was more serious, and she went straight to the point, "I want to exchange green-grade wood with you. I don't have much left, and I haven't made many tools yet."

Xu Xin was also lacking in stones (green), so he naturally agreed, and the two quickly completed the transaction.

Li Wenxi, who was sitting on the opposite of the screen, suddenly smiled and said,"If I can survive this time, you have to let me see your red panda."

Xu Xin patted the little guy's head. He felt that he should help this rich little lady that she had met for just two days. After all, before he found an iron mine, she was his source of minerals. Besides, it was quite comfortable to be with her.

He took out two oranges and placed them on the Trading Platform, "These two are for you. See how it goes at night. If there's danger, don't go out. If there's no danger, you can use these."

Blue-grade fruits were not as precious as blue minerals, rocks, and wood. After all, a single tree could bear up to a hundred fruits, and the effects would only last for a few hours. They could not be compared to minerals and wood, which could directly enhance the function and efficiency of tools. The difference was probably the difference between potions and equipment of the same grade.

To Xu Xin, giving her two oranges was an investment.

The beautiful girl was just about to reject the offer when she saw the effects of the orange. She closed her mouth and obediently clicked the "accept" button.

"I... I'll make it up to you after this event!" Li Wenxi knew that she had gotten a big advantage. The effects of this fruit were simply a perfect match with the red berries. She could basically treat the night as the day. If she could make better use of the night time, then the possibility of her becoming the last 50 would be greatly reduced.

"Oh, right. You can go and collect some resources before looking for the treasure chests. The voice just said, "the survivors who had obtained resources worth in the last 50 places". It didn't mention whether the resources are those in the treasure chest or the limited resources. So even if you only get one blue-grade resource, you won't be in the last 50, right? It can't be that everyone gets blue resources, right?" Xu Xin told Li Wenxi what he had thought of.

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Li Wenxi's eyes gradually widened, and she began to think, "What you said seems to make sense. Did that voice say that? I don't remember clearly ..."

At first, the elimination at the end made Li Wenxi feel uneasy. She was very afraid that she would not be able to find any treasure chests and end up in the last place. However, after hearing Xu Xin's words, it seemed that she could rest assured for this event. At least, she did not have to worry about being in last place and being eliminated.

"That's what the voice said, but it's just a guess, a safety measure. Maybe the copper treasure chest is very easy to find, and the value of the resources inside exceeds the blue-grade resources? Finding the treasure chest is still my first priority."

Of course, the possibility of that was very small. After all, some did not even have green-grade items. If a copper treasure chest was worth more than a blue-grade item, then the gold and silver treasure chests would be invincible.

Therefore, what he said to Li Wenxi was also what he was going to do. The oranges on the previous orange tree had not been completely picked. There were at least 70 to 80 left. As long as he picked all of them, he couldn't possibly be eliminated due to being in last place, right?

The beautiful girl nodded. She felt as if she had got to know an expert, "I'll listen to you!"

"Come back at seven o'clock in the evening if you can. We can exchange information."

"Hehe, sure, as long as you don't forget!" Xu Xin's idea made the beautiful girl feel at ease, and a smile appeared on her face.

After ending the video call, Xu Xin looked at the Regional Channel again. The entire channel was obviously in a mess.

"Heavens! The last 50 will die!"

"Isn't this a reward event? Why will someone die?!"

"This can't do, I have to go down and find the treasure chests. Good luck, friends!"

"Why? So many people died last night, and it's happening again today ..."

"Can treasure chests be traded? I'll give all my belongings in the real world to whoever who trades the treasure chests with me when we get back!"

"My dad is XXX. I will give a huge reward to whoever helps me!"

A group of men and women, who were no older than 30 years old, were completely flustered. The entire Regional Channel was filled with meaningless garbage, and there was no useful clue at all.

No one mentioned his idea in the Regional Channel. The expert, Ji Zhaoyang, who used to help everyone in the Regional Channel, did not show up at all. After all, if this idea was made public, it would basically lose its effect. Everyone would do the same, so what effect would it have?

There would bound to be someone who would become the last 50, and no one wanted that one of them. The moment the last 50 people were eliminated, the other weak people might not feel sympathy, but joy.

"Luckily it wasn't me."

This was the cruelty of the elimination system to the weak.

Xu Xin packed up all of his tools, including the stone ax, stone pick, and stone spear, then put his backpack on his back and set off.

The first thing he did was what he had said before, to pick the oranges first. Whether it was useful or not, it would at least make him feel more at ease.

After plucking the oranges, Xu Xin threw one to Cocoa, who was sitting on his shoulder. Like a human, Cocoa peeled the orange and ate it with relish. Its little face was filled with an intoxicated expression.

After picking the oranges, Xu Xin opened the Map. He wanted to see where the red dots were. If there were wild beasts guarding the treasure chest, the red dots must be very close to the treasure chest.

However, to his disappointment, other than the many red dots swimming in the center of the lake, there was not a single red dot in his resource area. Most of the red dots were still concentrated in the northwest area.

That was a hilly area, and he could see the hills from his treehouse. However, it was very far from his treehouse, more than three kilometers away, so the treasure chest would not be there.

"So, where could it be?" Xu Xin pondered.

"Never mind, let's get moving first. Maybe my Item Identification ability can see it straight away," Xu Xin wasn't in a hurry. The location of the orange tree was about a kilometer away from the treehouse. He planned to take a look at the periphery of the three-kilometer radius.

The entire resource area was a small area with a diameter of two kilometers and a square radius of one kilometer. Xu Xin's treehouse was at the edge of the resource area. In other words, the entire exploration area included the resource area as well as a large portion of ordinary areas.

"Let's go to places we haven't been to before. "