Chapter 17: The bad choice (2)




They both looked at each other eyes in a brief moment. She placed her hands on the young man's chest, her hair fell out of the hood. Adelda shook her head to clear her mind as it felt to be clouded, making her to think unclearly.

She got up as held her head with one hand, stumbling backwards, feeling dizzy. The man quickly got up and held her in his arms, fearing she would fall. They looked at each other, in her eyes the was fear and unsure while in his eyes they were loving and caring.

The man had black hair and brown, almost black eyes, these features made him handsome, and he had a muscular body under those clothes of his.

"Let me go!" She pushed him away, before running out of the store to her home, the estate. The man stood there looking at his hands that held Adelda.

"Son, Judis, are you okay? Clare come help pick the boxes!" his mother's worried voice snapped him out of his daze as his mother was now near him.

"Who is she, mother?"

"She's just a customer who came here to order some clothes and we have to deliver them. Why did you ask?"

"Oh, really..." he hastily said, laughing it out, scratching his head, before his eyes widen as it seems a light bulb just appeared above his head, an idea, to get close to his mate. He happily asked his mother.

"Can l deliver the order, mother?"

The mother, Julia, looked at her with a sweat on her cheek," l wanted to have your father deliver it, but it fine. Son, remember that girl is the Miller's daughter, meaning she is mated to the crown prince so please watch yourself."

Judis looked at his mother shocked like why wouldn't he, after all how could she be mated to another while he is her real mate. It saddened him a little bit to think she is the girl who supposedly the mate of the prince after all mates are suppose to wait for each other.

He was disappointed in his mate, but as he thought about her beautiful green eyes that stared into his. This thought made him smile and he couldn't wait to see her.


Adelda was in her room with a darkened expression as she sat at her bed with fear in her eyes,' Damn it! Why does my mate decide to appear right now, he will just ruin our plans. If this gets out, l will face trouble. Wait... should l tell father?'

Her eyes opened in realization as she stood up, going to see her father in his office. She was greeted by maids along the way to the office,

Adelda finally reached the office with the golden rectangular plate above the door, written, The office. She faced knocked two times before letting herself in since her father will never tell her to come in at all.

" Good afternoon, father." she said bowing her head before looking at him.

Usia was working on some paperwork. The decor of the office was neat and smelt like books. There were bookshelves on the left and right side of the room, a huge window behind, showcasing the lawn in a size of small football field( it is huge), plant pots placed beside the door with beautiful sized green trees growing there and a desk along with leather reddish brown leather chair where Usia sat.

"What is it? Aren't you suppose to be with the prince?" he said not looking away from his paperwork.

"l have found my mate while in the capital." Adelda said getting to the point and Usia stopped writing and looked at her dead in the eye.

"Get rid of him, then. He will just ruin our plans." he said as if it was an easy thing to do.

"What? No, wait! Get rid as in killing him." she uttered not believing what her father was saying.

"Oh, is he someone important?"

"No... she is but a tailor" she said lowering her eyes.

"Then he is useless. Kill him."

"But father, you know this will weaken me, my wolf form."

"Do you want to weaken our Miller family by being mated by some puny tailor?! Even if you are weakened, you will be powerful if you are queen of the Alvian kingdom, so don't try to disappoint me." he uttered coldly looking at Adelda with cold, hateful eyes.

"Yes." she uttered reluctantly.

"If he shows himself kill him, after all dead men never tell the tale. Now get out of my office."

Without a word she went of the office with a saddened look, she just didn't want to disappoint her father. She sometimes wondered, if she was born a male. Would her father be different towards her? With this thought she will just sigh as that wouldn't happen, just a wishful thought.


2 days later...

It was beginning to be night time and Adelda just came home,the estate from the castle to spent time with Alaric.

There was surprise as she got home and her smile faded away as she opened of the door of the estate to see someone she was not expecting.

"Good evening, mistress. This young man was waiting for you and worry not the payment as been dealt with." The butler utter in a respectful tone.

She just stood there looking at the black haired, brown almost black eyed young man who happily waved at her.

"l will attend to my duties." the butler said before walking away, excusing them.

"Please find yourself out." Adelda said before hastily walking past him and Judis took a while to react as she was now further away from her.

"Wait!" he went after her. Seeing this Adelda wanted to stop him but...

Shortly after they reached the other part of the estate, the garden.

In the garden, there was a fountain with a statue of a woman above it. There were beautiful flowers, small stone tables and chairs. At night, it was more beautiful than in daytime.

Adelda stopped in the field of organised flowers and turned to look at Judis with angry eyes who was following from behind.

"Why are you here?" she said angrily.

"It hurts that you are not happy to see me. First of all, l come here to deliver your order and to see you." he said leaning over towards her face with a smile, making her blush, just by how close they are.

She hated seeing that smile of his, as tonight, following her father's order. She was going to kill him.

Thinking about doing such a thing to her handsome, kind mate made her sad. Without second thought, she quickly shapeshifted her hand into long wolf claws, she then pierced him in the chest. He was in a state of shock as he looked at her with a look of betrayal.

"Wha...why..." he asked in disbelief as this was not the scenerio he thought will occur. This was just unexpected.

"l'm sorry...l had to do it, l'm sorry..." she said in the sorrowful tone and she didn't dare look at him in the eyes, it will just bring her pain, if she did.

She extracted back her claws, shape shifting her hand, now covered in blood, back to normal. As she did, he fell down on his knees, continuing to fall fully to the side. Judis breathed out pained breaths and Adelda looked at this state with pained eyes, tears in her eyes.

She fell down on her knees, near Judis as life left his eyes. Adelda cried placing her hands on her face.

"What have l done? Is this what l want?" she asked herself, regretting it now.

Eventually she felt herself weaken as Judis lost his life to an unexpected person, his mate. How unfortunate and depressing, it is unbelievable how he wanted to spent his life with her.

This is where she made a bad choice, which will slowly haunt her.

End of flashback-









Authoress's note:

Well, um okay...hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Stay tuned.