Chapter 18: Assassins

It was like any other morning and Nehora was training in the advanced room like always. She would train until late afternoon this time and as she did so.

Hours passed and it was finally afternoon. Nehora was covered in her own sweat all over as she got out of the now damaged room.

There was a transparent glass wall, showcasing outside, the training ground and she looked outside at the troops, now training using their beast forms.

Weeks have passed by since they were in the kingdom ruled by the lycans and there is no progress in the matebond between Nehora and Alaric.

Nehora was walking in the hallway of the castle absentmindedly," l never realised that... it's f*cking boring!" Nehora said in frustration.

"Yea, with you training this whole week. l never thought you will ever get bored. It seems as if you will be training until the war came." Hestia said rolling her eyes. It looked comical as she was a wolf doing that.

"Well, l don't the money to go to the capital and buy things or even have fun. Our currency can't be exchanged."

"Basically, we are broke in this continent."

"Yes." Nehora said sighing in defeat.

All of sudden, a suspicious omega maid appeared in the hallway, walking towards Nehora," Good afternoon, Alpha Nehora. l am here to give this money as the beta's orders." the maid said while bowing and presented her palms to Nehora, holding a porch of heavy silver coins.

Nehora looked at the porsh with happy eyes and took the porsh without hesitation," Thank you. You may go."

The suspicious maid bowed once again before walking away. Nehora stopped smiling as the maid walked away and had a cold look plastered on her face.

'How odd? Wouldn't the beta notified me along with the other Alphas about this? This must be planned by someone with bad intentions after all l sensed that maid was lying.' Nehora thought.

'Then, you shouldn't go since we know that suspicious maid was lying.' Hestia said.

'Where's the fun there if we did exactly that? Oh and we will finally be able to buy things in the central capital.' Nehora said cold gleam in her eyes, smiling beautifully as she headed to the exit.


" Did she take the bait?"

" Yes, my mistress and without hesitation." the maid said, now on her knees without looking at her master. They were in a secluded room with small window which was providing light, somewhere in the castle.

A young beautiful lady with green emerald eyes and blonde hair sat on the provided chair with the maid kneeing before her. It was other than Adelda who coldly looked at the maid with a small smile.

"Good job and now the plan is put in place. Surprisingly it was easy." Adelda said unsure of how easy it was.

The maid stopped kneeing and was now looking at Adelda expecting a reward for participating in this malicious act.

Adelda got up from her chair and walked towards the maid with a bright smile plastered on her beautiful face. Adelda's face was close to the maid's face as her lips was near the maid's ear.

She whispered in her ear," Oh and for your good work. Here your reward..." Adelda extended her claws and mercilessly stabbed the maid. The maid had a shocked expression plastered on her face before life left her eyes as Adelda withdrew her claws from her.

The maid's body was limb on the floor. Adelda scoffed as she looked at the lifeless body on the floor,"I have to rid of witnesses or else you will just ruin my future plans. l just don't want to regret it later, sorry~"

She wiped off the blood on her hand with a cloth and she shouted out,"Come clean the mess before anyone notices!"

The door opened and four suspicious men inside dressed in darkwear with one of them holding some suppliers. They quickly placed the body in the body bag and started cleaning.

Adelda got out the messy room with emotionless eyes and then she quickly in placed a happy expression as she was about to meet Alaric in his study as if nothing bad will happen.


Nehora looked around the capital square in awe. There were food stalls, assessory stalls, every kind of store you can think of and vendors shouting out to potential customers.

Lycans and some werewolves walked on the streets of the capital, it was crowded and lively.

Nehora's eyes shined like of a child,'Wow! This is awesome and to top it off, l have the money.' Nehora excitedly thought to Hestia.

'Yes, we can ease our boredom and stay vigilant since you are in control. l will also help by the eyes behind us.' Hestia said sternly.

Nehora nodded happily before going to buy the things she desired from the stalls mostly.

Hours passed of her shopping as she went to the stalls buying mostly food. She was walking on the streets eating some unfamiliar delicious meat on a wooden stick. It was finally evening.

'Rosa, l sense 4 pups tailing us.' Hestia said. Nehora immediately turned solemn after Hestia notified her and had a smirk on her face.

'Finally! Now let's lead them to an alleyway.'

'Also act like you are lost to not let them know we have noticed that they following us.'

Nehora nodded before walking to an alleyway that was near by which led to a dead end.

"Huh, it's a dead end..." Nehora said acting as if she is completely lost.

"Well, well, well...if it isn't your unlucky night." A female voice said behind Nehora and Nehora turned around to see four suspicious hooded people and they were blending in with their surroundings, a few metres away from her.

They all had their claws extended, obviously stating their intentions towards Nehora.

Nehora glared at them as if they were dead meat,"My unlucky night! Huh! Don't make me laugh! Don't you think it's the other way around."

In the way, Nehora tried to taunt them, but that didn't work and instead they began to attack her at once.

"Don't you all think this is cheating and by doing this... you are making excited." Nehora said with excitement in her tone as she dodged.


They all looked at the spot where she stood but saw nothing," Is that all you got?!"

They heard her voice behind and immediately started attacking her again with their claws and even throwing daggers at her, but Nehora was still able to counter these accurate, fast attacks without much effort!

The assassin eventually got frustrated and stopped," How can mere, weak werewolf able to do this?! We are leave me no choice!" one of the assassin spoke, this time a male voice spoke.

He then started to shapeshift as he knashed his teeth in pain.

"Number 3, No!" one of the assassins said, a male Lycan but it was too late. They called themselves numbers in order to avoid saying their actual names.

In seconds, there stood a huge, humanoid,furry and terrifying creature about 7ft tall. It stood on its two clawed feet with its long, muscular arms, long claws extended.

It growled and eyed at Nehora with intense killing intent, saliva outlining its mouth and it looked like a beast it was.

"It's seems l have to get a little serious as l have made him mad because of my little game." Nehora said looking at the beast.











Authoress's note:

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