Chapter 20: The tech suits


"It seems you have arrived safely and well..." Adelda uttered as she now smiled in annoyingly now.

"What?! Were you not expecting me to be here safely." Nehora uttered coldly, but Adelda kept her posture and didn't show any emotions such as shock, rather she looked annoyed at the sight of Nehora.

"My words never implied that...Alaric just left without saying a word. Perhaps because of you since you are his mate." Adelda uttered with her arms crossed.

Adelda walked to Nehora who stood in front of the entrance door of the castle.

"If you would pardon me. l will now look for my 'mate'." Adelda uttered as she exited behind Nehora, banging the door, leaving Nehora alone.

'That b*tch dare call our mate her mate. Rosa, my patience are running low. Let me out!' Hestia shouted out loud in anger and in the process, Nehora felt the anger Hestia was feeling and her trying to come out, making Nehora growl inhumanely.

'Stop it Hestia! You will end up revealing our identity!' Nehora shouted at Hestia telepathically and Hestia just scoffed, calming down.

' l feel your anger... l know how you feel, and l understand. We will face this together, but first calm down. Don't fall for her tricks.' Nehora said in a soft voice, having Hestia fully calm down.

Nehora now knew where her room is and went there to rest for the night.



Birds were chirping outside as it was finally early morning. The sun rays shined through the spaces of the curtains.


A knock at the door echoes in the room and Nehora immediately her eyelids in alarm as she frantically looked around, breathing heavily.

She was sweating, covering the chest area of her night gown.

lt seems she had a nightmare,' Rosa! Calm down... it's okay. It's just a knock on the door.' Hestia, her wolf uttered.


The knock on the door resounded once again and Nehora slowly got out of bed, heading to the door to see who was there.

She opened the door to see an omega Lycan maid standing there and her head lowered.

"Good morning everything okay?" The maid inquired worried as she finally saw Nehora's condition.

Nehora stared the maid coldly and smiled," Thank you for worrying. l'm fine, so why have you came here for?"

"Oh yes, your presence as well as the other Alphas are asked in the training facility to now test out the tech suits along with the troops. Also, my king will be present as well. That is all." The maid uttered as she stood elegantly.

"Fine, l will be there after l have dressed myself appropriately." Nehora uttered and without waiting for the maid's reply, she shut the door as she started to prepare.


Nehora exited her room after 30 minutes. She tied her black hair into a ponytail and wore a navy sport bra, white sport tekkies along with navy yoga pants.

This outfit complimented her sexy hourglass body and showcasing her abs.

Relpha was also there, walking alongside with Nehora, silently, as her beta. He decided to go together with Nehora.

She quickly headed to the training facility and while she was descending the grand stair.

Nehora saw a familiar figure. It was Honald Avakus, the Alpha of the Alfina pack who was now about to exit through the entrance/exit door of the castle with his beta.

'Rosa, isn't that the man who saved us by taking us to the hospital. Come on, go and thank him.' Hestia uttered as she saw who it was through Nehora's eyes.

Nehora nodded and with her smile, she called out to him,"Alpha Honald!"

Honald stopped in his tracks to turn around to see who called out to him. Only to see, it was other than Nehora with Relpha following her silently, walking towards him and his beta.

'A vampire? So it's true what Dan(his beta) said. This Alpha female has a vampire as a beta. Peculiar, but interesting.' Honald uttered seeing them both with an amused smile.

"Good morning Alpha Honald. Glad l see you here." Nehora uttered with a friendly smile, but her eyes remained cold.

"Likewise." Honald uttered.

"l didn't get a chance to say this but thank you for helping by taking me to the hospital."

"l also thank you for helping my Alpha. l owe you a favor." Relpha said in a serious tone.

There was a tint of surprise plastered on Honald's stern face.

"It was nothing. l'm glad to help and l saw that injury was caused obviously caused by your mate..." Honald uttered with a stern expression.

Hearing those words, Nehora flinched and turned solemn. Relpha stared at Nehora worriedly.

"Do not worry. l know it is not my business and l won't interfere since it is your business." Honald said.

"l'm glad we know our boundaries. Now let us head to the training ground. Shall we?" Nehora uttered with a forced smile.

As they arrived to the training facility, the other Alphas, betas, the Zeta and as well as the Lycan king were already there, waiting for them.

The Crystal Moon Scientist Team(CMST) were also there which include Rebecca, Veronica, Rico and Belbin.

Each of the warriors, the Zeta, betas, Alphas, Rebecca, Veronica, Rico, Belbin and Lycan king held a circular kind of futuristic device in their palm.

Rebecca came towards Nehora, Relpha, Honald and Dan, handing them the strange device.

The troops stood in an intimating posture, the Alphas, betas, Zeta and Lycan king were in front staring at the CMST who stood in the front further away from the people to now demonstrate the tech suits.

Now that everyone was there, as the head and lead scientist of the team, Rebecca started to now speak.

"Welcome everyone and l thank you for all of you coming here today. As you know, we are here is to try out and train using the tech suits and this device you are all holding is the amazing tech suits."










Authoress's note:

Thank you for reading this chapter and if you enjoyed then please vote and comment.

Peace out