Chapter 21: Demonstration


"What? So, you are saying these...things are your amazing tech suits." uttered Esmeray as he looked at the device with uninterested eyes as if it was worthless device.

He looked like those prideful, spoilt brats and his looks added to it, since he was a blonde with blue eyes.

'There he goes... It makes me wonder how he even became an Alpha in the first place. He's too immature.' Hestia uttered in boredom. Nehora glared at Esmeray as he said that.

"l will now demonstrate on how to equip the suit." Rebecca announced, ignoring Esmeray's reply, angering him.

'Good.' Nehora thought happily as she saw how Rebecca handled the situation, ignoring a fool.

Rebecca began her demonstration by tapping on the circular device and the device lit up in a white light.

She then processed to place it on the of her chest (A/N: Ironman) and some kind of black substance started to cover her body.

The substance solidified, completely covering her body forming a battle suit. It was black in colour and grey on the collar. The suits formed mechanic arms and had a robotic skeletal spine at the back.

Rebecca, Veronica, Rico and Belbin transformed into their suits just like Rebecca. They will follow everything Rebecca does in this demonstration.

"Just like we did, try out the tech suits." Rebecca uttered with a smile, but instead of doing that everyone stood there amazed as they looked at them.

'They actually improved the tech suits to do that... this is just another level.' Nehora thought as she stared at them in surprise. They never told her like they used to if they made an improvement.

Veronica cleared her throat and repeated Rebecca's words," l know you are all amazed, but please equip your suits."

Everyone stopped staring and started equipping in anticipation and some did so in excitement. Nehora tapped the dim lit stop of the device and it glowed in white light before placing it on her chest.

The black substance wrapped her body and after equipping it. She felt lighter and was comfortable.

It was elastic to allow free movement if in the battlefield, stretching as you move.

After everyone was done equipping," By the looks of it, everyone seems happy. Good. The next use of the tech suit is that a helmet can also be equip, by using your mind with an AI assistance installed within it.

How is all of this possible? Well, the reason is this skeletal spine sends electrical signals to the brain, forming a communication with your brain* points at the spine*." Rebecca uttered excitedly and the next moment...

A futuristic helmet covered her head which had slid from the back neck and it kind of looked like motorcycle helmet. It was black in colour and she looked at like a futuristic armored female soldier.

'Why do l feel like she is advertising now?' Nehora thought as a sweat ran down her cheek.

'It seems so to me as well.' Hestia uttered.

"Is it even safe? For it to even connect to the brain." Alkerica Oasis of the Red moon pack inquired as he worriedly looked at the suit.

"Of course, it is safe after all we did test it out many times. If it wasn't it would have long been dead." Rico uttered without hesitation, smiling at Alkerica.

Alkerica, looking at the smile made him feel more worried." Try equipping your helmets!" Rebecca shouted out loud.

Everyone did so, but it took a while and Nehora equipped the helmet. As she did so, there was emotionless, robotic voice heard in the helmet. Blue words appeared in front of the helmet's visor.

[Hello! How can l assist you?] AI uttered.

"Wow..." Nehora muttered in amazement.

Rebecca looked at Nehora and saw her reaction. Looking at Nehora made her happy and proud of their hard work they did so far.

"Next is the fun part...the weapons!" Rebecca said excitedly and continued to talk.

"l know lycans or we werewolves don't need weapons that much since we have claws and cannines, so that is why we added just a machine kind of gun and a small bomb which could paralyze a target.

They can be found on the mechanic arms of your tech suits. Let me demonstrate using those shooting dummies behind me." Rebecca then turned around towards the dummies which were further away from them.

She extended her one arm and the black substance appeared, forming a futuristic gun on the mechanical arm of her suit.


Shots were heard as she shot one of the five dummies with deadly lasers.

Rebecca quickly extended her other arm, the same black substance appeared, forming a type of weapon and a red ball was shot out.

As the red ball touched the surface, it exploded, releasing white gas which expanded up to 4 metre diameter.

"Those are the weapons, but don't test now. l don't want anyone to be injured or paralyzed. Okay next up, is this...Belbin please shapeshift into your beast form." Rebecca uttered and Belbin nodded.

The other scientists moved away for Belbin to have space to transform into his beast form.

Belbin first deactivated his helmet before starting his transformation.

His nose became a snout, wolf ears appeared, brown fur grew out of his skin, teeth turned into canines and the disgusting sounds of bones heard breaking; getting longer and shifting into a new form.

Finally, there stood a 9ft tall brown furred wolf which wore the tech suit and he howled to the sky.

"l will like a Lycan to volunteer by shapeshifting in their beast form." Rebecca uttered, deactivating her helmet.

"l'll do it." Zeta Khelra uttered as he was laughing happily as he came forward in anticipation.

"Ah! Thank you, Zeta and please deactivate your helmet first before doing so." Rebecca uttered smiling.

The Zeta stood, deactivating his helmet as advised and started shapeshifting on the spot.

After a few minutes of hearing bones breaking, he finally transformed into his beast form.

There stood a 11ft tall humanoid, brown-furred beast wearing the tech suit. He also howled excitedly to the sky.

"Isn't it amazing?! With these tech suits there is no need for our clothes to be shredded into pieces, but it will stretch to fit our size." Veronica uttered excitedly as Rebecca was mesmerized by Khelra's tranformation.

'They did a bada*s job.' Nehora thought, seeing how much work they put into designing and making these suits.









Authoress's note:

Would you have tried the suits, if you were in that situation? l would...

If you enjoyed reading to this chapter, vote.

Peace out.