Chapter 28: Think carefully

"Adelda asked me to mark and l don't know what to do. This just gives me a headache everything l think about it." Alaric uttered as he rubbed his temples.

Mark's expression darkened at his words,"No, no, no...Now you are thinking of marking her! She just wants to be queen and you are giving that to her Laric." Mark uttered in anger as he looked at Alaric in shock.

Eventhough he dislikes Adelda.There was always a gut feeling that told him, Adelda was bad news and sometimes the way she behaves, just tells him she is not Alaric's true mate. He dismissed such a thought that she is not Alaric's true mate because he knew he won't commit such treason. Right?

"Don't talk about Adelda like that. It is my choice to choose whether l crown as my queen or not." Alaric shouted. He then banged his fist on the table in anger and papers were scattered, some fell on the floor.

He only used his suppressed strength.A crack was visible on the table because of the impact.

Seeing this, Mark released a heavy sigh to calm himself down. They won't get anywhere if anger is involved.

"Okay look, l know you... love her very much and as your best friend l think this is the bad choice you will ever make in my opinion. l don't want you to regret your decision so think about it carefully. Now can l go and sleep."

"Yea, you may take your leave." he said absent-mindedly and with that said. Mark made an exit, but before closing the door. He looked Alaric one last time before shaking his head in disapproval.


The sun rays shined through the grand window onto the someone's delicate face. The person's face twitched in annoys as her long eyelids fluttered open, revealing her sleepy pale blue eyes.

It was other than Nehora who lazily got of the bed, stretching her body. Her bones cracked and she rubbed her eyes.

"Good morning, Hestia..." Nehora uttered as she yawned sleepily.

'Good morning to you as well Rosa. It seems you slept well as you snored like a pig all night.

The matebond must be helping you alot. It relieves me everytime when l see you sleeping soundly.' Hestia uttered calmly.

'Atleast he is useful for one thing. Hah, lets go freshen up and go train.'

*20 minutes later*

After those long minutes, she wore sports attire before exiting her room.

'l have been training alone for too long and now l need a sparring member to perhaps train on close combat.' Nehora said to Hestia, walking through the hallway.

'How about the AI machines in the training facility?' Hestia suggested, but Nehora just scoffed in response as she rolled her eyes.

' Do you really think those machines will help? Did you forget after l only used 10% of my power to fight the machine, it lasted a few minutes. l then used 25% of my power and it got destroyed completely after a few seconds so no l won't be fighting with those machines.' Nehora said in a bored tone.

'Oh! Then what about spar with Honald? He is the best option.'

'That's a good idea, but isn't he training with the others to use the suits...speak of the devil.' Nehora uttered with a smirk, seeing Honald about to exit the castle using the splendid wide open entrance door.

"Alpha Honald!" he stopped in his tracks hearing someone call his name and turned only to see Nehora descending the stair. She walked up to him and her demeanor changed to that of coldness.

"Glad to see you here." Honald uttered in a neutral voice and his expression stern.

"Likewise, but l will like for you to spar with me just for today" she got straight to the point.

Honald arched his eyebrow,"Well, this is sudden. However, as you may already know l have to-."

"l know, but it won't take long l promise. l might even learn a thing or two." Nehora said persistently. Honald sighed seeing how adamant she was.

"Fine, but it won't last long." he finally said.

'Yes!' she thought in victory.

"Then let's go." she said happily as she preceded to walk out and heading to the training facility which was just next to royal grounds.


Two people faced each other in the white painted room. A middle aged man and a young lady.

"Alright let's get started." Nehora uttered excitedly, but before she could dash towards him Honald stopped her in her tracks.

" Stop right there lass. Let me get prepared." Honald said as he first removed his shirt he was wearing, revealing his well shaped abs and shoes; he threw his clothes on the floor. He was only left with pants.

"Alright. Now we can begin." he said, positioned in his fighting stance.

Nehora nodded as she finally dashed to hid direction and made her first move. She high kicked him, lifting her leg high up, aiming for his chest.

He countered it by blocking her attack using his arms. He released a small war cry before pushing her leg away. Nehora leaped backwards to distance herself away from him." Are there any rules in this fight?" he inquired.

"Oh right! You can shapeshift your limbs only and not to your form. Also the one who lands an attack on the opponent wins." she said in which Honald nodded.

With her words, he shapeshifted his arms which became furry and finger nails which turned into vicious, long claws.

In a flash, he dashed towards her this time as he slashed at her in every direction without a thought behind it. He couldn't land a hit on her as she kept evading his attack.

"You attack without a plan!" Nehora finally said, seeing the way he fights.

"Normally, l don't fight this way by shapshifting my limbs rather l prefer to shapeshift to my full form." he said while continuing to slashes at her.

'What he said is true? He is but a werewolf.' Hestia said.

Nehora now getting bored from dodging, she decided to give him a finishing blow. At will, she turned her finger nails of her one hand into long claws.

She disappeared off his sight and without him noticing in time, she appeared right behind him. Nehora slashed in quick reflex, leaving him with claw marks.

Honald groaned in pain and then he looked back only to see Nehora smirking at him. His wound started to heal on its own.

"l win and you lose." Nehora uttered happily while pointing her thumb at herself and then at him.

Honald looked at her actions and just shook his head with a smile on his face." I will now take my leave since my business here is done."

Honald took his clothes that he threw and went out."Bye then."

'It felt like you were toying with him.' Hestia said as she yawned in boredom.

'It wasn't my intention if you saw it like that...or maybe he was just weak.' Nehora said as she shrugged her shoulders.

' Now let's train like before.' Nehora sighed in disappointment.


It was now evening and Nehora was walking through the hallway to her room in the castle. She was finally done with her now boring training.

When she finally reached the door to her room. She felt someone's presence in her room and had a bad feeling about it.

Finally opening the door to see who dared to enter her room and it was other than Adelda who sat on her bed.

She had a sinister smile plastered on her beautiful face.

"Good evening, Alpha Nehora."














Authoress's note:

l apologize my fellow readers for not updating earlier and thank you for patience.