Chapter 29: This is my win

Her long smooth legs were crossed, her hands placed on her lap elegantly as she sat on Nehora's bed as if the room was her own once again.

Nehora had her guard up and with Adelda surprisedly being in her room made things no better. She obviously came with no good intentions.

"Why are you here?" Nehora uttered coldly and the air around them became tense instantly.

"Well..." Adelda trailed off as she stood up with a short knife in her delicate hand. She started to walk slowly, her heels clacking as she walked in the room absent-mindedly, staring at the knife with dull eyes.

"l have been trying to get rid of you for sometime and the plan failed, angering me. l always ask myself why did you appear and disrupt my plans? Why?!" Adelda angrily said without looking at Nehora, but Nehora listened to her ridiculous words and she continued:

"And so l will end you myself by my way!" after saying that. She ran towards Nehora with the knife extended- intending to kill her.

Nehora just rolled her eyes by her action and planned to stop her attack easily, but what Adelda did had Nehora widen her eyes in disbelief.

She slashed her abdomen horizontally but not too severely. Adelda cried for help and fell to her knees leading Nehora to more confusion and the uneasy feeling never disappeared, rather got worse as the situation continued. The now bloodied knife was beside Adelda.

The door opened roughly by an unexpected guest who looked at the situation in silence and disbelief at what was happening.

A knife covered in slight blood on the floor, Adelda kneeling down with a hand pressing on her wound and Nehora who just stood there, looking at the man who stared back with rage in his amber eyes.

"It is not what you think! She is the on-" Nehora tried to explain herself, but got interrupted by other than Alaric.

"l know what's going on! How dare you plot to kill her! Are you that angered of her taking your place?! To even think you will stoop this low!" Alaric shouted with anger visible in his voice.

He released his aura which blasted out, making Nehora take a 2 steps back, fluttering her hair backwards.

His canines visible as he gnashed. Alaric felt like... killing Nehora, his mate at that moment. When Nehora looked in Alaric's beautiful amber eyes, she felt the hatred and found something unexpected in those eyes...killing intent which made her feel a tint of hurt.

Alaric stopped glaring at Nehora and went to where Adelda was. He bend down and picked her up carefully.

Alaric carried her like a princess and walked to the door, but before he could exit. He said:

"It is considered a crime to harm a civilian of the Alvian kingdom and the final judgement to the criminal is death. However, Adelda lives so you are free for now..."

He then walked out, not turning to look at her.

Nehora just stood and said nothing. Everything just happened to certainly and she couldn't say nothing.


Alaric walked through the hallway while he held Adelda in his arms and Adelda finally spoke:

"Alaric l'm scared...I can't take it anymore.*sob*sob*"

Tears trailed her face as she led her head in his arms.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier that you were being tormented by her?" Alaric inquired as he sadly comforted her.

"l just*sobs* didn't want to bother you after all these months... and l finally had the courage to write the letter to tell you of how she was tormenting me..." she said between her cries.


20 minutes earlier...

Adelda stood in Alaric's office and in her hands was an envelope. She had a wicked expression as she chuckled lightly.

Beforehand she was notified by her people that Alaric will arrive in 10 minutes, in the office. He was having dinner with his parents in one of the dinning rooms in the castle.

"With this... it will all be over and l'll be marked. That b*tch will not exist no more in this world. This is my win." she set the envelope on the table for Alaric to visibly see and went her way.

The letter read as follows:

Dear my love

Laric, l don't think l will live tonight. Your mate, Nehora will kill me so please help me quickly! l am in her room.

Love Adelda


"l'm sorry l couldn't protect you...if only you were my mate." Alaric said in a whisper, but those words made Adelda lit up.

"Then Alaric mark me! Let me be your life partner if you trully love me! I may perhaps even end up dying in her hands!" she gripped Alaric's shirt, trembling.

He stared at her as he frowned," But..."

"Please Alaric if you trully love will do it! You don't care about her right? We can get rid of her..."

Alaric bit his lower lip in thought as he finally reluctantly agreed by nodding at first," Fine, let's mark..."

'I don't want her in my life so this is the right decision. Right?' he thought.

Hearing his words, Adelda kissed him passionately." Oh, Alaric you made a good decision. Now let's go..." she said happily and her voice was filled with seduction.

Adelda was happy that her plan worked shown by how she smiled with her teeth flashed.

Finally they arrived to their room as Adelda hugged Alaric happily.


'What just happened?' Hestia said in confusion.

'It seems Adelda was playing her tricks by framing me and having me be hated by Alaric. Now that it is over, let's go to bed.' Nehora said as she shook her.

'It's looked like it, but l just can't shake off that bad feeling...' Hestia said in worryingly and Nehora assured her.

"Don't worry nothing bad will happen." Nehora said but that didn't assure Hestia at all.

Nehora freshened up herself before wearing her comfortable shorts and shirt to sleep in.

When she was about lay on the bed, she felt a sharp through her abdomen as if something was electrifying at first and cutting her.

She immediately knew who were causing her this familiar pain. She fell on the floor all while clutching her abdomen which was whoozing blood, but it was healing in a fast pace.

It didn't help at all as new cut wounds appeared, making Nehora groan in pain.

'Damn them! How dare they do this again!' Hestia angrily said as she saw Nehora's state.

Last time, she fainted after the pain subsided, but this time she wanted to withstand until the end so that she could teach them a lesson.

While she waited for the pain to subside, something unexpected happened.

Nehora felt an excruciating pain coming from her neck this time and her body went numb. She couldn't breathe as she gasps for air like a fish out of the water.

Her vision started to blur as she lied on the floor. She heard Hestia's voice in her head pleading with her.

'Rosa! No! You won't die, not in my watch! Don't worry...l will use our powers to help you.' Hestia said, worry visible in her voice.

Before she lost consciousness, she saw dim golden light seemed to glow out of her body.

It was Hestia's doing.















Authoress's note:

Hope you enjoyed this chapter my fellow readers and if you did vote. Come on what are you waiting for.

Peace out.