Chapter 30: The broken matebond


The heart rate monitor sounded in the wardroom. There lied comfortably a young yet beautiful lady on the bed and a soft groan was heard. Her eyelids fluttered open, revealing her shimmering blue eyes.

She sat straight up on the bed, removing the white blanket covering her and getting off the bed. She struggled to stand up as she wobbled. She wore hospital gown like any patient in the hospital.

Nehora quickly sat back on the bed, seeing she might fall if she tried to stand. She held her head in pain with one hand. "What happened? Why am l in the hospital again?" Nehora inquired.

'It is our mate.... he has broken the bond. He marked her, Rosa!' Hestia responded furiosly using their link as always.

Nehora looked at the white painted wall absent-mindedly and in silence. 'Why aren't we dead then? l can't even feel our matebond so why?' she inquired softly once again.

'It's because of me...l saved you and me as using the holy flame. We are special, remember and we can't die yet. We have unfinished business after all...' Hestia uttered as she growled.

'How long was l unconscious?'

'For a few months, about 2 months...Rosa.'

Nehora sighed in tiredness. She got off the bed once again and this time she was fine. Thanks to her regeneration ability. She walked to the door leading to outside hastily.

There were voices from a distance, heading towards her ward, but she didn't care as she opened the door, leaving the ward. Nehora closed the door behind her and turned to see who the voices belonged to.

There was Rebecca, Veronica, Rico, Belbin and Relpha walking towards her. They stopped discussing among themselves seeing Nehora was now awake and standing before them.

They looked shocked at first, but happy after realizing who they were seeing. Their Alpha was awake after so long! They have been worried thinking she won't wake up.

"Nehora, you are fina-" before Relpha could finish his words. Nehora turned around and walked away, ignoring them. This shocked them, Nehora never reacted like this before.

"Alpha!" Rebecca called out, but Nehora kept walking away in a haste. They started following her from behind; they are still worried about. Remember, she is still a patient.

You may be asking, where was she going?

After walking for a long time to the other side of the castle. The maids that were on duty that saw her, thought she was a crazy person, walking with only that type of gown. Nehora didn't care even the slightest.

As she was near the Lycan king's office. Nehora saw the whole family gathered happily near his office, as well as Mark and Adelda.

When Nehora's eyes landed on the promiscuous couple, anger wailed up inside her. Her aura blasted out of her body as her eyes shimmered in golden dim light.

Their happy conversation was interrupted as they sensed the hostile aura. As they looked at who would dare to show such hostility and were surprised who it was especially Adelda and Alaric.

" are alive." Adelda stuttered as she pointed her finger shakily.

Nehora walked towards the couple and focused on them and nobody else. "How dare you sho-"

Nehora glared at Geist who was about to scold her with dim fire-like golden eyes and he flinched looking at those eyes. Geist lowered his head in fear as he felt a tint of her power. Nehora didn't want to do that to the late King, but she was just angry.

"You two have marked each other..." Nehora's voice was dark and cold as she spoke those words. She stared at the mark on their necks, showing two beautiful wolves howling to the moon.

"You almost killed me with your actions. l forgave you last time as you are my mate, but turns out l made a big mistake." Nehora uttered and she quickly grabbed Adelda's neck, lifting her in the air.

Her grip was so strong leaving Adelda gapping for air. Adelda tried to escape from her grip, but with no avail.

Alaric, seeing what she was doing to Adelda made him angry. When he tried to attack Nehora to stop, he was pushed back by an invisible force and hit the wall. Cracks appeared on the wall as he slumped down.

" You committed the greatest sin by killing your mate, Adelda...and for trying to kill me was the last straw. Now die!" Nehora said as she tightened her grip.

"Nehora stop! She is pregnant!" Alaric shouted out loud trying to stop her as he groaned in pain.

"She's pregnant..." Nehora murmured as she loosened her grip around Adelda's neck and she fell to the ground. Adelda coughed heavy coughs and grasping for air.

"You made her pregnant as well. Am l not your mate?! Why do keep doing this to hurt me?!" Nehora screamed as her eyes became watery.

"Because you weren't there when l needed you the most...she was there and well took your place. You came too late..." Alaric screamed as well. His face darkened as lowered his head.

Nehora scoffed as she looked at him lying there pathetically." Do you really think you are only one who suffered in the past? What about me?! You seem to forget the world doesn't revolve around you. l have suffered far more than you think, and l still waited for you! l never found comfort from another and you tell me l came too late!"

"l lost the most precious person, my sister and l..." Alaric uttered; his eyes sad.

"l lost everything that l ever loved! You still have your parents!" Nehora angrily shouted as her sharp canines were revealed, her aura radiated more making everyone kneel in fear and her fire-like eyes were now becoming visible.

Nehora quickly shut her eyes as she quickly walked away from everyone. She knew if she didn't get out there, she might regret it. After she was gone, everyone could finally breathe as they stood up upright.

Alaric got up from the wall as he stood up. His mother, Elena walked towards in anger." Mother..."


He was slapped by her as his face was turned sideways, "You disappoint me, Adelda dare to kill your mate!" Elena screamed at Adelda and she glared at the pair. She just couldn't believe her own son would commit such treason, same goes for Adelda.

"You even fooled us by making us think Adelda was your mate." Geist uttered as he shook his head in disappointment. Elena held her forehead as she breathed heavily out of anger.

Seeing his mate in such condition, Geist held Elena to calm her down. Elena was never a person who got angry easily.

Elena and Geist walked away in silence as well as Rebecca, Veronica, Belbin, Rico and Relpha who were there. Mark looked at the couple and shook his head as he walked away as well leaving them both alone.

'Did l make a mistake?' Alaric thought as he frowned.

Alaric looked at Adelda who was lying on the floor, holding her pregnant belly in her one hand while another rubbed the now bruised sore throat. He snapped out of it as he walked up to her to aid like a 'mate' should.

Was he starting to regret? However, it was too late to fix things.












Authoress's note:

Thank you for reading this chapter.

Sorry my fellow readers that l couldn't update after such a long time. I was busy with my schoolwork.