Chapter 38: Vampire City (5):Revenge

A bloodied and unconscious vampire was dragged by guards in the dungeon where the rogues were kept.

Rogues growled as they passed by until finally they reached the cell next to Nehora's. One of the guards unlocked it and they both threw him inside before locking it and going away.

Nehora looked at the unconscious Raphael in the cell next to hers. She was bloody mess from the match she had recently.

Nehora was curious whilst looking at him, 'What the heck happened to him?' she inquired to Hestia.

'Don' t know. He does smell like a vampire noble which is weird. Considering vampire nobles or pure-blooded ones are treated well.' Hestia uttered.

He must have committed a treason,' Nehora responded as she placed her hand on her chin in thought.

We will ask him when he wakes up.'

Nehora nodded in agreement as they waited for him to wake up. It took a few hours for him to wake up and Nehora almost fell asleep.

Raphael woke up with a groan which woke her half asleep state. His wounds were healed now, but he was a bloody mess and his clothes were torn as well. He looked lost for a moment before he remembered what happened. His face turned grim and sorrowful remembering the loss of Mystal. He stayed like that in silence. 

"Hello~" Nehora uttered happily as she waved her hand at him.

He finally took notice of her and when he looked at her, his eyes seemed empty, void of any emotion. Raphael then looked away from her and just stared at the cell bars in silence, not even greeting her back.

"Okay..." Nehora uttered in an unsure tone. He was really out of it. She scratched her head seeing he was not in the mood to talk and she heaved a sigh.

It seemed she won't be getting answers from him of what happened to him. She won't give up after all she finally had someone to have a decent conversation with for quite a while.

"My name is Nehora..." she uttered introducing herself to him even if he didn't care. Let's hope he will remember her name. When she wanted to talk more, she got interrupted by the door creaking. Nehora's mood soured as she knew who it was.

A guard walked and stood between Raphael and Nehora's cell doors. He held two buckets of water with cloths. The guard unlocked Raphael's cell gate and placed the bucket inside his cell and locking it.

He did the same for Nehora, "You know what to do. 10 minutes!" The guard said with authority before walking further away.

Nehora stared at the guard with killing intent in her eyes. She wanted to attack him right there and there but she knew he had a whip. In the past, she attacked another guard, but he whipped her with the pure-silver whip and she never attempted again; she was still weak after all.

Once the guard disappeared from view, she felt uncomfortable cleaning herself in front of Raphael, but he wasn't in his right mind for now.

She turned her back on him before removing her clothes and beginning to clean herself. Raphael didn't care what she was doing, he just continued to stare at the cell bars.

After roughly 7 minutes, she was done and putting on her clothes. The guard came to take her after 10 minutes to fight in the colosseum.

She came back 20 minutes to dungeon after her battle and was back to her cell. She finished her battle quickly just so she can talk to Raphael. He cleaned himself when she was gone. She had a one sided conversation with him about her battles and other things.

A few days passed, Nehora would go out, fight and talk to him. Raphael was starting to get annoyed with her talking continuously and he finally snapped. 

"Shut up!" He screamed out and he breathed heavily out of anger. 

His sudden burst of anger startled Nehora for a moment there. She blinked a few times before smirking at him, "You finally burge. I was about to give up there for a moment." 

Raphael heaved a sigh before looking away from her. 

"What is your name?" Nehora inquired. 

"Raphael..." he responded after a while. 

"What a great name! I was curious... Why did you end up here?" 

"Does it concern you?" 

'Rude.' Nehora thought as she stared at him. She finally got an idea to get him to talk. She smirked having such a thought.

"Don't you seek vengeance? You look like me... Someone who lost everything they once had and lost hope..." she uttered with a stern tone. 

Raphael stared straight into her, trying to sense any lie from her but none. She was serious as she stared back at him. 

'Is she someone like me? Will she help me with my revenge? After all she is known to kill gigantic rogues, Marcello. Can l trust her...' He thought and he look back at her. He continued with his thoughts:

'l am weak. I can't possibly destroy this whole city alone and bring down my brother. She might have the same ideas as me... I can only ask help from her. '

He gave in and sighed before saying with a stern tone, "l tell you everything about what happened to me and who l am, but on the condition you will agree on my request." 

Nehora nodded and Raphael took a deep breath before finally talking about what happened, " l am a royal vampire..." 

After finishing to explain to Nehora, there was silence between them. " As a reward for expelling my curiosity, let us listen to your request."

"l want you to help with my revenge. I want your help to kill my brother, the lord of this city, and to destroy this city. In return, l will be loyal to you until my death." 

"How can l guarantee l can trust you?" she inquired with a smile. 

"We can sign a blood contract. With this if l dare to betray you, my heart will explode and l will die." 

"It is more or less like a master-slave contract?"

He nodded. 

"You are willing to go that far. Interesting... Fine, l accept your request." she said smiling to herself. It really intrigued Nehora as vampires are prideful creatures. 

With her agreement, Raphael drew a strange ritual symbol on his bare palm with his extended nail while whispering strange words. The symbol glowed red on his palm, "Extract blood to complete the blood contract." he said to her which she complied. 

She extracted drip of blood from her finger by biting it and going near his cell. She extended her hand, not touching the silver cell bars. He went near the bars as well and took her blood and place it on his symbol-drawn palm.

It glowed more until fading away slowly. "The contract is finally complete and l am now bond to you." 

Nehora now felt an invisible connection towards him. 

"In a few days, l will turn 16 which means my powers will fully awaken under the full moon. I will destroy this city and everyone in it. You will follow me by then." Nehora uttered with a sinister smile and he nodded in confirmation.

She just couldn't wait for that moment. She bared this place for almost 4 years and it was living hell for her, but very soon she will extend her revenge. 

Authoress's note:

Thank you for reading this chapter and l hope you enjoyed.

If you did, vote please and comment your thought on this chapter. It will really motivate me. 

Peace out.