Chapter 39: Vampire City (6): Destruction

It was finally the day. It was finally Nehora's 16th birthday and the day to truly be a full werewolf. The phenomenon thing that always occurred was that there would always be a full moon when a werewolf was to shapeshift. 

It was as if the goddess knew when there will be a full moon. Nehora waited for evening to finally shapeshift.

Through the cell bars, the moon shone in the night sky and Nehora stared at it as if in a trance. It was calling for her. Raphael called her name but she was unresponsive. Without notice, she groaned in pain as her bones broke and reshaped.

She let out a animalistic roar mixed with agonizing scream. Raphael looked at her worriedly wanting to help, but he couldn't. 

Fur grew out of her skin, her face reshaping, wings sprouted out of her back and until finally in her spot where she stood. A magnificent giant wolf stood there. It's golden fur was beautiful and looked as if it glowed, eyes that were fire-like gold and golden wings on its back. On its head, there was a golden head chain embedded with emerald jewels. 

It howled to the night. "Nehora..." Raphael uttered almost whispering. He was amazed by the magnificent creature she became but surprised especially at the wings.

Upon hearing her name, the wolf turned its head and stared at him, ' l am Hestia. Nehora is unconscious for now so l will be taking control.'

Hestia telepathically said to him, 'Let the vengeance commence...Follow me.' After her words, the bars melted upon the kindle of her sacred fire. She ran and leapt up destroying the ceiling. She destroyed walls that were in her way until finally reaching the arena, the colosseum and Raphael was behind her. 

Everyone present there grasped at the sudden appearance of her and there was silence. Rouge beasts that were fighting before halted to look at the disturbance. The beasts ran towards her to attack but they were burnt away by her flames while howling in pain. 

Hestia looked around until her eyes landed on Yvetta and she growled angrily before charging towards her. Yvetta stared at the beast charging towards with frightened eyes, she jumped down on the arena grounds and began frantically trying to run away to the open entrance while holding her crane in her palm. 

However, Hestia was quickly behind her and grabbed her on her clothes before throwing her to the wall. Colliding with the wall, it broke into pieces. Yvetta coughed out blood as she lied there pain plastered on her face.

Hestia towered over her and Yvetta glared at her with anger, "How did a dog enter here?" Yvetta inquired. 

'Don' t you remember us... Aren't you the one who brought us to this hell, Yvetta?' Hestia uttered through telepathy and Yvetta's eyes were wide open as she quickly understood.

She let out a painful laugh, "How funny for me to end up like this in your hands especially. End me then, Milcah. However, even if you do you will not completely erase me from your life... especially the scars will be a reminder and fills me with ecstasy." She smiled like a crazy woman. 

Hestia angrily growled as the sacred flames engulfed Yvetta who screamed in agony and everyone heard it. Hestia won't let her die just like that.

She stopped burning her but she was not dead yet. Burnt flesh filled the air and Hestia proceeded to rip her apart but slowly as she wanted her to feel pain like no other. 

Everyone stared at the heinous scene in front of them and when she was done with finishing Yvetta. She turned her attention to the crowd with her fur covered with blood. They were frozen this all time and seeing her attention on them, they frantically ran and there were scream. Hestia wasn't going to let anyone escape so she stomped her paw on the ground and everyone was engulfed in flames and screams filled the air. The building was also engulfed in the sacred flames. 

The thing about the sacred fire Hestia possessed was that it burnt anything in its path. After burning everything, she exited the place and began to destroy the whole city to the ground and nobody could stop her. It was like she turned to an invincible killing machine that night. 

'Where does your brother live?' Hestia inquired. 

"In the lord's mansion. It is noticeable as it is quite a splendid mansion." Raphael uttered.

Hestia nodded in confirmation as she continued. 

Flames ignited the whole city and Hestia along with Raphael reached the lord's mansion. Guards tried to defend and attack her but they were burnt to crisps and they forced their way in. 

Damian stood outside having heard the commotion. Upon spotting Raphael beside the beast. He gnashed his teeth in anger.

"Raphael! What have you done?! All because of some b*tch!" Damian exclaimed.

"You dare call her as such!" Raphael angrily responded as he clasped his hands into fists.

"So what?! You destroyed all of father's work."

"I did it in order to end you and avenge my beloved if that's what it takes."

Damian quickly transformed into his vampiric form while running towards Raphael, roaring. Hestia slapped him away with her paw and he flew back crushing against the ground. Raphael transformed into the vampiric form and flew towards the disoriented Damian. 

He attacked him by punching him on the face, grabbed his leg roughly and threw him, but Damian flapped his wings as to fall on the ground roughly.

Damian growled angrily and using his blood, he formed a sharp sword. He flew towards Raphael with a war cry but sensing Hestia he stopped and dodged her attack. He backed down and began to laugh but Hestia growled in response. Hestia's eyes dimmly glowed and Damian began to burn with the sacred flame. He scream in agony and not noticing her, Hestia attacked him with her paw making him fall back.

He crushed down and Raphael didn't wait any moment as he grabbed his leg again and made hit the ground multiple times.

Damian was a bloodied mess. His way of breathing was becoming slow and shallow. Raphael towered over his brother with a darkened expression. His nails became long claws and he stabbed his claws right through his heart. Damian gasped for air as his eyes widened. Raphael withdrawn his claws quickly and he moved back.

"Co... Coward. To accept help from a werewolf." Damian said as he coughed out blood, a lot of it.

Damian took his last breath before going limp. Hestia then burnt his body and the mansion using her flames. Raphael fell on his knees, transforming back to his human form and tears wailed in his eyes.

'Hestia let me take it from here.' Nehora uttered.

'You are conscious.' Hestia uttered happily.

'Yea, yea...' 

Nehora took over her body and shapeshifted back to her human form. She then walked up to Raphael and hugged him trying to comfort him.

"Don't worry... It is finally over and you did great. You avenged your assured. " Nehora uttered in a soft but comforting tone.

Raphael cried heavily in her arms and after a while he calmed down. 

"Thank you..." he said solemnly but with a tint of blush visible on his face.

Nehora smiled, "It's fine. Now let's move on." 

They got out of the destroyed city and stood in the forest. 

"So what now?" Raphael asked. 

Nehora's hair turned black and her fire-like golden eyes turned blue, "Now, we start anew... a new life. Let's go." she smirked while looking at him and Raphael's eyes shone with new determination. 

She began to walk and he followed suit. That is how their journey began. 

Authoress's note:

Thank you for reading this chapter and hope you enjoyed it. If you did, please vote and support me. Have a great day or night. ❤️

Peace out.