Chapter 40: Who are you?!

They have been walking for a while. "Where exactly are we walking?" Raphael asked as he skeptically looked at Nehora.

She stopped in her tracks and she stared at him solemnly, "I don't know."

She then continued walking leaving the annoyed Raphael behind. He rolled his eyes, "What do yo–"

"Shhh..." Nehora uttered while she placed her finger on her lips, interrupting Raphael. She sensed someone's presence in the woods and it was heading towards them.

Nehora had her guard up as her eyes narrowed in the direction of the presence was felt. The person finally appeared and it was a human... 

The stranger wore casual clothes and he had blue hair as well as blue eyes. He was really handsome after all he was flawless. Nehora was surprised by his presence, she expected a dangerous kind of man.

"Who are you?!" Nehora finally exclaimed as she exuded her aura to intimidate but he was unfazed.

The man was intrigued by her especially when she was cautious, "Aren't you a cutie? Didn't expect both of you here?" the man uttered as he chuckled with amusement. 

Raphael ran towards him to attack him seeing he was suspicious and he went for a right hook but the man grabbed his leg lazily, pushing him away. 

"Don't worry, l am not a bad guy. I am from the uhh... Protector's organization. I am here to see the situation." 

Nehora glared at him suspiciously, "Why come alone? Where are the others?"

"They will soon come and since you are one of us. I will lead you to a safe place." the man said with a stern expression. 

"Fine then..." 

"Wait, Nehora we can't trust him." 

'We can just kill him if he does anything funny.' she telepathically told him. 

The man breathed a sigh of relief, "My name is Nolan and l hope we get well acquainted." he said with soft tone before kissing the back of her hand which made her blush a little and she quickly pulled her hand back.

"Now follow me." Nolan said and they followed him but with caution. 

Nolan was not actually part of the Protector...he was more than that. He was a god, a God of Darkness. The only reason he was there, was to see what happened to the destroyed Vampire City as it caught his interest from Olympias. As he got there while wearing normal clothes, he was not expecting two people. 

The girl intrigued him especially and he somewhat felt familiar towards her as if he could relate himself with her. He felt drawn towards her... A feeling he could not explain. He wanted to help them to further fulfill his interest. He would eventually get bored of her, right? 

However, he was never placed in his position, he had to fight to get where he was and blood had to be spilt. 


Hundred years ogo... 

In another realm, humans prospered and it was in Roman's times. There lived the most beautiful young princess in her country, the Empire. Her features include blue eyes and brunette hair.

She was named Merissah or what the people called her, the jewel of the Empire. Unfortunately, a tragedy fell upon her as Zeus had his eyes on her and one night, he came to her room and so her frightened sobs were heard.

It came to pass her father, the ruler of the Empire, James lll, knew of this incident and he was furious not because he was worried about her, but because she was engaged to the old-age ruler of the powerful neighbouring kingdom as a bargaining tool. He was even more furious as she became pregnant! Merissah's father wanted to punish Zeus but he couldn't... well because he was a god! 

James lll hid the fact from everyone that she was pregnant and anyone who knew about it was beheaded. Merissah was no longer a happy girl but was rather depressed throughout her pregnancy. Then the day came for his birth and he was born. For a long time, Merissah was happy after seeing him, blue eyes and blue hair, and before she could name, he was taken away from her by her father's order.

He was seen as a thorn to their side. He was sold as a slave to a slave merchant and the king hoped for him to just die. The slave merchant named the child, Nolan and was 'taken care' by him. As he aged, he became a gladiator and killed thousands of men and he soon found out his powers through a dream. Due to that discovery of his powers, he killed the slave merchant who was exploiting him by making him decay using the power of darkness and being free from slavery.

Nolan joined the army and became a imperial soldier, climbing his way up the ranks and became a commander which was a great achievement. He then went to war with the neighbouring kingdom and used his powers, his fate was never death as he faced death's door again and again, but he survived. 

They won and he was the one who slayed the ruler in the throne hall. Nolan as well as slayed the king's descendants and as he was able to stab the queen, he felt familiar towards her. The queen even though she has aged, she was beautiful with brunette hair and blue eyes. Upon seeing him, she cried while on her knees and without reluctance he stabbed her, right through the heart. She finally said weakly, with a smile, while her arm shakily extended towards him, cupping his face:

"My... de... dear son..." she fell down and went limp on the floor with tears in her wide open eyes, in the throne room. 

Without any reason, he cried heavily seeing her limp body. Returning to the Empire, he was awarded by his achievements but he was not happy. On one night, in his dream, Zeus came to tell him the truth that he was his father and which means he was a demi-god. Since he was a demi-God, Zeus never cared about him but seeing he was worthy, he was recognized by him. He further fueled his anger by stating that by the very man who awarded, the king of the Empire was his grandfather who sold him. 

Driven by rage, Nolan murdered the royal family by using the shadows of darkness and their bodies decayed. Zeus was truly entertained by his display of powers. 

Zeus then appointed him as the god of darkness in Olympians as he thought of him as worthy. Nolan finally became the god, lived a leisure life of lower nymphs satisfying him and entertainment without care. He never cared about anything now and I'd anyone went against he would kill the without hesitation. Other gods looked down on him all because he was a demi-god. 

However, everything changed after meeting Nehora. 

Authoress's note:

Thank you for reading this chapter. If you enjoyed it than please vote and comment your thoughts, my fellow readers.. Hope for you all a good day or night. 

Peace out.