Chapter 41: The lull before the storm

Back to the present...

Perviously, Nehora was put to bed by Nolan. Nolan encountered Alaric in her room but he scared him away.

In that same night, Nehora had a dream. In that dream, she saw the buildings burning that gave light to the surroundings and on the ground. She saw the haunting two corpses of people she will forever love with emotionless eyes. Same old nightmare,but there was something new. From a distance, she saw a man.

She couldn't see his face as if something was blocking her vision, blurring his face to not be seen clearly. Upon laying her sight on him, something was not right. Nehora looked at herself and saw she was not in a child's body anymore like usual in her nightmares but rather in her normal adult body.

The man walked up to her hastily and she was confused. When the man now near her, she panicked and extended her claws and attacked him skillfully, but when her claws came in contact with the man. He turned into ghostly smoke and dispersed. There was laughter and the surroundings changed. 

She was surrounded by darkness. She now felt more aware, more in control. Unexpectedly, there was light that shone up ahead by a light bulb in a small ranged area. Out of nowhere, the same man appeared wearing a hat, a black long leather jacket and black clothing that completed the look. He began to tap his shoe on the floor in rhythm. While doing so, he had his hand on top of his hat, humming as well.

The mysterious man uprightly stopped and lifted up his head enough for someone to see his eyes and looked at Nehora. His eyes were finally revealed, the same familiar red-ruby eyes. Without giving her time to comprehend, he sprinted towards her with so much hostility. Nehora's eyes were wide open with shock, but quickly acted by moving away to avoid the attack, but he did injure her by scratching her face.

She touched her blood from the wound and stared at the blood in her palm. She gnashed her teeth in anger, "It's f*cking you! Finally..." she uttered with a frightening tone as she exuded killing intent while she glared at him coldly.

"For your correction, my name is Nox. Dear child." he said while smiling. Nehora fueled with anger sprinted towards him with her claws extended. She slashed at him without care, but he kept dodging her attempts which made her angrier.

"Damn you!" she exclaimed panting and he just chuckled.

"l came here not to fight you chosen one, but to inform you by my lord's orders that the war will now commence in this world. You won't be able to save the people or even stop it as we already started..." Nox uttered while laughing like a maniac.

"What?!–" before she could speak more, he turned around.

"–No! Stop! Don't run away like a coward you are!" before she could grab him, he vanished with a smile plastered on his face.

'l gotta wake up now!' she thought to herself and she was back to reality. She looked around and saw the sun's rays passing through the curtains. It was early afternoon. Nehora frantically ran out of her room in search of Alaric. Even though, she didn't want to see him, this was important than her personal issues.

'Rosa, what's going on? Why couldn't l communicate with you?' Hestia asked worryingly.

'The Miskyra that brutally slaughtered my parents and my previous pack, Nox, came in my dream or the same nightmare. They already started to attack and l don't where. For the communication part, it seems he was blocking you from me somehow.' Nehora told her as she finally reached his office.

She barged in without knocking. He was shocked to see her especially. He was about to speak but Nehora interrupted him:

"It is a emergency! The Miskyras have finally found their way in this world and now attacking. I don't where but we have to take action now! Inform your people to search the location of their attack!" Nehora uttered in a solemn tone as she placed her hands on his table while staring at him, interrupting his work.

" Wha–wait, wait, wait... This is too sudden. How did you even get this information from?" Alaric uttered with confusion as he shook his head. 

"That is not important now! Please listen to me! I am serious..." 

He stared into her blue eyes, trying to tell if she is telling the truth. However, he was interrupted as Mark, Alaric's beta and advisor, enter breathing heavily.

"Your highness, it is a emergency!" Mark exclaimed as they both looked at him. 


Few hours ago...

In one big city, people, humans, were going around their day. People both young and old were going to work, to school, some drinking their beverages in cafes. It was early morning and the beautiful city was awaken and active. 

Streets were crowded with people and vehicles were moving in the roads. It was like any ordinary day. The sky was blue and the sun shining, but soon after the sky turned dark and a phenomenon happened. The sky cracked open and this got everyone's attention. They couldn't believe what they were seeing.

'Was the aliens invading their world?' some people thought.

Eventually there were big cracks in the sky that seemed to open a portal, a gate, to another dimension and to their demise, alien-like spaceships came out of the cracks. As well as scaled flying creatures of all sizes came out that brought dread. Those ships began shooting out laser shots that obliterated buildings. Screams were heard as people pushed each other and ran away frantically to safety.

There were smaller scaled-winged creatures about 5 feet that attacked civilians. These creatures would grab people's neck and dropped them from such great heights. Upon impact on the ground, they instantly died. Some ships landed on the ground, the Miskyras, creatures that had grey scratched skin, black pitch eyes and had long claws, then exited to shed more blood. They clawed or slaughtered the humans using their high advanced weapons(swords or laser guns).

Chaos had truly befallen the world. There were police forces in the scene as they shot at the Miskyras using their guns but that didn't work on them. Guns were useless towards them and thus the police were brutally killed. Everyone was killed on sight and soon after reinforcements arrived.

Jets flew above and attacked the Miskyras with missile rockets. Tanks were presents as they shot out missiles and this time, it had an effect against the Miskyras as they were pushed back while some died.Soldiers who wore tech suits arrived and started attacking and defending while some soldiers evacuated survivors to the safe zone. Realizing they are decreasing in numbers, the Miskyras reluctantly retreated as instructed by one of their commanders on the scene. However, they did achieve partially their goal as they retreated. The city was now in complete shambles and few only survived unfortunately.

Truly a lull before the storm and the beginning to the prophesied war. 


"...members of the Protectors organization arrived on the scene and are the ones who informed us." Mark uttered as he was explaining the situation. 

Hearing these terrible news, Nehora remained silent as her expression darkened. She clashed her fists. 

'l couldn't save them... Even though l am the goddess of war...' she thought sadly.

'Don' t weigh yourself so much. You will soon avenge yourself and the people, Rosa.' Hestia uttered softly. Nehora sighed as she nodded her head in agreement.

"Beta Mark, please go inform Rebecca on this matter. Also do tell to invent a tech that could counter their advance. She will know what to do." Nehora said in a tone that held authority.

Mark than raised his eyebrow and looked at Alaric. Alaric just nodded and he immediately went away to do just what he was commanded. Nehora sighed and started to walk out his office, but she was stopped in her tracks by Alaric:

"Nehora... Please wait we need to talk..." Alaric said as he stood up from his chair. He held a sorrowful expression. Nehora rolled her eyes as she knew where this was going. She turned around. 

"We have nothing to talk about. First of all, don't call me by my name. We are not on first name bases." she said coldly as she stared at him with cold eyes. Her words really stringed him a little. 

"Alpha Marquis then... About our mate bond." 

"What about it?! Didn't you break it?! We are in fact no longer mates, your highness. Leave me alone and go to your dear pregnant mate that you love so much." Nehora spat out angrily as she went out without waiting for what he has to say.

Upon exiting, she bumped onto none other Adelda. Couldn't this day get any worse?! Nehora glared at Adelda coldly as she continued to walk away. 

Adelda stared back at her and afterwards she entered Alaric's office. When she entered, she saw Alaric was out of it as he did not notice her presence.


He finally noticed her as he glared at her which made her flinched. She looked down at the floor. 

"Why are you here? Aren't you suppose to rest for the well-being of the child inside you?" Alaric said cold as he sat back down while looking at her. Adelda bit her lower lip in anger.

They were now not in good terms as Alaric never cared about her that much, only about the child inside her. He no longer loves her like before. 

"Alaric, don't you love me anymore?" Adelda uttered as there were tears in her eyes.


"You no longer care about me!"

"It's because you lied to me, Adelda! You never loved me and only chased the crown! You destroyed my happiness!" Alaric finally exploded. Adelda was shocked and scoffed at the irony.

"l destroyed your happiness?! Don't make laugh! Didn't you have a choice in this matter? It was your de-ci-sion to choose me or her, but you chose me instead of her."

"You..." Alaric wanted to continue but he sighed in defeat gnashing his teeth.

"Get out and l don't want to see you." he finally said in a stern tone. He sighed once again. She was right, it was his decision that he made to mark her in the first place as well. In the end, it led to this all because he took their mate bond for granted.











Authoress's note:

Thank you for reading this chapter, my fellow readers. If you did enjoy, please vote and comment as l will really appreciate it. 

Have great day or night. 

Peace out.