Chapter 43: The attack

In the realm where it seems life was non-existent. The sky was blood red and surprisingly the planet seemed inhabitantable. However, beasts and strange creatures roamed the lands. In this very planet, the Miskyras resided there, the realm where they were forsaken in.

They barely survived in it, upon arriving, as hungry beasts attacked them so in order to protect themselves. They built a kingdom that was surrounded by tall walls which protects from threats. This kingdom was their only home.

In that very kingdom, there was a capital, Gurerro, where the royal palace could be found. In the opulent throne room, in the palace, there sat an old man(looked to be 50 years old but note Miskyras live for a long time, about 2 centuries) on the throne. Elite armed guards stood on the sides of the throne. There were more guards in the throne room. A man kneeled before the old ruler.

The old ruler looked like any other Miskyras but the only difference was the scales on parts of his body and face. He had long white hair, the golden crown adorned with gems sat on his head and wore an opulent silky gown that revealed partially his upper body, chest and defined abs. The ruler's dark eyes held wisdom and coldness to it. He was Vixen de Damienella.

Vixen finally spoke as he nonchalantly but elegantly extended his hand forward: "Report young Nox."

Nox now in his original form nodded and rose his head to stare at his king and spoke in their native ancient language, Lawohah:

"Oh,your majesty, the light in the abyss. I have wonderful news. We have successfully destroyed the city that held much power in our enemies's ranks. Meaning we have finally announced our presence. I as well told the chosen one the news to bring dread in her heart as you commanded but not much dread to make her... stumble."

The king, Vixen, grinned," Good job, young Nox. However, l never asked for that information... "

Vixen's expression turned grim as he coldy looked at Nox with killing intent that was palpable. His aura was exuded in the room but it was mainly focused on Nox that made him suffocate.

" Young Nox... " Vixen said with such coldness that it really frightened Nox.

Nox frantically replied, " We plan to infiltrate their ranks, destroying them from inside. However, in order for it to work...we must distract by attacking them the same way as we did. This will be a decoy."

Vixen narrowed his eyes and then sighed, "Hmmm, great then...proceed with the plan. However... If the plan fails... You will be punished." he said threateningly before he continued:

"Now get out of my sight!" Vixen then stopped exuding his aura and killing intent. Nox was able to breathe as he gasped for air and weakly stopped kneeling. By his king's orders, he walked out of the throne room to his plan to action.


Nehora woke up gasping for air as she frantically looked around her surroundings alarmingly. Realizing where she was, she calmed down a little.

'Rosa... Are you okay? Did you have another nightmare?' Hestia inquired worryingly.

'No... I... I just had a bad feeling and it won't just go away. It is as if something bad will happen soon.' Nehora telepathically told to Hestia.

These days Nehora was never haunted by her usual nightmares. It was as if she consciously knew her vengeance was near. She got out of bed and went to the window to open the curtains,allowing fresh air, finally revealing what outside beholded. There was a beautiful forest and she finally got ready.

After getting ready, she heard a knock on the door. Nehora went to open it, revealing Raphael on the door.

"Oh, you are already up. Great. Let's get going. Mark wants to see us, Rosa." Raphael uttered as he walk away and Nehora followed him, walking beside him.

They walked in the corridor until finally reaching the office. Nehora looked at the door tag which read," William's office". Raphael knocked twice before opening the door. Everyone turned to look at them. Nehora's face twitched in disgust upon seeing who was also in the office. She turned cold as she stared at none other Alaric.

There was also Mark and an old man. The old man's features include white hair, dark eyes and a sharp face structure. He had a dark complexion and firm body shape as he sat on the leather chair while his hands rested on the wooden table. On the table, lay desk plate which read, "William Pieterson".

"Why is he here?" Nehora coldly stated as she stared at Alaric, her brow arched up.

Mark nervously cleared his throat, "Alpha Marquis, we are not here to discuss his reason of being here."

Alaric held his composure, but there was a tint of sadness and regret in his eyes. William looked at the two with confusion and Mark seeing his reaction quickly replied:

"Mr Pieterson, l apologize for her. You see, it is a long story. Oh, please tell us why you called for our presence." Mark released a nervous but short laugh.

"Well then, l am William Pieterson. The one who is in charge of this headquarter. As you can see or should l say smell like a human. As you may already know we are in war just as the ancient prophecy stated. I hope you didn't forget it." William said sternly. He looked at everyone to see if they are still in the same track before continuing.

"Great, it seems nobody forgot. I have this crucial information to tell you all and it seems the Miskyras have been living among us for a while or maybe even for a long time."

Nehora became solemn, "What do mean? Where is this going?" she inquired as she shook her head in confusion.

"As l said they lived among us before they started attacking us. We found out this information by capturing one of them."

"How did you catch that Miskyra?"

"He was a spy sent to our headquarters. We eventually became suspicious of him before capturing him. He initially tried to escape but failed. We sucked the information out of him 'nicely'."

"Did you find more like him?"

"No so just be cautious. Don't just trust no one. It can be anyone. As for now, we will use those devices to scout them out. As for the prophecy, we still couldn't find the chosen one, the one who could put an end to the Miskyras. " William uttered.

"Now that they have appeared. There is a high possibility she exists but we find no leads towards her. A woman of silver hair like the moon and fire-like amber eyes..." Mark trailed off as he was in deep thought.

William sighed tiredly as he shook his head in disappointment," Since this organization was established, we have looked for her but we found no one who matched such description until... the destruction of a vampire city. After that incident, she just disappeared..."

'They don't even realize the one they are talking about is right here.' Hestia uttered as she chuckled but it sounded like she was releasing growls after growls instead of a chuckle.

'Shut up.' Nehora replied back to her wolf who was finding this situation rather amusing.

"That's evidence she's alive somewhere." Alaric uttered.

"We are still not sure if that information is relevant. There is still hope." Mark said.

William suddenly clapped his hands, drawing their attention, "Let's not waste time on this matter. We are now done discussing and you are all now free to do your duties." he uttered as everyone nodded and exited out of the office, Nehora was the first to exit. She just wanted to get out of the office as the reason is Alaric who she never expected to see.








Authoress's note:

As always thank you for reading this chapter and l hope you stay tuned for the next one.

Please leave a vote and comment about what you think? (It really motivates me to see people enjoying this)

Hope you all have a good day/night.

Peace out.