Chapter 44: The spy

Soon after they exited the office. There were emergency alarms sounds alerting far from them–they are able to hear it because of their high sense of hearing. Nehora and Raphael hurried towards the alarms.

Along the way, walking in the corridor until outside, they met up with Veronica.

"Veronica, what's happening?" Nehora inquired. Soldiers further away, wearing the tech suits got inside vehicles and huge aircrafts.

With panic visible in her voice. Veronica spoke, "The devices signaled to us on the arrival of the Miskyras. According to the device, it directs to the city and it seems they have not began attacking, but soon..."

Nehora's eyes narrowed in thought. "Do you think this is a coincidence?" Hestia inquired, patiently waiting for her response. Nehora grunted in displeasure, at the same time shaking her head in disagreement to her wolf's words.

"This is no coincidence. I won't take chances doubting if they know where l am. It seems they do know l am here."

"What are we going to do?"

A determined expression was plastered on her face, "Don't worry. We are ready for them and I can't wait to slaughter them all. Those creature..." she said to Hestia, anger clearly visible in her voice.

"Aren't we going to battle?"

"No, not yet. We still can't reveal our identities. We will use our brute force in this fight."

Hestia nodded in understanding but still pondered, "Fine. I wanted to show our true selves."

"We will only use our abilities when Nox or any other superior Miskyra appears in the game."

"l was rather itching to come out after so many years. I will be patient then. Let's go prepare ourselves."

All while they were communicating, Veronica was waiting for her Alpha's words, seeing that Nehora was busy telepathically talking to her wolf. Now coming back to reality, Nehora said to Veronica in a authorical tone:

"Show me where the tech suit devices are and then go aid the others in the operation to end these creatures." Veronica nodded sternly and hastily walked to where the suits were stored and Nehora followed her.

They reached the storage room where spare suits, devices, were kept. The room was empty so Nehora took and tapped the circular device; placed it on her chest. A black substance wrapped around her body and it solidified, forming the tech suit. Veronica went out to help her team in this operation. Nehora looked fantastic as the suit tightly hugged her and the fabric was elastic as well.

Nehora opened the door and walked out of the room. She walked through the corridor to where the aircraft is.

A suspicious young man turned from the corner hastily, not noticing Nehora, bummed onto her and tried to walk pass her. However, Nehora stopped him by placing her hand on his shoulder to stop him on his tracks.


Hearing her voice, the young man paled. Nehora turned him around to face her and seeing his pale face and his nervousness was palpable. She rose an eyebrow in confused by his nervousness and why he was here.

"Aren't you suppose to be–"

"Rosa, he smells familiar. Very familiar." Hestia said as she growled threatenedly.

Nehora paused on her words. She sniffed the air, more specifically his scent, and true to her words. He smelled familiar and not the pleasant one at that. He smelt like... A Miskyra.

Nehora's switched to that of anger as he flexibly grabbed the man's throat tightly and pressed him against the wall. She growled in anger as her eyes gleamed with an intent to kill.

She really wanted to kill him, but first they needed information. The Miskyras in disguise shook with noticeable fear in his eyes but at the same time, his eyes were filled with hatred. He didn't think he will meet her here especially,the chosen one as they call her.

"Why is a Miakyra doing here especially in the headquarters? What are you planning?" Nehora inquired coldly but with visible malice in her voice.

She squeezed his throat tighter seeing he wasn't responding. However unbeknownst to Nehora, he stealthly took out a button device out of his back pocket. Unfortunately she noticed too late as he quickly pressed the button while smirking.

The planted bombs exploded around parts of the huge headquarters buildings. Nehora gasped in shocked as the ground shook due to the impact of the explosives, her hold on him weakened.

"Enough hiding chosen one! Soon the time has come to reveal yourself and we have came for you! All hail our ru–"

Nehora snapped his neck before he could finish and she dropped him.He fell limply to the floor, life already left his body. Nehora sighed seeing the Miskyra's corpse on the floor and Alaric appeared around the corner of the corridors.

"Neho–l mean Alpha Marquis. It is not safe here. We need to leave." Alaric uttered with urgentness in his voice. He was wearing the suit as well.

"Not him acting like he cares now." Hestia uttered with a disdain tone.

Nehora rolled her eyes at him, "Not like l didn't figure that out and what do you mean by "we". I think you met "l". Thank you very much. "

Alaric's face twitched at her words, but he then sighed sadly. Nehora turned around hastily and hurriedly walked away as the building still shook. The walls were crumbling as it shook. Alaric followed suit.

After a while, seeing he was following her she turned around looking at Alaric with disdain. Her hands on her hips and her brow raised. Her actions spoke more than words. Alaric awkwardly turned his head sideways.

"I'll go in the different direction once outside."

Nehora huffed in annoyness before continuing to walk. Alaric stared at her back sadly and with regret. Once she was far enough, he started to walk.

Back when the Miskyras was still choked by Nehora. Alaric was eavesdropping at them. Every single word.


Roughly 8 minutes ago...

Alaric was following behind the Miskyra in disguise, seeing how suspicious he was. He smelt different–neither like a human, vampire nor a werewolf. Alaric has met many different creature as a ruler after all.

The Miskyra turned a corner and Alaric was going to do the same action but he quickly hid himself against the wall upon seeing Nehora. After a short minute, he heard a bang in the wall, her questioning, the sound of explosions and finally the essential part.

The words, "the chosen one" as well as, "we have came for you" which in return made him frown in suspicion.

'Was she our...'

The realization shook him to the core. He wanted to question her about this but they weren't on good terms.

'I can't believe my mate is the legendary Goddess of War, our savior. The one to stop the Miskyras. She is my mate...' Alaric thought with shock and a tint of pride.

He smiled to himself. This was just unbelievable but would she forgive him?













Authoress' s note:

Thank you for reading this chapter and l hope you enjoyed it.

If you did and want to support me then please vote and comment your thoughts.

Hope you have a great day/night.

Peace out.