Chapter 45: The explosion

Running in the corridor, a man, part of the Protector's organization, human, arrived where Nehora was.

"Hah...Ah...ahh...", breathing heavily said," Alpha Marquis. Please evacuate to outside."

The part of the headquarters was still collapsing.

" l know. Just tell me where l can find Sir William. " Nehora uttered with a stern expression but a frighteningly cold look. The man wearing a black jumpsuit responded almost immediately to her:

" He is outside, out in the aircraft station."

Nehora nodded and walked outside to where she came from previously, the aircraft. There she met up with the anxious but furious William shouting commands at one person and another, left and right. William sighed tiredly after he was done. It was understandable as the headquarters was one of his responsibilities and parts of it was destroyed now.

Nehora finally walked up to him and he noticed her.

"Alpha Marquis, it seems you made it out safely. I apologize but my hands are quite full right now. So l–"

"It was the Miskyras who did this. I just killed him just recently." she interrupted.

"What?" he blinked several times before shaking his head in disbelief. He placed his finger tips on the base of his nose before continuing but in a murmuring tone, "Why would they destroy the headquarters? Maybe because they felt threatened..."

Hearing his words, Nehora remained silent before reluctantly answering, "... I don't know, unfortunately."

William sighed once again, "Thank you Alpha Marquis for this piece of information. That lifted some of the burden. However, where is the body of the Miskyra."

"Inside the building. l couldn't carry it here."

"Thank you once again."

"When are we leaving?" Nehora inquired.

"Soon after the troops and our flight will be ready."

' Finally. I can't wait to rip them apart.' Hestia replied.


Both of the Hestia and Nehora gleamed with determination and killing intent. It was finally time.

Deep in the woods far from the headquarters. Nox in his human form, a form he stole from a vampire, and not in his original form, striked the naked tree in anger. The poor tree broke in half, scaring away the crawling animals as well as flying creatures.

Nox gnashed his teeth in anger after he saw the explosion was set off early.

"Damn that bastard! How dare he set off the bombs early or maybe he was caught in the act? Perhaps the chosen one noticed him... Argh! However, if he managed to escape l will kill him myself if he returns to me. I won't take in a coward back."

He breathed out, sighing, calming down. Sweat trinkled on his temple and anxiety was kindled inside him. A new issue has occurred.

"My lord would be displeased so it's not wise to go back, " he began to rub his temples to try to gather his thoughts before continuing,"For now... I will stay in this realm for awhile and make more plans to at least pay for my miscalculation or... to lessen the punishment."

His expression darkened but he shook his head to remove such a possible thought. He then walked deeper into the woods, away from the partially damaged headquarters.


There was all out war. Humans now believed supernaturals existed. They thought concepts such as werewolves, vampires... were just fictional previously.

The Alphas were stationed at different parts of the world. More or less of where they originated. Honald was in North America, Esmeray Onyx in Europe, somewhere.Alkerica Oasis in Middle East, Gretha Umaki in Japan and Kevin Thandon in Southern Africa. Zeta Khelra Grandon was with Nehora in South America.

The Protector's organization soldiers and volunteers were scattered everywhere in the world. People died but the most side that suffered high rates of casualties were the Miskyras. It seemed they were winning, but wasn't it too easy?

On Alpha Honald's side, they were involved in an all-out war. Killing off the Miskyra, his beta, Ronch, older man around his 50s, informed Honald of an upcoming danger. Ronch held the tracking device that released a loud beeping sound. Something huge was coming their way.

"Honald, something huge is coming and l have a terrible feeling about it!" he exclaimed as he kicked and deflecting their attacks.

Sure enough, the sky cracked open and allowing the gate to open. A enormous fleet slowly emerged. It's appearance did not stop anyone as they continued attacking each other, but this alerted Honald whose attention was mostly directed to the fleet with solemn eyes.

It was other-worldly, a warship. Through the gate, flying creatures emerged as well and unfortunately joking the battle. The fleet descended on the ground, releasing a groan. The door slid open outwards, releasing a hissing sound.

More Miskyra, screaming a war cry, existed the fleet. The battle ensued anew until it calmed down a little and just when the battle was about to end. An old man existed the fleet. He was levitating, just enough for his feet to not touch the floor.

He exuded so much authority and majestic that it is as if you needed to be respect and be frightened by him as well. His eyes held wisdom yet cruelty and coldness. He wore an elegant but battle-ready outfit which had a cape. He had scales visible on his face and the only man that had that kind of feature was the ruler over the Miskyras, Vixen.

Honald seeing an opponent who exuded such a powerful aura, sweat trinkledbon his forehead. It felt like he was looking at a might behemoth. Vixen turned his head to look at Honald, perhaps Honald was staring for too long. The king narrowed his eyes.

In a flash, he was standing in front of Honald. He did not have time to react as he was grabbed by his neck, tightly. He attempted to escape but it was fatal. Ronch was alerted seeing his Alpha being strangled. He ran towards Vixen to aid, but–

"No... Ranch... Run..." unfortunately it was too late.

Using his free hand, Vixen's palm as if holding something. Ronch felt as if someone was grasping his heart and when Vixen clutched his hand into fist as if crushing something. His heart exploded, blood spurted out of his mouth. He then fell, sliding like ragdoll, next to Vixen's feet, dead.

Honald's eyes widen in shock, "No..." he said weakly as he sadly looked at his beta's corpse. Ronch was afterall was his best friend since childhood.

Vixen turned to look at Honald as he tightened his hold to have him focus at him.

"Where is the chosen one?" Vixen uttered in a commanding tone.

"l... I don't know..."

"You don't know? *scoffs* You still don't know who is the chosen one eventhough she was under your necks all this time. Oh right, she disguised herself. The chosen one is a girl with black and blue eyes. Does it ring any bells?" Vixen said with mockery in his voice.

" No it can't be... Nehora. "

" Yes that's it. Now where is she? If you tell me l will spare your life insect. "

" l won't te... tell you...Even if l have to die... " Honald was not afraid to die for the greater good.

Vixen huffed angrily and he threw Honald roughly far away like a doll. He turned to the fighting people and loudly announced threateningly:

" If none of you speaks of where the chosen one is located, a girl with black hair and blue eyes called Nehora, l will kill you!"

Hearing his voice, everyone shook in fear. He walked up to one soldier, "Where is she?"

He hesitated and then he opened his mouth to speak but exploded Ina bloody mess, "Too late to answer."

He continued to the next one and the soldier immediately answered,trying to not end up like that man, "She stationed at South America, in the outskirts of Mexico!" he trembled in fear.


Vixen turned away and seeing him moving away from him, he relieved himself out of fear. Vixen commanded his men to now go to their next destination, South America.

He entered the warship and it flew away. Honald was left alone with the others, defeated.











Authoress's note:

Thank you for reading this chapter and l hope you enjoyed.

If you did did, please vote and support my work.

Hope you have a wonderful day/night.

Peace out.