Side Chapter 3 - Dream

Unusually when Ryousuke slept, he dreamt of different things that day.

On the day that he received Midori's confession, he, unlike usual, would only fall into a dreamless sleep, or even if he did dream, he would only dream about many sheep passing through the fence one by one.

But this time was different.

"Where is this?"

Like most people, he was currently in a state of unconsciousness that he was dreaming. So. Without considering the things around him as a dream illusion, he looked at everything curiously.

"hey... Wait-really, where is this?!!!! "

Ryousuke shouted, not realizing that he was currently wearing a giraffe costume. It looked cute, but it was annoying. The reason why he was yelling was because he had just looked around the area, and he couldn't understand what he was seeing.

"yama, kapacru, tagydi hevcfu"

"alilula soudn halte?"

"Ahh... Pacaro hdygb hastew"

With a view of the jungle, filled with pink grass-covered ground. The trees, resembling cypress trees, were also pink from their trunks to their leaves, except that things had a slight gradation of color, such as trunks that were dark pink, and leaves that were neon pink.

If you look at it, the leaves on the cypress tree he saw were also strangely shaped. 'Is it a heart shape? ' What a ridiculous sight for the eyes.

Moreover, in addition to the sight of a field full of pink pine trees and grass, in the center, he also found a camp filled with living creatures.

'What the hell...'

They weren't human. Slimes? No, goblins? Not really. Then what were they? HE DIDN'T KNOW!!!

If described by his eyes that were still healthy from always eating mom's carrots cook, what he saw was like this:

Oval-shaped, with fur all over, glowing eyes that looked like stars in the sky, their height was about the height of her knees, no nose, had a heart pattern formed by their fur, and also... PINK in color.

Like an eggplant, perhaps? Fluffy eggplants with arms and legs, also look cute.

Their language is incomprehensible, what it hears is like an ancient language or the language of a madman. It must be one or the other.

They look happy... Gathering and chatting together. The thing he saw in front of him, even if it was incomprehensible to him whether they were some kind of aliens or what, still seemed to be a very cute and reassuring sight to him.

"Aaaahhh~~ how cute~~~"

Switching gears of his brain, his face immediately broke into a smile at the sight in front of him. 'Should I try talking to them? ' he thought.

Maybe they are harmless. She didn't see any weapons or anything that could possibly harm him, just cute looking furry oblong creatures.

Still in his giraffe costume, he started to approach the camp of the unknown creatures and tried his best to look friendly. His face smiling like a salesman seeing his customer, his hand waving in a friendly manner, like a mother seeing her child coming, he made the best of it.

"huhu, this is what joining the drama club is for"

He smiled a little wickedly, feeling proud of himself.


"para, pata silahwa!"

"uiyei, uiyjei"

The creatures seemed to realize his presence. They looked at him curiously, talking amongst themselves while pointing at him. For some reason, they seemed to look at him as if he were some kind of zoo animal.

"hello hello hello!"

He kept his composure, finally being in front of them safely while trying to greet them.

"haalo? Kehwu sgatahu tajs?"

"uu, sabisg gajrk tahag"

"halhdu gasafai hebmow haalo?"

'ahh... They don't seem to understand'

He felt disappointed after realizing that. It would be better if he could talk to these cute creatures and understand what was really going on. But what the heck... Haa... Now what should he do...


Dejectedly, he looked at the creatures. Despite feeling disappointed, he could not continue to remain silent. Now... How could he understand them better?


Oh... As he was thinking, something suddenly appeared in his right hand. Something he was very familiar with, familiar, and dear to him.

A five-star claymore!

The five-star Claymore that he had in the Tollalio game, as the sword with the highest level, and also as the item he wore the most. It was a dark red sword that looked very cool and fierce.

With amazement, he tried to swing it. Unlike in the game where he just pressed buttons to move, here, he felt firsthand how this claymore felt. It was heavy, but it was cool.


Ryousuke immediately felt excited. The cute creature in front of him who was still confused about his presence no longer bothered him, all he was thinking about right now was the feeling of having a cool claymore in his hands.

"I wonder how it would feel if I used this"

Switching gears in his brain again, he immediately swung the claymore in his hand vigorously towards the cute oval creature in front of him. "HIAAAAAA!", with a face full of cruelty, he tore the creatures to pieces.


"Ustalsokkaaaa!!! Ugh-"

"Ciciyu, ciciyu!"

Dreams could be very strange sometimes. If this was his usual self, he wouldn't have been able to do such a heinous deed, but because he was currently in dreamland, he forgot what he was like in the real world and just enjoyed everything his dream showed him.

Slash! Slash! Slash!

In a few seconds, the cute creature in front of him was gone. All that was left were strawberry patches splattered on the ground. Staining the pink grass with its color.

"Fuhhh... How satisfying~~~"

Wiping the sweat off his forehead that wasn't even there, with the giraffe costume and the large claymore in his right hand, Ryousuke smiled contentedly. Now, he was no longer even thinking about the previous creature, just walking merrily along the place he was currently in.


Slash! Slash! Slash!

The pink tree was cut down!


Slash! Slash! Slash!

The house with the heart shape was cut in half!

Passing through the valley, over the cliff, and plunging down with eagle wings that suddenly appeared on his back, flying, he soared in the sky full of sparkling stars with a reddish colored background. Even the birds in the sky cannot escape his enthusiasm about slashing with the sword.

Slash! Slash! Slash!

Below him was a land full of cheese, he suddenly lost his wings and fell onto a pile of cheese, luckily not dead.


The pile of cheese suddenly moved, like a living creature, the pile of cheese began to move away from him who was lying on his stomach lethargically and began to form something.


The mass of cheese turned into a terrifying looking cheese monster, Ryousuke woke up from his fall and started to stand up quickly after hearing the roar of the monster. Okay, claymore-chan still in his hand, he hurriedly ran towards the cheese monster and slashed at it!


Claymore-chan touched the cheese monster! And what happened next clearly left Ryousuke confused. He saw with his own eyes that his claymore-chan just went through the cheese monster like it was cutting through liquid!

Well... the cheese monster here is also a liquid object. But!

Still, the current Ryousuke was too stupid to understand it. He, seeing that his attack was not working, tried repeatedly again to slash at it. Hiaaa! huuaaa!, haaa! Like that.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, the right leg of the cheese monster began to disappear, flying away in the wind.

"It worked!" he punched the air, celebrating his success. How stupid, when it was only one leg.

Even more foolish, was the cheese monster. The cheese monster that had been silent and did not fight back at all, only roared obscenely.


Wow, it seems that it was only when his legs were gone that he got really angry. What he did after roaring was to raise his right hand, and started punching Ryousuke hard. "Graaaaa!"




Just like the fate of Claymore who suddenly appeared in his hand, only this time it was the opposite case. Ryousuke who was standing in his giraffe costume and claymore-chan in his hand, still celebrating, disappeared immediately after being hit by the cheese monster.

... Not even a speck of dust remained.



At 5:30 in the morning, a teenage boy with an ordinary face woke up from his sleep with a face full of shock. His face was sweaty, and he woke up from the dream he had just had.

"hahh... Hahh... What the hell was that? Nightmare?"

He was Ryousuke. He looked at both his palms, seeing if he was still holding claymore-chan. It wasn't there.

"hahh... Hahaha, what, it was a dream... Fuuhhh"

After realizing that everything was just a dream, he laughed in relief. It was terrible to have a dream with the ending of himself being killed, without even leaving anything behind.

"Looks like I woke up at the right time, time for morning exercise"

Shifting his mind back to reality, he got up from his bed and began to start his day.

Without noticing his smiling face. It had a trace of happiness in it.

Unbeknownst to him, this dream was his first dream that was truly a dream. Ryousuke who usually doesn't see dreams and just falls into a deep sleep, or only sees sheep passing through the fence in his dreams, this time dreamed differently.

In his subconscious, he felt happy because he had a different dream.


White room, all white. There was no interior whatsoever, just pure white in all directions.

Inside the white room of unknown size, there was a creature floating in it.

"hahaha, this is a reward for you for successfully entertaining me, Ryousuke~"

With knee-length purple hair, red eyeballs, and an extremely sexy body, she was floating freely while looking at something in front of a transparent screen. What she saw was Ryousuke's dream, where he was wearing a giraffe costume and also a claymore-chan in his hand, having fun slaughtering in the dream world.


She laughs in a sexy way, her voice sounds very beautiful and inviting too. Needless to say, her face, if you look at it, is one hundred percent the most beautiful face in the entire world. Humans would die if they saw her face that was too beautiful. Seriously.

"Ryousuke~~ I look forward to the entertainment that will come in the future okay? After all that's what I gave you a new life for. Fufufu~~~"

Continuing to float, the Goddess of the universe laughed seductively. That's right, she was the entity that made Ryousuke reincarnate in the Reverse world of beauty. And this goddess, had a purpose of nothing but entertainment.


In the center of white space, goddess-sama continued to laugh. Looking forward to the continuation of the relationship that had just begun between the human he gave a chance to, and the girl from Reverse sense of beauty world.


Note: I don't know why I wrote this dream chapter, everything is unclear, as I wanted, because after all, dreams are always unclear.

But at least, I just gave very important info at the end. That's right~~ finally the entity that caused Ryousuke to reincarnate has appeared. Will she play an active role in the future? Hmmm~~ of course NOT! This book is not an action or adventure book, if the goddess starts to enter Ryosuke's life, all his peaceful life will disappear, and this book will no longer be a slice of life book.

Btw, I'm a little late, ehe~( ͡°ᴥ ͡° ʋ)