Chapter 51 - A Few Months Later

A few months later.

Ryousuke woke up in the morning, cleaned up, put on his uniform, and walked to the dining room. His mother, who had found out that he had a girlfriend, smiled when she saw Ryousuke ready. And his father, he was just doing his usual thing. Reading the newspaper leisurely.

"Good morning, mom, dad"


"Ryou-kun, good morning"

They had their morning meal, with mom's delicious home-cooked food, which made him excited for the day's activities.


First period, economics. With the sexy and beautiful teacher in front of him, he focused on the subject being taught, it was still easy to learn first grade subject, so he didn't need to put in too much effort. It's just that his focus is occasionally interrupted by the presence of the sexy teacher.

At lunchtime, he ate his bento with Ame as usual, looked at Juutaro and Joozu who were eating together in class, and enjoyed his breakfast. After a while, the bell rang again signaling the start of the next lesson.

English, what a lesson he didn't need to learn. After all, he already understood one hundred percent about English from his previous life. With the teacher explaining the meaning of this words and that words, he, who was currently bored, began to think.

While twirling the pen in his hand, he thought about the developments he had had with the people around him during the few months he had been attending school here. First, his relationship with his girlfriend, Midori.

After Midori confessed her feelings to him, and they were officially dating, their talking time started to increase. Since Midori wanted to keep their relationship a little secret from outsiders, he and Midori couldn't do the things that couples did within the school grounds.

Despite that, he still felt satisfied. They always chatted and talked about various things at night, every day. Like about books, favorite foods, favorite drinks, hobbies other than reading, and even about the cartoon 'Proro-Kun is so strong!'.

Yes, Midori too, was surprisingly a big fan of that cartoon.

Other than calling, chatting, and video calling at night or after school, he and Midori also went on a few dates. To art museums again, parks, game centers, zoos, playgrounds, temples, and of course, the city library.

They also had study sessions together at the library, which Midori seemed to be a bit surprised that he was smarter than her. Huhu, you're still far from me, Midori.

They grew closer and closer. Midori had now gotten used to the fact that she was his girlfriend, no longer getting nervous easily. Indeed, he was still the one who took the initiative as the lead, as Midori didn't seem to dare to take the initiative herself.

They were already holding hands. At first, on their fourth date, he had the courage to hold Midori's hand while they were at the playground. From then on, every time they went on a date, he would start holding her hand like a lover's hand. Seeing Midori blushing was also an extra point.

Since Midori was indeed shy, he still hadn't kissed her or anything more than that. In short, their relationship during these few months was a good and healthy relationship.

Moving on to the next thing, which is his relationship with his friends, Ame and Juutaro.

The three of them have now started playing together at Ame's house. Now, Ame's house is like a base where they gather to play together. Not all of them play, they also sometimes do homework together there. They were now true Bros.

Ame, unfortunately was the only single person among them. He still remembers the funny face he made when he told him that he had a girlfriend, his face at that time was so cute, he even took a picture of it.

Poor Ame.

Yes, he told about his relationship with Midori to his two friends. He knew that both Ame and Juutaro could be trusted, he had gotten to know their characters well over the past few months. Inside the school, the only people he told about his relationship with Midori were these two.

Ame, although he seemed cold, chuunibyou, and also always put on an ugly face when it came to romance matters, but even so, he was a serious person in maintaining the friendship that existed between them. Juutaro too, although he seems very passionate and very kind, he is also not naive. Despite that, he was a decisive person. So he also trusted him.

As for his other friends, I'm sorry but he doesn't think he trusts them enough.

Speaking of which, after finding out that he was dating Midori, Ame and Juutaro didn't seem bothered by anything. They didn't forbid him from dating an 'ugly' girl (this world's standard), and they also seemed to be happy with him. Indeed, to the eyes of the people of this world, Midori did not deserve to be the jealous eyes of other men, because the people of this world considered her as an ugly girl, and their views could not be changed, that was their common sense.

Oh yes, he heard it from Juutaro too, that he had just managed to kiss Joozu last Week, while the two of them were on a date after school. A good development between them, the couple was indeed looking more intimate by the day.

"So, the English word for school is 'school'"


Let's move on to his relationship with the Drama Club. The drama club has been running very smoothly so far, to be honest. They successfully carried out their drama performance last month, as well as managed to obtain financial funds that will be given to a special symptomatic child in the hospital. He managed to portray his role as the evil landlord well, Sakura Ichiba, aka the cheerful little girl, has also recovered from her sprained leg and managed to portray the role of the princess wonderfully.

After the play was over, the bonds among the club members felt stronger, he felt it. All good things, indeed.

Hmm... That seems to be all.

As for lessons, don't ask, first grade lessons are still too easy for him. His relationship with his parents? Peaceful as always.

Okay, on second thought, indeed all the things that happened these past few months were good things, not a single big bad thing happened.

Isn't that good? Maybe... But...

He still felt a little scared... Let's hope this hunch of hims isn't true.


His hunch was right!

The next day, during morning homeroom, Takashi sensei just gave a very unpleasant information for all students.

"Starting next week, we will have our midterm exam. So, prepare yourselves"


You know what made this unpleasant information for him too when he didn't have any difficulties in first grade? It's because of his friends!

Ame and Juutaro said that whenever they were close to a test, their parents wouldn't let them play and would make them study seriously. So, that meant no hanging out after school.

He also couldn't try to do club activities, because not only Ame and Juutaro, but his mother also told him to seriously study if the test was near. Even though the first grade lessons were easy, he still had to study to get maximum grades and make his parents proud. He couldn't let them down.

After school, after he finished bathing and now had some free time.

Alright, it's war time!

Pencils, pens, erasers, and paper are ready. Ryousuke hereby declared himself ready to study!

Sitting on a chair in the room, with the study table in front of him, he began to study hard.