The whole rebellion went rather smoothly without many people dying on the commoner side, but on the noble side, most of the families lost their valuable properties as well as lives.
The whole Rapidclaw kingdom was in peril right now because of this hang-in by their last thread. It would only take one single mistake for them to start conflicts again.
Lucky for them Velian kept everything under control using Davin's face which was the main doppel of Velian.
"What's going to happen from now on?"
"Are we really going to form a new government?"
People on the street and in taverns were gossiping about their new leadership. Now that their royal family is nowhere to be found and one is a prisoner of Velian, they had no hope for Rapidclaw royal family.
Velian's army quickly took precautions so people won't start thinking they have the freedom to act against them.