Julie's struggle

Julie POV

I kept running and running until I ran out of breath. I didn't know where to go or who to trust with how I got betrayed by every single person, I thought was decent before seeing their true colours.

"What happened to you, sister? Brother? What should I do?" I would have probably cried if I had tears right now but after all that weeping, I had nothing to waste.

While I was walking wearing a jacket so that others won't recognise me, I decided to lodge at a tavern. I had some money in my pocket but not enough to survive like a commoner in my whole life

As soon as I entered the building, I couldn't help but close my nose at how alcoholic and sweaty the scent of the room is. I approached the front desk where a muscular man was sitting with a bored look.

"Can I get a room?" It was a simple question, I didn't want to reveal many things so I tried my best to keep my face hidden.