Chapter 5 - Outside

It may sound strange however but I've been performing the set of exercises and started to think of theory after recalling how mages use ones to fully utilize the mana around them. There was fiction that was similar to Mushoku Tensei where the main character was a more badass version of Rudeus which was The beginning after the end. The thought of only using my body as a medium to draw out more mana like a magic stone. 

My theory is I could turn the gaseous form of Mana into a liquid state into my core and hoped that it succeeded in creating conduit to draw out massive amounts of Mana without destroying my body in the process. I'm uncertain if it would work as intended since I don't have any access to a mana crystal. However, it is best to take the risk and practice it. 

At the very least if I were to succeed then I won't be needing a magic tool to improve my magic proficiency. Though, I was a bit afraid of destroying my home if I were to try clustering the mana in the surrounding. Therefore, I decided to try my theory in Empyrea but in order for that to happen I would need to find a way to hide from my parents and limit my time spent in the place. 

The energy is proportional to the world outside therefore I felt like I didn't leave at all. Though, I can't instantly make myself stronger inside the Empyrea since the place is like clay that I can mold in whatever way I want but didn't include myself in it. Regardless, the next few days I focused on training my swordsmanship with my father, who was little by little grasping the technique being taught to me. 

Rudeus wasn't far off but obviously slower than me when it comes to understanding the way of the sword. Though, I kept motivating him through it all like a good brother I am. He was extremely talented. If not for my wish and experience as an top class assassin then he would be a top pick in the organization to be nurtured. 

Therefore, I did not take him lightly when training alongside Rudeus even though our father could see his potential above his. Fundamentally, all 3 sword styles were the core of what a great assassin is where taught to kill as fast as possible and when cornered try to defend and deflect while also adapt in every scenario possible. 

'Still I need to awaken my old killer self to further my training. Bandits are a clear option but my parents wouldn't like me going outside without them knowing.'

My parents are ex-adventurer therefore would instantly know what I've been doing if they caught a small whiff of human blood. They also jump off cliffs to awaken my survival instinct which in turn increases my growth but again it would be a horrible idea to make my parents worry. I can always do it in the future and only hope that I can bring out my prime. 

"Nii-San stop ha….I can't go any further…haa…"

Rudeus looked far too exhausted from our sparring with his hand becoming numb after each parrying that we were doing. I was already amazed that I had lasted this long training with me since people in the organization tried making me their instructor but most if not all gave up since I was too brutal and unrelenting. I've never taken anyone lightly, even those who appear weaker are taken with cautions. 

"Alright, but I might continue alone if you don't mind, Rudy."

"You're really scary, Nii-san. Please don't push yourself too hard or mom will get mad again."

"I know and thank you for worrying. It would be worse if mom scolded me hehehe."

"Rudy, Rein, I've prepared a snack!"

Mother and father soon came to check us out training with Rudy walking towards them while I just kept going wanting to finish the set of techniques that I've learned. I am unsure what to call my style if I'm able to revise and perfect it.

"Rein if you don't come here then Rudy will finish everything."

"Hey! Wait!"

I stopped training leaving unsatisfied with it but didn't want to anger my mother and joined in where I sat on my father's lap while Rudeus with my mother. I glance to see Lilia placing the snack on the table before pouring some tea into the cup. 

"You really don't know when to hold back, Rein huh? Always push yourself, you're making me really worried."

"Sorry mama but I want to get strong and protect mama."

Knowing the tragic future that soon would fall was prepared since if I somehow unable to stop the Great teleporting event then I will surely head to where mother is and save her. Though, I'm unsure if there is a butterfly effect for me existing in this world that has no point of occupying my mind since I can't see the future. 

Memories of the story helps as a guide but relying on it too much would be my downfall therefore it is best I'm prepared. I need to get at least King rank in either magic or sword in order to safely help everyone. I'm not an expert in politics but I would likely have to assassinate many people who go against my family. The best way is to make those who are my family enemies fight each other which would result in a domino effect. 

Perhaps, I can even create magic in manipulating the mind by inducing mind control. I'm someone who has studied the brain and nervous system since I made many neurotoxins. The best way I can start experimenting is to take bandits into my Empyrea and do my research. 

"I believe you can protect us in the future, Rein, both of you but don't burden yourself and take it easy."

"Okay, mama."

I smiled at her receiving a kiss on the forehead before we began to eat our snack which consisted of cookies that were likely imported by a travelling merchant in the village. 

"Mama, can I play outside?"

It was a perfect opportunity to ask them to play outside since I'm already close to 3 year and they understood that I'm more mature than a normal child outside. I'm eager to try creating a Mana core since it would be extremely beneficial for my growth and even replicating techniques from other series. 

My question took them a moment to discuss since they were hesitant to let a 3 year old play outside even though they tried my capabilities and mature mindset. I notice Rudeus staring at me and seems to think about going outside and how suffocating it was since his trauma ran deep into his mind. People might see him as a coward but to me he is just like any other people who have experienced the trauma of being bullied and belittled. 

I was the same but I'm trained to control my mind and emotion. Additionally, I am able to discern people's thoughts based on their body movement and expression which prove useful against knowing my enemy. 

"Should we? He's just 3 years old…"

"Hmm, I think it's a good thing for him to explore outside and meet new people on his own. Not to mention, he rarely asks for anything."

"Okay, Rein, you can play outside with Rudy but return before sun down okay?"

"...I…Can I stay home? Nii-San is the only one who wants to go and I still want to study magic."

Rudeus tried his best to hide his fear but I can clearly see his trauma resurface which made me reach out my hand and pat his head much to his surprise.

"If you think I'm mad that you don't want to play with me then I am not. It's fine for you to stay here, Rudy but mama, papa can I go outside alone? I promise I'll get home before sundown."

"Alright, but make sure to not go too far."

"Also, if I found that you came back with the slightest wound then I'll forbid you from going outside."

"Uhm.. isn't that a bit much, Zenith? I think Reinhard can handle himself."

"Master, Madam, I believe in Young masters and doubt that he'll cause trouble. I also believe it is a good start for him to explore since other children that I have taken care of should be given the freedom to go outside on their own."

Lilia said, looking at me with the same indifferent yet I knew that he viewed me and Rudy to be a strange child since both of us were far too mature for our age but I tried my hardest to hide it from her. Though, I can see that she views me as her own child since she had been taking care of us for the longest time. 

"If you say so, But again return before sun down, okay!?"

"I promwise!"

Curse this child tongue but thankfully this results in my mother pampering me even more. We continued our snack until I was in front of the gate of our home glancing back at my parents who were waving at me then looked upstairs where Rudeus was looking at me and gave them a wave back before turning back to explore the village.

"Honey, are you sure about this? Couldn't we wait until his 4 or five?"

"I'm also worried but we can't always shelter him. We can only believe in him."

I heard them say while their voice slowly fades away as I take a stroll through the wheat field where people notice me.

"Oh, aren't you the son of Paul?" 

An old man approached me, gave a warm smile and could see his curiosity looking at me. I'm already an expert in knowing who to trust and those who are not. I am still uncertain which people have hitogami under control. I doubt he'll be appearing in my dreams since my grandfather likely gave me some protection against him. 

If not then I won't even listen to his advice since everything is to his benefit to avoid the fate that befalls him. 

"Hello there, Grandpa. Yes, I'm Reinhard Greyrat and I just want to explore the village."

"Hahaha is that so? Then here, have this on your journey."

The old man handed me an apple and gratefully took it. He smiled at me as I took a bite and continued my stroll.

"Well then, I won't take your time even further. Have a safe journey, young boy."

"Thank you, Grandpa."

Few minutes later, I was walking down the road trying to find the perfect place to teleport into my personal world. People recognize me as I head to find the place where Rudy and Slyphy would spend time in the future. My tiny body took me a while to reach my destination but I took the opportunity to appreciate the world even more. The clear blush sky and fresh air was more pure and clean than my previous world because of pollution. 

When I finally found the place where it overlooked the village and my house it took a moment to absorb the scene. I wish I had a camera to capture the scenery but my Eidetic Memory would be enough. To be honest, having a perfect memory can be a curse and blessing since I remember everything, including my horrid actions that keep haunting me. Though, I didn't let it hold me back to what I must do in order to protect those I love. 

'Alright, let's begin testing my theory. I should aim at least [ Yellow Dark Stage ] to try creating Magia Erebea.'

Closing my eyes and appearing at my palace was able to find that I would appear to the last spot where I left. I moved outside surrounded by the trees before sitting down and started to use my breathing exercise.