Chapter 6 - Overcome or Be consume

The sensation of trying to condense a mana core only using a theory and hypothesis was obviously difficult since I'm like performing surgery blind and one wrong move could cost me dearly. Though, the risk would all be worth it and I doubt I'll die when I can be revived within the world of Empyrea. However, I am unsure if my body will be the same or the progress will return to zero. I didn't have the privilege to test it and concentrated on trying to absorb the gaseous Mana in the surrounding into my abdomen.

There are exactly 3 stages from my methods that begins from the gaseous state of Mana particle that needed to be gathered in single area namely my abdomen and rather than outputting the energy would condense it into my abdomen to slowly turn into a liquid state then gradually turned into a solid state which would be a Mana Core.

I have made mental notes in my mind on ways to base it from "The Beginning After The End" where the first stage of my Mana core would be impure and color starting from black. If I were to compare it to the ranking system of Mushoku Tensei and The Beginning After the End then I could only assume that a Black Core to beginner rank while White Core would be a King or Emperor but this is a vague comparison.

Taking it with a grain of salt would be ideal since this world wouldn't likely have Aether therefore nor my method is native therefore comparing the two would just complicate things. Regardless, it could be a guide to know how much I progress in terms of my power.

I remember correctly Arthur took exactly 2 years to condense his Mana core and wonder if my talent could shorten the times but I have zero certainty if my method would actually work. For now, I tried to circulate the man through my abdomen, constantly churning it to mix the Mana and slowly compressed the energy. How I would be sure if I've created my core you may ask? It would result in a power explosion upon the mana core's creation.

'This is a lot more difficult than I thought but fortunately, Arthur had explained his method quite well when he helped.'

The key thing that I would need is to concentrate and sense the mana in the surrounding, then gather them and mold the particle into my body turning it to be part of my being. I have already noticed how when inputting Mana from the surroundings would often center in my abdomen then spread out through my body coursing through my veins.

Once I created a mana core then it would be a lot easier to input Mana from the surrounding and expelling it into a magic spell. A human body is like a cup while Mana is endless and infinite where only a handful is able to be used but having something like a magic tool, take for example, a staff then it would be a lot easier to gather more Mana than not having one.

This is the same as having a Mana core that acts as the tool to bring out most of the Mana in the surrounding area. I kept gathering more and more Mana turning it into liquified state then tried to condense it. I was unsure how long I was trying to form my Mana core but I was certain that it was time to stop and opened my eyes to see the sun was almost setting.

'Still, I actually manage to station the energy into my abdomen like a Mana core. If I'm correct then a few weeks from now would allow me to finally create the core.'

I smiled at the result of my experiment and still had many things that I'm eager to try, namely the Magia Erebea magic method. Fortunately, I know the incantation for it and would become easier to use if I somehow replicate it. There were also creations of techniques like Demon Sealing Strike and Shundō which would be useful when using Sword God style.

Seeing I have half an hour left before I could return, I decided to train a bit in my sword technique and tried to replicate Shundō which translates to Instant movement Shundō. By focusing ki or mana into the feet, the practitioner can cross a limited distance in a burst of extreme speed. This would greatly boost the insane Quick Draw style of the Sword God Style.

The first step is focusing Mana into my feet then using it to increase my momentum while also trying to slow down my perception of time to help control my movement. It is crucial that I method both mind and body since even if I could move fast, it would be pointless if I can't react quick enough to control my movement.

Taking deep breath then entered a focal focus perception where everything slowed down concentrating everything into the sole of my feet and soon slammed my feet into the ground instantly moving several feet in a split second then moving once more producing a whipping sound as the air slammed into my body. I stopped after taking at least 10 steps before checking the aftermath of my training.

"Hai…this would be more difficult than I thought. I remember correctly a martial artist from Negima normally takes years to even move like this…"

Looking back where many cloud dust was formed from my training showed that I was at least in the intermediate rank if I use this world ranking. For a Shundō master would need to create no sound and dust where they just appear in an instant to their destination. The best way to train Shundō is continuous use of my feet having the same control as my arms.

'What if I added [ Shundō ] and [ Longsword of Silence ] would it be possible to reach [ Longsword of Light ].'

The Longsword Of Light is the technique that would qualify a Sword God style user to become a Sword Saint. Their swing would be unavoidable and would reach near the speed of light because it would form a light when swung. It was easier said than done since even someone as skilled as my father was unable to reach that kind of rank.

'No maybe I can go beyond and truly reach faster than that technique?'

It sounded arrogant but the possibility of creating a technique that surpasses it was not out of the question especially if I could replicate Magia Erebea and gain a lightning form. My lightning speed and [ Shundō ] along with the [ Longsword of Light ] would be a devastating combination.

"Yosh, I'll do that next time. For now I should head home before they start worrying."

Heading outside quickly returned home where my mom immediately hugged me when she found me returning safely. Zenith picked me up with a smile seemingly proud that I am able to go outside alone.

"Rein! Good you listen to mama about returning home before sundown."

"I don't want mama to worry."

"Tell me about your exploration inside with your father."

I nodded as we headed inside where Paul and Redeus sat at the table while I sat next to my mother as we all sat to have dinner.

"So Rein, care to tell how your exploration goes?"

"It's been beautiful, papa! There was grandpa that gave me an apple! There are also so many pretty flowers and trees!! I also found a place where I can see the whole village! Rudy, maybe next time we can play there!?"

"...O-OKay, Nii-san."

"Hahaha but always be careful, Rein. Next time don't just take gifts from strangers, okay?"

"I will but grandpa seems kind."

"Yes, still you need to be careful, okay?"

I merely nodded, understanding my father's words since I am just a naive child in their eyes and didn't refute them. I kept excitedly telling them the things I saw while going around the village until it was now night time and we were tucked to bed.


Before I could fall asleep Rudeus called my name and turned to see him standing close to my bed, seeming a bit shaken.

"What's wrong, Rudy?"

"...actually it's nothing."

"Come on, tell me and I'll try to help you. We're brothers and should help each other."

"...I…Can I sleep on your bed too?"

I find it strange since his acting like a child runs now but whatever is bothering him needs my attention. I can always ignore him but right now he's my brother and whoever he was in his past life doesn't mean anything like how my own does not shackle me anymore.

"Sure, come here."

Moving a bit gave my brother space to sleep into which he hesitantly laid on and I quickly wrapped him with his bed sheet. I tried to sleep but noticed how he was still having trouble and decided to turn him in front of me then pat his head.

"Did you have a nightmare, Rudy?"


"I have too but you should not let it trouble you. My dreams always help in getting stronger but they're also nightmares that always troubled me…"

He seemed to look at me pondering what it would be like me who always remains stoic could be afraid of. One of them is the future and another is my past. The two that kept me busy and kept me moving forward.

"You can either overcome that nightmare of yours or be consumed by it. I choose the former and use it to keep me stronger."

My words struck him and contemplated everything as he slowly fell asleep the more he got into his thoughts. I, on the other hand, was happy to be able to help him overcome his trouble and slowly fall asleep.


"Rudy, Rein, time to wake up!"

Paul burst to the door eager to start training his children when he found a beautiful sight which was the two brothers sleeping soundly in their bed. Zenith was close by and squealed seeing his two sons.

"Hahaha they look so cute!"

"I guess I'll train them once they wake up."

The couple giggle and chuckle before leaving the two alone to sleep since it was rare to see them bond like that.


For the next 2 months kept us occupied in training the sword and magic where my sword style steadily grew that I was now in the same tank as my father which was at the Advance level. Though, I can't properly bring out most of it thanks to my small body but I am still a force to be reckoned with. I've made a schedule to train my Mana core in specified days while continuing to develop the [ Shundō ].

This is the reason why it took me exactly 2 months to finally reach a level where the sound and dust was barely noticeable when I executed [ Shundō ]. Now I felt I was near the climax of my Mana core creation with bits and pieces needed to be placed to allow myself to gain a Mana Core.

I am unsure when I am going to reach the black core but I am certain it won't take a week from now. Not to mention, I was extremely excited today because both me and Rudeus were about to meet our new magic tutor. The woman that I wanted to be with was now right in front of me.

We were all taken aback by her appearance while Rudeus obviously surprised because she appeared like a middle to high school student but our parents were shocked because she was from a Demon continent and it was rare to see one in the central continent. As for me, I was taken aback by her appearance and remembered how the story was supposed to go.

"Hello I am Roxy Migurdia. I am the magic tutor. May I ask who will be my student?"

"Mama, I have never seen someone so beautiful, is she a goddess?"