Chapter 9. Bandits

We kept on our journey and Mr Leo did his business in leisure and we on the other hand stayed put this time,I could go and train but I just didn't feel like it right now.

After 2 days of going around doing business we were finally done , done in the forsaken realm that is, now we have to go to the commoners realm,

A town named Chusha Vilage , where their business is located, the town according to Mr Leo, is divided between his family and another that has good relation with his family,

We will arrive by tomorrow and it's night time right now.Since we were taking a break,I decided to do a little bit of training

I haven't trained for two days and that's a record in itself

After making my way into the woods ,I start training myself by picking up a boulder and start running around,

It does not take long for me to start sweating like crazy,I once heard from some person in my previous life that the true training starts once you start feeling like you can't continue anymore.

And that's exactly what is happening.I kept going at it, doing push ups, squats and running around, Once I was tired as hell,I put down the boulder and started punching it,I kept punching and kicking unto my hands were bruised and my feet felt like they would give out and fall off

You might be wondering why I am doing this, to which I have the answer,I am not some isekai guy that will shrug off balls of flames that come his way, or catch swords and arrows mid air,at least not in my current state

I am a normal human, and normal is a sin in this world , or any world for that matter,I stopped beating myself up and took out my water from the inventory. and cleaned myself up and applied bandages.

One good thing I noticed was that I was healing at a much faster rate, you might be wondering how much faster, well if my previous healing was that of a worms, now I am a snail...maybe I didn't put it in good enough words so let's have a n example.

My bruised fists will heal by tomorrow, unlike when it would take me two days, and they will be good as new by the second day as compared to a weeks time previously.

Meaning I will be back to my full capacity by the day after tomorrow

I looked at that boulder that had my blood on it and decided to put it in my inventory as well,I guess I now have another equipment.

After making sure I didn't look like someone who had a fight with a tiger and came out to tell the tail,I made my way back to the carriage.

'Huh! what's happening' I thought as I heard faint sounds of shouting from the direction of the carriage.

As soon as I saw that,I ran towards the carriage,I wasn't gonna jump in recklessly but maybe I should have a look and see what I am up against

I sat down a little away from the fight and it was bad, Mr Leo had a few bonafide guards with him, two to be precise,but the thieves were larger in number,at least five.

If I tried hard enough, maybe I could take on one of them,I wasn't overly powerful yet, beside, the magic in the world was full of bullshit,unless you were strong, it was extremely hard to live

I mean, every magician had spells of various kinds.Mr Leo was also a magician, like the rest of the people on this world, but his was like that of a commoner, unrelated to combat and pathetic.

So the guards had to divide their attention and guard Mr Leo while fighting the thugs, the others on board had the same situation as Mr Leo.

I look at the scene happening in front of me for a while,I was earning pretty good, but as they say, you can live to make money another day.

But I couldn't possibly leave these people to fend for some days,I had come to know about some dark stuff from Mr Leo these past few years, and it was bad.

I was born with no magic, which means that these thugs won't see me coming,I ran at my top speed towards one of the four thugs that were buay fighting the two guards.

Before any of them could register,I delivered a well timed punch to his face , which sent him flying a few meter's before he skidded to a stop and crashed into a tree

All of this happened in a second or so, everyone stopped their fight and looked at me, particularly the three thugs that were left.

I hope I didn't kill him with that, as I doubt a bandit would have enough practice to avoid death from my punches, even though I am only starting, this body of mine is strong enough to lil with punches.

"Ahh! Why you little! Plant magic, corpse eater plant"

One of the three thugs yelled at me, l as he lost his reasoning seeing his bro in crime get handheld like that.

A giant plant took shape from his magic , it was green plant with a round red face filled with sharp teeth that would no doubt crush steel with ease.

As it was a meter away from me I materialized the boulder from before and the plant struck it, causing it to feel dizzy, if that is a thing,

I took this moment to run towards the thug who did the spell, but before I could beat him to a pulp, vines grew from the ground and stopped my punch, easily absorbing the attacks I did.

I immediately backed away, the fight had begun again and everyone was left to fend for themselves,although the four thhugs were the main problem, a group of bandits was also ransacking the carriages,I raised an eyebrow at that,

Mr Leo had told me just Yesterday to take everything into my inventory,I didn't find it suspicious but perhaps he knew about what would happen at that time.

I ran toward the other group of thugs,before they could react, I had punched one of the thugs to sleep and threw him at the second, these thugs were the normal cannon fodder, but they still had enough ruthlessnes to scare the daylight out of the normal folks that were with us.

The vines kept chasing me around and I used them to get away from attacks that I ccouldn avoid perfectly.

I was using their own magic against them,I didn't know when but a wide smile marred my face as I beat the weak little shits left and right