Chapter 10

The guy with the plant magic kept attacking me, as I kept dodging the attacks,though he did get a few cuts and bites outta me.

I couldn't drag this on any longer, although the weak ones were out, the three out fountain bandits were alive and kicking,I knew that the fourth guy might get back up any time soon and that will be bad for us

I looked at the guards who were fighting the two bandits by themselves, coincidentally they were also looking at me from the corner

They gave me a sign that said three minutes,I guess I can hang in there for three more minutes for now.

I finally took out my weapons,it's time I aimed for a kill, he wasn't someone that me of right now could take lightly, mages in most cases have a weaker body but great destructive power unless they have some spells to counter physical attacks.

"Damn brat! you ruined our plan, I will tear you from limb to limb and feed you to my plants"

I knew I needed to get the guy to become as destructive as he could be,I wanted him angry so that he can't think clearly.

I put a pinky in my nose and started acting like I didn't put him in any view

"Oh!is that so, huh, funny how your men are down and dead while I am standing, haha"

that seemed to blow a fuse and started attacking me recklessly , I guess he was one of those emotional fools, or maybe the other guy was his brother or maybe...they were gays

I dodged another attack as the vines went through the carriage behind me, which was bad, I need to get this idiot away from here

while him attacking recklessly will be beneficial and he might end up harming his own people,I don't want the death of anyone else on my conscious.

I gave a signal to the fighting guards and left towards the forest.Hopefully, I survive this,I won't be doing this work ever again, too dangerous

I led the man into the forest, once I was sure were far away I stopped and dodged just in time to avoid a corpse eater plant,


"Stop running you coward"

he yelled as tens of Vines rushed at me,I took out my sword and concentrated, it was impossible to dodge all of them, so I will have to cut them.


I slashed out and cut off two vines and dodged the third one as I ran towards the guy,

He wasn't surprised by this, I kept running towards him as he kept backing away and summons his plant creations,

after I cut apart the tenth vine and looked at him, he was sweating profusely, losing his breath, by this time he knew that he had messed up, he knew I had him dead for right,

I rushed at him with my sword in hand, just as I was a meter away from him, alarm bells rang in my head, something was wrong, it shouldn't be this easy.

Just as I thought that three giant Corpse eater plants came out of the ground and rushed towards me.

The baited me, I guess I was being cocky, though he would go without a wound.

I threw three throwing knives at his retreating figure, one got him in the legs while two others stabbed him in his back, and the last one misses his head by an inch and stabbed into the tree he was leaning on.


I had better things to do, I just hope that this time was enough for the guards to get rid of the other two, they were professional mages for God's sake.

I slashed at the plant that was about to shred me apart, holding it back , my sword stuck inside his mouth, another throwing knife in my hand, I drive it right where I felt his head should be, I don't know if it's the effects of my hunter ability.

The other two plants rushed at me with the intent to kill, but I avoided their attack, the mage was too far for me to aim accurately at for now so I left him, he shouldn't have enough mana to cast another spell.

I plunged my sword into the second plant. while the second one rushed at me,I was out of knives.i did have anything else so I hoped to God and raised my hands barely avoiding his sharp teeth,I grabbed its inside punched as my hand escaped from the other side

I fell along with the dissolving corpses of the magical creations.

I had done enough, it was time for those guards to earn their keep.

"Ughhh! damn in,I think my arm will fall off"

I was badly hurt,I had never pushed my body to such limits,hurt it at such a rate, every part of my body was hurting, my katana which used to be spick and span was now chipped in several places.

I mentally cried as I looked at it,it's as good as gone, though I don't wanna throw it away

I struggled to get up after resting for 4 minutes as the thought of what happened to my company started eating me up.

I recovered all my knives and slowly made my way back to them.