chapter 102

"Captain! They are heading for the forest, do we follow?" one of the thief's asked as he looked at the thief's captain

"Hmph! So what , let me see who can stop me today" the lackey could only gulp in fear as he looked at the forest, his fears weren't false as that place belonged to another more powerful thief .

With no way out,everyone rushed in after th noe carriage, as according to their source, their was a very wealthy person on the carriage and would fetch a good price.

Robin who was on the ground made sure that none of the kids would die by taking care of most of the lethal blows coming their way.

"Hold on kids! We will be able to loose them soon enough " spoke Rowan as he also used his grimoire to cast a couple of spells.

Marissa was also busy with distracting the enemies while the other kids made sure that the carriage doesn't get damaged by the fight.

No one remembered to ask Robin for anything in this whole ordeal, though that didn't mean Robin was idle.

He had already sensed a few powerful beasts headed their way and was making quick work of them using his skills.

He also commanded the lesser intelligent beasts to ambush the flying thieves to create some distance and hopefully escape.

Finally after some time, the group of kids were able to loose. The thieves in the world dense forest as they all took a rest

"sigh..i think we lost them, lets rest for a few minutes and then go" Spoke Marissa as she surveyed the surroundings, it didn't look like she was scared, unlike the others, they were too scared to even speak as the finally came to terms with what was happening.

"No! We must leave now" At this time, Robin who was quite all along spoke, Rowan and Marissa both looked at him in surprise, they thought he was too stunned to speak due to everything that happened but that didn't seem to be the case.

"Huh! Kid, I think it's best to let them get their bearings before we move again, plus, the thieves are still busy looking for us" Spoke Rowan as he looked above, the starry sky didn't seem to be that beautiful to them anymore.

"Yeah, I don't know about you all, but I am tired from all that fighting" Spoke Marissa

Soon followed by the echoes of the whole group of kids, Robin's suggestion was soon forgotten as everyone huddled together and laid down.

A kid with plant based magic used plants to camouflage the group .

'Forget it! If I tell them we are surrounded in this forest by thieves and monsters alike, they might freak out, I will move out at night and take care of this, todays chase was enough stimuli for them' thinking so, Robin also laid down for a quick rest.

He had a lot of work to do tonight.


Robin opened his eyes as he looked around him, everyone except Rowan was fast asleep

'So you aren't an idiot, good to know' Robin smirked as he used spatial motion to teleport say from the group, he was sleeping away from everyone so no one would know he was gone.

After gaining some distance, Robin used his senses to determine where the higher number of thieves was located.

He also searched for the strongest aura among them, it didn't take him long to pinpoint the location before he set off on his little mission.

It didn't take long to reach the stronghold of the thieves, and even easier was to enter it, with his extraordinary art, it felt like a cakewalk as he easily traversed the terrain and entered.

It didn't take him long to find out where the leader was, though once he entered, he was met with another scene.

The thieves or bandits that had chased his group into the forest were being beaten up by the bandits while the leader was busy taking a puff.

"Puff, so Emanuel! Tell me, how did you find it in yourself to barge into my territory without my explicit permission?"

"Ughh, I -I am sorry Bozak!" the bloodied and bruised bandit yelled at the top of his lungs, his previous ferocity was nowhere to be seen

The bloodied man, named Emanuel, continued' "we entered the forest chasing our prey" he answered.

This interested the leader who eyed the bloodied guy

"Is that so! Then it means now it's my prey" Said the man as he gave a signal to his lackeys," though I still don't understand why you would risk crossing me for this" he continued.

"I-i was paid by the nobles to make it so that most commoners don't get a chance to arrive at the magic knight ceremony, they say the commoners are always buzzing around the capital like flies and they don't want that" Finished Emanuel as he looked at Bozak.

"Hmm, alright, guys, get rid of him and search for this party, I want them borough before me at all cost" Bozak threw away his smoke as he left, not paying attention to his lackey's laughter and The bandit's screams as he begged for mercy.

Robin didn't mind it one bit as he simply followed the bandit into his room, though Robin was surprised when the bandit was able to feel his presence once or twice.

It has to be known that one should have a high instinct for danger and only then can one dodge a haze user.

Bozak who was feeling a looming sense of danger finally arrived at his personal room before he closed the room, putting on all the locks as he heaved a sigh of relief.

"What is this weird feeling I get, no matter, I only need to make sure no one enters the mountain caves and my work will be done, I wonder how long I need to do it.

Robin heard every word the bandit leader spoke and couldn't help but become confused, it seems even this guy has someone above him.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I love you guys <3