Chapter 101

After a bit of a wait, everyone was ready to go, Robin sat in with the other teens as the old man tied the carriage with horses before they set on their journey.

"Although we are a but late, but if we skip a few stops, we can still make it in time," Replied the old man as the other kids covered themselves in heavy clothe to protect themselves from the cold night.

Robin felt awkward as he was the only one looking casual with his pants and shirt that ndidn't provide much in the way of stopping cold.

Though it was more so because he was not even feeling it, the abnormal immunity was a wide-scoped ability.

Robin kept an eye along the way as the other kids soon went to sleep, Rowan was still busy driving the carriage.

Robin stood up amidst the rattling carriage and skillfully jumped over to the driver's side.

"Oh! You still up kid, Dont worry, although I am an old man now, but I can still take care of a few rotten apples," Replied Rowan as he scooched over to give Robin some space.

"It's better for to be awake, one to drive and the other to keep watch," Replied Robin as he closed his eyes, although his senseswere spread around him.

Ready for any surprise that the road ahead might bring.

"So kid! You a commoner as well, right?" Asked Rowan.

"You don't see me carrying any guards with me," Robin mocked, taking out a small black plate from his storage, using soul force as it suddenly lit up.

"Foo! That's good kid, a portable heater, and it doesn't get affected by the wind, you definitely ain't a commoner," Remarked Rowan as he grinned.

'What's with that shit eating grin, he isn't a thief or something, doesn't feel like it or anything Robin thought as he kept his eyes open.'

The journey kept going smoothly for a while and the group didn't come across any thing they couldn't deal with.

Rowan simply took care of any small monster that came across with simple ease.

Although Robin knew the old guy was strong, seeing was believing.

'Must have been a guard for some merchant or something.'


"Why we stop?" Robin askew confused as he saw the hesitation on Rowan's face.

They had come across a split,

"nothing...I just thought about taking a shortcut, this will cut our distance by half,"

"I sense there is a but coming," Spoke Robin as he rolled his eye at the fearful expression on Rowan's face.

"Gulp...but that path is very dangerous, rumor is that half those that go in end up dead for some reason" Rowan finished," Some say its thief's, other say it's beasts, I also heard a guy rambling that the place is full of ghosts,"

He looked at the still sleeping kids with a look of care before he sighed, "Forget it, its betwe-"

"It's too late," Robin suddenly cut in

"Huh! What do ya mean?"

"They have been following us, we can't stay in the open, I see the forest path you spoke of, dive in before it's too late," Robin warned as conjured a barrier over the carriage.

Figures of thief's we're visible in the sky.

"Oh shit! Kids wake up, defend yourselves," Rowan immediately woke up the kid when he looked above.

In the starry sky, a dozen of flying figures were visible.

Rowan struck his leash as the horses neighed wildly in rage, the carriage picked up speed as the sleepy kids came to realize the severity of the situation.

"There are so many of them,"

"Hurry up, Miles, you have metal magic, hurry up and make a shield, Trish, conjure some wind spears and use them as a distraction....." Marissa who was now awake immediately assume the role of the leader as she started chanted,

It could be seen that the kids knew each other well enough not to bicker like idiots ..or they may just be scared shitless.

Robin kept an eye on the myriads of spells that descended from the sky.

'Nothing that can break the barrier..maybe I should let these kids fight a little bit, maybe then they might have a chance at winning the exams.'

thinking so, Robin quietly withdrew his soul force and the invisible barrier disappeared, allowing the metallic giant shield hanging in the air to take the full brunt of the attacks before it started cracking.

"Hold on guys! We will get through this!" Marissa spoke as she threw a few fireballs at the assailants.



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