Chapter 106

The place descended into chaos right before my eyes as everyone started talking all at once, gone was the atmosphere of the exams as everyone looked around, looking for opponents weaker than them.

While I was busy looking for the strongest among them as the real goal of this exam was to look for a magic knight that had potential, and the ability to go against all odds.

The true worth of a person is often displayed when he goes against a tough situation, or at least that's what I think about this exam.

I used my universal senses and eyes to spot the person with the biggest reserve of magic in the arena aside from the captains and vice captains.


I saw a teenager with a build of an adult, kind of like me, how do I know he is a teenager, cause of the exams and cause of my skills.

His magic reserves were bluish in color, but they weren't really water oriented as the magic had the characteristics of a flame.

I approached the guy, who also noticed me moving towards him from afar, judging from his clothes, he was surely a noble, and a powerful one at that must I say, at least according to the amount of mana the guy carries.

I also remember that Yuno is also supposed to be from a noble household or something, not to mention he is also a reincarnation of an elf or will be in the near future, not that I have anything to say about that.

Putting those pressing matters aside I stand in front of the kid, who has the same eyes as all of the nobles I have met till now, which is very low considering I have even worked alongside a merchant and even had a shop of my own.

The condescending attitude was practically rolling off of the kid as he looked at me with scorn,

"Hmph! What do you want a present?" he said.

And before I could continue, the guy was 'smart' enough to come to his own conclusions.

"Let me guess, just because you think you are dressed nicely, you think you are a noble," he smirked at me, I sighed at that.

It's another brainless fool, I mean, what's there to be proud about being a noble unless you really have the makings of one.

It seemed like before I could continue my question, the guy threw a glove at me, which slowly fell to the ground.

"I shall challenge you and show these peasants where they belong, hmph, don't try and run away if you have the guts." he said before he moved away into the crowd.

Our little talk had roused the other participants as every other noble started picking up on the normal ones.

I decided to turn on my haze and become inconspicuous lest someone else comes my way and taunts me again, as I did so, I felt several people trying to look for me, unfortunately for them, it won't be so easy.

Perhaps only one or two of the captains will be able to spot me in my current state. After ten minutes, the battles finally began as the matches progressed one by one.

It was fun to see all kinds of spells fly around, I really got to see some nice spells, even had the thought of emulating some of them.

Especially the fact that nearly all the kids had creation style magic that could spawn things like spears of ice to giant bronze elephants that could send tremors in the ground.

It was like a circus.


"And now we have, Arian Gulong, from the noble house of Gulong and on the other side is...Robin Alphonso, a commoner from the forsaken realm."

I jumped down from the audience stands as I made my way back to the arena, meanwhile the noble was bust flaunting his unique Blue fire magic he called hellflame.

I agree that the flames were really powerful but they were nowhere power enough to be called hell flame.

'Unfortunately I can currently a space magician so I won't be using any flames or thunder.' I really wanted to beat the guy at his own game.

I arrived beside the guy and gave a wave, which was again returned with mocking, damn! Discrimination is really at its peak right now.

"hmph! So you didn't run away, good, at least you have guts."

I didn't bother with a reply as I my book floated beside me

"What a brute!" The guy yelled, I am really not sure whats going on in his head.

"Have a taste of my flames [Hell shower]"

The guy yelled the name of his spell as a barrage of powerful blue flame spears flew towards me.

I also acted as if I was casting a spell while a dome of translucent purple chaos workforce covered me as I yelled,

"[Space bubble]"

As soon as the flames made contact with my bubbles, they got absolutely annihilated, chaos wasn't something that could be broken so easily.

"What! I am not done yet,"

The noble was surprised before his grimoire flipped pages and he readies another spell.

In order to mock him, I started yawning, as if I was saying, 'This is too easy' , that seemed to annoy the hell out of him as the intensity of his magic increased.

"Ughh, take this [Flame Javeliin]

[Creation style :Flaming Bull]

[Creation style: The hanging sword], [Hell floor]"

Several spells were cast one by one, the guy was really talented and would have stepped above everyone's face today if it weren't for the fact that I was the one he was facing.

As soon as any of his attacks came close to my shield, the chaos attribute easily corrupted the incoming attacks.

As soon as the dust settled, the noble became shocked, I could see he was nearly out of juice, it was best if I gave a demonstration of my physical prowess as I have already shown them my attacks and defense spells.

The bubble popped as I disappeared from my place, appearing right behind the guy as I purple chaos sword was placed at the noble's neck.

"I win"

"N-no! He must be cheating, yeah! That's it-"

The noble couldn't believe that despite his best efforts, the match was over in two minutes, something that would bring great shame to his name.

Though it seemed the magic knights weren't here to cater to him today as the host announced by victory, along with a promise of revenge from my new enemy.

I didn't pay him any mind as I sat far away from the others, there were still a few matches before the new magic knights will be chosen.

I couldn't see any of the kids that I traveled with here except for that girl, it doesn't matter as our journey is over.



Monday -Wednesday-Friday

Extra chapter will be given when i am free from real life or if powerstone cross 200

Sunday is off for both novels

hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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I love you guys <3