Chapter 140

Robin and the others were led into the Ceremony hall, Robin was doing fine but the same couldn't be said about the others who had just entered the den of tigers.

Especially Noelle and Klaus, many of the Captains were present as well as Capable magic knights, it could be said that half the kingdom's magic force was present today.

The ceremony started as everyone kept glaring at Robin and his accomplices, Robin, who was already used to such pressure didn't feel anything but the others weren't so lucky.

The knights were called up one by one and were given a medal for their bravery and achievements, Robin who was seeing this couldn't help but feel a sense of loss.

He had been promoted as well, but his ceremony was not grand, in fact, there was no celebration in his case, no medals or whatever.

Soon enough, everyone was done with their ceremony and people started enjoying their food, Meanwhile, Marx came closer to the Wizard king and said something in extremely hushed tones, normally Robin should have been able to pick up on what was being said but perhaps he was using some kind of magic.

"Woaaaah! This is so tasty," soon enough Asta started eating like crazy pig as the wizard king said his goodbyes.

The pressure on the newbie increased by a whole lot as Asta kept enjoying his food, out of the corner of his eyes, he also saw Charmy pulling some desserts under the rug

"Noelle! Try this, it's so tasty," Asta blurted as he tried to shove a piece of meat in her face, though she easily dodged it.

Robin saw her feeling uncomfortable as she looked at the three silver-haired figures from afar.

Robin thought for a while before he sat down as well and started enjoying the food as well, competing with Asta on who could eat more.

Though no one said a single word to them, as they knew who Robin was, his feats of strength were not for show.

…or maybe it was…

Soon enough he felt the silver-haired woman with a weird hairstyle move towards them as she took a glass of wine and was about to drop it on Noelle who although knew what was happening, was powerless to stop it.

Who would Robin be if he didn't but in on other peoples business, plus she was a member of his guild.

"Are you sure you want to do that? Insulting my members is the same as insulting me?!" He inquired as he looked the woman in the eye.

"Hmph! Know your place peasant, if I, Nebra Silva, want to show you your pla-ugaaah!"

The poor noble woman didn't have the time to say her part before she was sent flying, a mouthful of blood leaking from her mouth.

At this moment, the whole place was deathly quiet as they all looked at one figure, Robin, who was calmly eating his food.

"D-damn you peasant, You dare hurt a Magic knight of our squad," Solid Silva shouted as he summoned his magic and sent it at Robin.

Who gazed at the incoming attack from afar, at this rate, this single spell is enough to target him and those around him.


A purple barrier surrounded Robin and those around, the powerful attack that had Klaus sweating didn't do much to him as he calmly ate.

"This- This is bad," klaus who was quiet until now spoke, he noticed the situation was getting out of hand and tried reasoning with the two from the opposing squad, though his own members didn't seem to like his words as they shut him up for good.

"Know your place Robin, are you declaring war on the nobles," one of the magic knights who had previously been humiliated by him at the golden dawn mansion couldn't help but spit out.

"When did I say I want to go to war with the nobles, I am simply discipling two rotten eggs that don't seem to fall far from the tree," Robin replied as he stood up and looked at Nozel who was staring daggers at him.


"Though if it comes to that, I don't mind showing you bunch of wusses how it's done," Robin taunted as he looked at Nozel who took out his grimoire as well.

At this point, Robin was only messing with these people and could easily take out most of the magic knights barring the captains.

He will have to get serious if he wants to defeat them.

Nozel slowly started walking forward as he berated his own members before he increased his magic pressure, trying to scare off Robin.

Robin who felt the pressure didn't bat an eye, to him, The guy was not as strong as Yami so he could be dealt with.

Though he said that, he couldn't help but glance at the two Magic knight captains around him, if they joined in, things would be difficult.


Two intense auras clashed in the air, A giant Eagle emerged from Nozel as it glared at Robin, who also summoned the peak black gold rank Thunderblaze phoenix at this moment.

Lightning and flames danced in the air as the pressure from the spiritual beast started bearing down on the others who were weaker.

So much so that some of them even fainted,

Only the Captains and members of Black bulls were having it easy.

"This power…and from a commoner no less, it seems that the magic emperor has an eye for talent," Fungoleon looked at Robin and then at the others from Black bulls.

Asta was also standing his ground on his own, even dealing with the members of Golden dawn with ease.

Robin had also noticed the Bastards from Golden dawn, but he didn't care about them as Asta can easily take care of those trash.


Suddenly the sound of an explosion shook the place, followed by a guard barging into the hall.


Nozel stopped the little confrontation show as he put his attention on the knight who barged in,


Meanwhile, Robin so ready his senses throughout the place and saw the destruction,




I was a little busy in real life and so couldn't find the time to give an update, though i am back to three uplaods a week again starting from today

Was busy helping with my big brother's house construction, it was extremely tiring and i wanted to kill myself, its still not complete but i have done most of the work anyway enjoy

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon Link:- remove. e from link A/N:- I love you guys <3