In pursuit of happiness

At altgeld Gardens, Chicago. Lana was on the verge of ultimately arriving home, walking on a dead-end street alone at nightfall just because of the fact that called taxi burst into flames after bashing into an ordinary roadside tree, under the twinkling street-lamp after a long way down from the west side of Chicago to her wrecked house that had remained at least from a hundred of years ago and seemed like it needed either some vital restorations to settle down or to utterly get demolished for construction zone to set up more residential buildings. In actual fact Lana would be better off if their neighborhood was knocked down  because they could thereupon amass finally adequate amount of funds for a new beginning in any state except those including drug-dealing and illegal gun-trade just like in Chicago and that rotten appearance of patch could vanish into sorely memories following the start of construction.

It was the one of her day-to-day wishes as she could no more bear any drug-dealer sticking around that state, corrupted, making all-out effort to decoy the people like her brother into getting addicted to a drug, so she muttered " I'm gonna whoop up anyone's ass, trying this one more, instead of government , fucking government is still being  fucking  huh..."

The whole town seemed exactly out-of-date, the street-lamps were seldom lighting, some of which had already been snapped by dead-end kids born by chance, ergo Lana had ever longed the cops to be more trigger-happy in such a way that whole adverse assumptions upon the patch could turn into a sustainable one, thereupon far more upstanding citizens could straggle back to the patch to dwell or tarry for a while, otherwise, a gang-city would turn out to be real in her patch in such a short time.

Whilst being on the way, she was seeing the falling-down drunks, lying on the edge of the road, sort of conscious with a bottle of new breakout liquor that was more effective than allegedly tipped or introduced on media. It seemed just as if they had  protended the last footsteps of an oncoming low-down youth or downfall of the humanity, for this reason, Lana was of the view that, one day, American rubbishes, which was the name that Lana had found to call sort of offensively, would as likely as not initiate a zombie plague, which could wipe whole Americans off the map in such a short while, and as a matter of fact, it would make her quite content because foolishness of the America, in all likelihood, would dead-end evermore.

Anyway, she was a mite glad of seeing her walk-up apartment again as she was quite run-down after an eventful work-day, so the first thing she was temped to do was lying down on the bed 'till to-morrow right after rounding out her pivotal  researches as she would be tied up with the tasks of her new bog-standard job, which she procured by all-out effort after dropping out of previous one because of low-earning and a knock-down-drag-out argument ragging all along the line with her ex-earnest boss.

In fact, Lana had wanted unwillingly to get the job since she had ever longed to attain an university degree of  Harvard  since the time she had been born rather than working, at least, seven hours a day only for sixty-five dollars with aim of paying off all of the loan of her brother, howsoever, she was boxed in owning to his brother's loans.

 When hardly reaching the last street, thinking over what could be by far the best way to gain more, Lana happened to see that the door was left open weirdly and there was a scarlet  writing  on the door " pay off or die off" , therefore she was sort of concerned about any probable break-in coming about right after she's leaving. Lana had thereafter been tiptoeing via peering through the door without any noise by the time she dashed into room, not wanting to come across any rip-off, since the jerks could still be in, but alas, the first thing she saw was her elder-brother naked, lying down on the misty floor with some injures on his neck and back as though he had got involved in a mass brawl, and whole room  seemed broken into and then plundered savagely, so she instinctively exclaimed " What in God's name happened here?", dropping his bag on the floor suddenly, in state of temper, and saying " where the hell did you leave your keys? Tell me you bastard! Okay... you know what! I'm done, you should track down someone else if it's possible to have got your back! ".

In fact, it wasn't rocket science to foresee what would come about after letting a bovver boy hang out with some jerks that could even decoy the archfiend into getting involved in at-risk places particularly around the Chicago, and after seeing so, Lana stormed out of the room in a state of extreme fury through the open door, spitting out " you stupid cunt!" . She was out of her mid, in tears, making a call to his besty so that she could open up to anyone about these unfortunate incidents occurring around which she was in as ever.

When Lana's besty responded her quick-fire calls, Lana commenced to talk of her brother, sort of backbiting "Emma, my brother is such a sucker, I'm not sure if I can manage to bear his existence around me anymore"

 " What happened there dear" can you please be sort of slow then spell out what is wrong with your brother? " Emma responded, kinda  shocked.


Lana was crying out in sadness, sniffing fitfully, and so she kept saying, in tears" he has caused my whole stuffs to get rapped, and he is naked lying on the floor, well-nigh beaten to death, so tell me how to manage to calm myself down ".


Emma was quite conscious of Lana's state of sorrow, and she was also conscious of the fact that Lana was felling as though she had been the most lame-duck one in the world," Apparently, it's impossible to talk of these on the phone , why don't-you come to me to-morrow so that you can set them out clearly honey? ", Emma said, low-voiced and genially.

"I'd like to, but alas, I'm gonna be knee-deep in my fresh-tasks, so maybe we defer it 'till over-morrow, if you have nothing important but being home all-day", Lana replied, rather shivering in fear of how to pay off his brother's mounting loans by sixty-seven days later.

Yeah, I was going to be tied up with the jumble of documents regarding my job actually, but leastwise my besty is in need of some help, I have no choice but helping her, I'm sure we can either find a solution over these or wait by the time we find, see ya over-morrow my dear", Emma said, then hung on, confidentially.

After doing so, Lana started to seek her some crucial documents inside the room, which were supposed to be on the desk, well-arranged, however, she found nothing other than a misty smoke and some fresh-used preservatives. Apparently someone had had some affairs in before she's reaching, but she could ne'er figure out whose preservatives were those, and she thereupon saw a jumble of the documents underneath the desk, scattered, but almost in full.

So Lana was a mite pleasured or, at least, not that freaked-out as previously after seeing their documents in full. Whatsoever she would do first was getting all, of which were underneath the desk, up to make certain if there was anything missing for the reason that she would hit the ground running hereafter to round out her researches over the future of the co-op company.

And luckily there was nothing missing, however one of the files was soaked in sperms, which was the work-schedule.

She was sickened by the sperm-covered schedule ,then expectedly decided to rip and make one copy before starting to work on her assignments.

Lana was aware of the fact that it would be an overlong day even after working for hours at the office, but she had no choice but keeping working if she wanted to chase her dreams or, at least, see some of them coming true. Subsequently, Lana started to make a quick-tidy-up all around the room in that the appearance of the room obviously seemed as if all of the rikishes in Japan had worked out all around.

When starting to tidy up his files, Jensen woke up having difficulty uttering " where the fuck are those assholes? I'm gonna fuck all", half-unconscious and barely getting up.

Lana solely blew up at his brother when seeing, "you have any longer fuck all to do with them, alright? Look at yourself! You're miserable, robbed, you do neither fuck around nor get wasted anymore".

Jensen was quite tempted to quarrel with her and withal knock down her, howbeit, he couldn't even lash out, considering he was not feeling that well. So he could manage to merely utter " just shut up, okay?"

Jensen was thinking of how to get back to the roadside bar such that he would trace his lost clothes, moneys and keys back, and then stow them in home, but he had to prioritize a catnap to get better if he wanted so.

He thereupon hardly headed to the bathroom to freshen up, not caring his naked body even when sticking around his sister, happen he was still so drunken that he couldn't take it into consideration.

Lana was utterly disgusted of Jensen, so she didn't look at him whilst speaking even once , luckily he didn't happen to see him heading to the bathroom, as soon as Jensen left, she started to work upon the assignments over.

Working on them even for a short while was delighting her as she could blot himself out when Jensen was fiddling around, but abruptly she started to hear some aloud noises emanating whence Jensen was in and then resounding all around the house. Lana was again distracted from his works and flipped out. She was of the mind that Jensen was rip-assing zestfully following a dozen of days ago or maybe much more.

Ohh... Apparently we're in the shithouse again, I don't know if anything more galling can exist  in this world except some shaggy-dog stories concerning a hands-down game betwixt winging baseball players and beach-boys longing to eradicate a sand castle with a bulk of orcas", she thought for a second, frowning, while drafting a proposal for the next meeting on a golden brown chesterfield chair dating back, at least, to 1800s.

Eventually, after sniffing some shit-smellings flooding into the hall she didn't resist his urges to thunderously bawl " have you eaten a ton of scarab beetles last night?

"Only some lip-smacking milf vaginas, so what is the problem with this?" he said loudly and delightedly, then kept shitting.

Lana could no more sit up for his assignment, then she decided to go to sleep quickly so that she could refrain from all embarrassing stuffs made by his elderly-brother. She only wished to snuggle down in her warm bed by the morning without any worse incident. The darkness had already descended over the whole state, when she laid on the bed, starring at the stars fascinatedly.

After a bit long while, while tossing and turning on a semi-ripped bed, near to a cheesy telly, having ran at full blast for, at least, 5 hours, sort of tingling owing to the bone-chilling atmosphere flooding into the the room through the jammed windows, Lana was conscious of the fact, as far as he could understand form A silhouette of her brother could be seen on the walls, that Jensen was on the point of snoozing on the sofa after being falling-down drunk at the down-at-heel bar and getting beaten to death of some sexual prejudices, so he was half-unconscious, thunderously snoring and belching just like a newborn infant crying out in fear, as it were

He was utterly around the bend as he was caught concealing some drugs wheresoever he had been working beforehand and sued for drug-dealing right after caught, so he was awaiting merely ending up in the click with a bottle of liquor in his hands around the clock, doing nothing but getting wasted over and over, even so, putting up with such a man like him was worse than being in his shoes since Lana had to close her eyes to what was happening around her and just try to act just as though he had been on the right track

Lana was about to crack up on the bed, because of the loud noises emanating from the low-fi telly and echoing continuously all around the room. They were irritating enough to make some conspiracy theories as to how to switch the cheesy telly off without getting caught doing so because she didn't want to somehow get cough up in any dust-up prior to her brother's getting jailed forevermore.

Eventually, an idea popped into her mind to get rid of the all galling stuffs secretly, Lana was going to creep around him then turn down the sound of the little by little just like a phantom in such a way that he could not even barely be aware of her existence around him, but Lana thought afterwards that she was halfway more concerned about his awareness than needed as he was already on the point of kicking the bucket, so she mumbled " why do-I care, goddamn, he's already just like a fucking zombie", getting up, heading to the living room. Lana's elderly-brother had been watching a balls-to-the-wall action movie even after getting knocked galley-west, perhaps he was of the opinion that he could avenge himself on the three trans bathroom fornicators, who were the those kicking his ass after having some affairs in bathroom, and so Lana was kinda mocking as can be expected while approaching the low-fi telly, a bit cautious, getting more aware of her belly.

She was turning down the sound as a phantom, every so often giving her elderly-brother a check-up to make certain if he was still asleep. And Lana ultimately managed to switch it off, she was, thus, dancing in the streets about that, heading back to her semi-ripped bed. But abruptly a sudden voice caused her to halt " NO NO NO... Look at wot you just have done my little sister? ". It was her elderly-brother Jensen, peculiarly awake, speaking just like an able-bodied on the sofa, with legs akimbo and gazing at her.

Lana swung around to make sure if he was Jensen suddenly as though she had been caught for robbery by a police officer, saying that " Holly crap!  I'm certain that you were exactly snoozing on the sofa, drunk, I mean how could you do get-up?

"You don't know who I'm, just you better still be watching out before fiddling around me, if you want to do anything like currently. I can be a bullshit falling-down drunk, but I'm not yet gone ", standing up, gazing at his sister, then unexpectedly, Jensen walloped her shouting " you think you can have me on, I'm gonna show you who can I turn into you slut! "Even if he was on the brink of dying of binge-drinking

Lana was gone crazy and longed to solely hit back at him after getting knocked down, standing up and darting a resentful glance at Jensen, natheless, she resisted his urges to retaliate as it could make the current situation worsen and Jensen was already about to either fall into the click soon or get killed of his loans even as she wanted a lot to see him knocked down, then she stormed out of the living room, highly irritated, and headed to the kitchen for some canned black beans left over from around a dozen of days ago, thinking whereof Jensen did and would be in before long, nonetheless she did not still want to decamp the home and then vanish into another state secretly because she couldn't leave her brother alone to death. Probably she didn't exude love for him, but she still could not get that mad to leave her brother to death such that he was not in a state to get by even for a day by himself. It was an absolute and foreseeable consequence to Lana that If she had permitted him to live by himself, he would probably have been found murdered in an out-of-the way place.

Jensen was a mite dumbstruck of not getting hit back as he knew already of the fact that what he did was an out-and-out balls-up, but he was still bragging on himself and  regarding Lana as a weak-kneed any longer just as can be expected a foolish to-do so whilst tipping some water into his bottle of whisky so that he could ne'er have to fork out halfway amount of money for even a low-grade whisky allegedly said it could encompass all the things in the world but alcohol. In the meantime, Lana was conscious of the smells of something rotten all around the kitchen and about to see all the canned foods, most of which were rotten or on the point of rotting due to the icebox that had flunked out perhaps of late.

And as soon as she saw so, she couldn't do anything but swallow and say looking around anxiously " holly crap! Are you kidding me? Goddamn! How could it be possible?" then she came to understand that the icebox had long before been broken down and whole foodstuffs were wholly-rotten except a pack of dark chocolate seeming purchased recently. So run-down and gone crazy was she that she couldn't take that out-of-action icebox into consideration no, thanks to the foul-smelling foodstuffs, then went to whence she came there through the hall, carrying the dark chocolate on her hands only for mitigating her creeping belly, leaving the icebox just as it had already been before she's coming.

When reaching the bedroom, Lana was able to feel the breeze that was sort of chilling in the room and heard the rain lashing against the windows then saw that it was tipping it down via the jammed windows outside the apartment, the whole sky was dusking more and more in the dead of night, thundering, and rain was leaking into the room though the leaky ceiling.

Lana marveled at the unforeseen rain since she had every so often been dwelling in the areas before Chicago, virtually each of which was wet. She thusly was chuffed with that weather condition, but suddenly Lana came to notice a vague silhouette of a something just like a devil lurking in shadows across their walk-up apartment, seeming bound to get involved in a crime, and emerging from darkness by and by just as though it had seen someone else approaching. Lana wanted to figure out what it was, thereby peering through the jammed window, uttering " who the fuck are you" , and after a short while ultimately she managed to see it once through a street-lamp twinkling by him. He was an earnest-looking man, in suit, along with a probably Colt M1911 and devilish mask with horns, carrying a necklace shaped like a newborn foal, ruffling his hair constantly.

Lana got frightened of seeing so, then made instant attempt to call the police office, but alas, when she was over the phone, thundering of the guns ensued and a kid burst out crying, calling anyone around the street out " ambulance! Somebody please call an ambulance!" over and over. They were sounding just as though something bad ensued on the street. As soon as Lana heard the screams, she sprung towards the window to see what had occurred. There was A school-boy, likely traumatized, over the local street, crying out in pain near to A man with witch hunter hat in black, bleeding out, likely wounded on midst of his head, and the killer had already vanished into the darkness long before. Lana didn't figure out whither that man had gone, perhaps it was a well-pondered assassination.

She had known the dying man by chance. He had been a fighting man for freedom and heading off binge-drinking, not well-recognized but well-nigh regarded as a peaceable one amongst all of ex-boozies. "BOLLOCKS!" She thundered, flinging his stodgy dark-chocolate away, kneeling down on floor, and then pleading to the God for something less crappy, in tears " God! I don't even know whether or not you do exist or can think of our appeals but please! Help me out even once! God I'm too tired of bearing whole-ass terrible incidents in my life. Any longer I can't, I'm not even sure if I'm going not to commit suicide via a sharpened knife to-morrow. Just could you anymore think of giving me a chance to find out what is to be a living one...