The sky glimmering with stars was clouding over by and by and the rain lashing firmly against windows had stopped. A few big-brown bats soaring in the dusk and a blue morpho butterfly fluttering about under the lucid moonshine were making the twilight distinct, yet the whole winsomeness of the view, after a short while, turned into only memory when one of the big-brown bats made a grab at the fluttering butterfly in the wink of an eye just like a bandolero whilst thinking it had been on the way to the salvation. its destiny eventually was completed and its beatinuess ended up thieved in the stomach of a bat. Lana could hear the buzzes of upcoming police cars from Chicago turnpike and a jumble of people rounding all the residents up to uncover what had happened, yelling " Roll up! Roll up!". The darkness around the dead-end street had vanished through the blue lights emanating from police cars parked chaotically on wayside. The atmosphere seemed more likely a chaos rather than an investigation zone while Lana was thinking of rattling through his task after a sincere invocation. Lana was unaware of the fact that Jensen was spying on her by the creaking door all along the line, being on the point of bursting out laughing in that he found anyone praying blockhead and redundant in that world, so Lana's temper would, in all likelihood, reach its apex after perceiving that she had been monitored of his brother when on the point of sobbing like, as it were, an eight-years old school boy, in front of the jammed window, staring at the glittering stars woefully.
In point of fact, what she did was the identical to what Jensen had been doing long before, when merely endeavoring to attain a admission for amusingly a shabby college rebelled as a second terror state by all the educators all around the America. This was why he turned out to be an atheist after swiftly expelled from his high school as a result of a mass brawl involving him in, which resulted in death of an innocent twelve-year-old girl hanging out with his friends before falling victim to a serial killer, he, thus, was desperated, downhearted, awaiting only getting perhaps gunned down by cops so that he could dispose of all disappointments in his life.
"Maybe the all said of why people are prone to get fallen following being convert to atheism should have to only do both with wishes wanted long before to come true and a mind fulfilled with pipe dreams" , Lana had ever been of the mind since the time she had found out his brother's pick to convert to atheism, and these recurring incidents such that Lana was again utterly certain of the fact that there would be nothing could not shade but her assumption in the course of time. Jensen actually had ever been a happy chamber heretofore when devoted his religion, ultra-conservative, hostile to every single opinion come up with aside from those glorifying what he had believed, therefore, he was, after all, in a funk, not knowing of what to do, fooling around frivolously as though he had lost touch with reality.
The man, on the local street, was departed of a man masking with the purpose that he could never been identified among the people, thereby never getting snatched of assassination, holing up somewhere. For these reasons, Lana was determined to blow actual killers cover in such a wise that she could no more feel guilty despite knowing that the possibility of death of the man had been impossible to stave off. But she would never let him kept alive in this world, so not calling police center, instead, making a decision of getting a gun to polish off the assassin by means of illegal-gun-trade owing to the fact that when in the click, the killer could get set free by a group of people, who had assigned him to do so. She could not put his life at risk as she precisely knew it would not worth getting jailed of murder of a bastard, thereby deciding to get this assassination done by his elderly-brother so that he would not only get jailed, but also help the nature kill off every jerk swiftly, on itself, galling.
Even after thinking so, Lana was still kneeling down, looking solely woebegone, in clouds, could feel the chilling breeze in the room and see the blobs falling onto the floor bit by bit like her tears. Mayhap she hearkened back to the good old days, and commenced to highly yearn for the all she had before dwelling in Chicago such as her widowed mother, ex-lover, smiling citizens, her first hook-up in an attic... " Wow! You Buddhist I'm fascinated of seeing you attached to these kind of junky rituals just as an all-time advocate of a party, brainwashed!"
In mean time, Jensen startled the Lana by saying, and sort of mocking.
Lana was chickened out to utter anything because she didn't long to suck into a dust-up then get walloped afresh, when gazing at him.
" Look, I know you've deemed these rituals as must-do stuffs since you are brainwashed and you think something will turn up one day anyhow, yet know that you will never see any of them coming true but one thing, which is that you will get buried when died, so don't do that. I've flashed back to old-fucking me appealing for a university admission through which you have done a few minutes ago, so tell me where the hell I am presently " Jensen said, a mid cordially to persuade her to not do so, arms akimbo, leaning against the creaking door as if trying to seem persuasive.
" You can't understand what I believe, it's normal, you're a covert to atheism due to your not come true wishes and you only try to make me just like you are currently, you should exactly know that nobody can deter me"
Lana expressed what she thought of squarely, and Jensen oddly was not gone mad even after hearing so.
"This is my point, don't be as am I currently so refrain from being full of zeal, otherwise, you wind up in a state of dismay and labeled as a villain right after figuring out that the all said is only a lie" Jensen tried to talk her out of being as was he previously, wishful, cuffed with what he had even when flirting with death in surgery, whereby his all fears would never come into the existence, and he would not see her turning into an apt one to self-murder therewith. Howsoever, Lana was dead-set on not approving of whatsoever Jensen could say, allege regarding faiths, and she didn't even be all ears to Jensen thereof. She only managed to see a chap-fallen one, speaking of poppycockes all the time to get regarded as a caring one in front of her.
"NO NO! Don't even try to prevail on me saying of piffle as if righteous. I know you better than anyone, you can't care anyone but yourself, you can't event like anyone, you only can pant after getting people crestfallen like you are so that you can feel like you were not only one like this in the world", she responded to Jensen, darting an angry look at him as if longing to spit out "fuck off" and give the middle finger despite knowing it would be a quite risky reaction to him, yet Lana could see his eyes tingling with sadness, so not doing but starring at him at that.
Jensen backed off gradually to no more catch up in an argument with her was of the opinion that Lana was alas locked out of the actual world, lost in thought, reckoning some fly-by-nighters as an upstanding individuals in lieu of realistic ones, so stubbornly alleging that she was hoodwinked over when seeing her having a hankering for a less crappy life, kneeling down, in tears.
"Alright Alright, understood but know that I can be fucking jerk but not that bad to juggle my sister. If you are mad at me for that wallop, I'm sorry, but listen sister, until seeing the netherworld, everybody says they are glad , and after seeing so, well-nigh one hundred percent of good ones can't keep on living just like previously as it's hard to get how fool they were before. Howsoever, when it comes to bad ones, they prefer blending into those silhouettes of leviathan. " He stated what he thinks kind of woefully, heading off to get more shut-eye on the old-lowson through the halfway without any more talk to Lana, thinking of both how to prevent her from getting dragooned into these rituals and why he cared too much, smoking his roll-up and thereby making Lana suffer from effects of second-hand smoke. Jensen didn't care what he was doing around her as he thought that she had already had the most hazardous one and a smoke only was able to be a piece of a little shit.
When reaching the living room, Jensen was able to see whole room, spick-and-span, smell the petrichor flooding into the living room after a heavy rainfall over the whole America. His worries and doubts on life abruptly died away. He was feeling like walking on the moon alone, away from all corruptions, affairs and disappointments in his life, and ultimately freeborn.
" daddy cool! Here is the reality, thanks for these my sister!"
Consequently, Jensen uttered chirpily, approaching the window to see the outside, he had, in fact, expected to see a wet land space, quiet, but the reverse was more likely. The first thing he saw was a bleeding out man, whose bloods covered all around, on the edge of the local street and that boy like Lana did, besieged by cops to carry out an investigation.
Jensen was cut up of death of that man because of the fact that he was saved from so-called lies by him after tipped off about those, while pleading in a low spirit for mercy, money and almost everything he had wanted to have.
He could see the escalating fear in that child eyes. The kid was traumatized and, to cap it all off, four police around him, only one of whom was a man, trying to hoodwink him into thinking his father would as likely as not be alive again in such a wise that the kid could get taken thence to a far-off place, which mayhap was less nightmarish than in which his father was killed although they precisely knew the bullet had visibly penetrated his brain. But all attempts to wheedle him was futile, that boy seemed precisely in state of shock and bummed out. In actual fact, it was fairly normal for a school-boy to get so as he had seen his father dead face in repose just after getting gunned down by an assassin in the wink of an eye whilst merely envisioning a flavorsome dinner with his family.
"Crappy Life" he mumbled woefully, sniffing, lightning a cigarette, and his face clouded over like a dead one. The color drained from his face. He wasn't in a state to mull anything over theretofore as it would never worth even giving a fling, so merely carrying on watching whatsoever could come about around him with faraway look in his eyes. Billows of smoke rising over the horizon was more bemusing for a whiskey junkie just like Jensen. Perhaps he was accustomed to seeing a torrent of the deaths of innocents in his life and this one only was like a tiny piece of shit that he was incapable of paying attention.
Jensen, while watching the billows, was also able to see a couple screwing across their walk-up, all naked, without any privation as if glad of showing what they were doing through the window in bathroom and there were a spot of first-class whiskey bottles beneath, some of which were not even full-quaffed, and the liquor in those was streaming and foaming up on the marble floor with some horse symbols, "schnooks" Jensen couldn't resist uttering. A man from that crowd around the dead body was probably conscious of existence of that couple since he had begun to beckon to another one with the aim of getting them aware of that, too, so that they could watch it altogether with the roaming gangsters around the roadside. But they could not watch instead they gave them a middle finger saying " wot are you doing you arsehole! Recording a porn video with your mom? "
"I'm screwing your mother you bastard! How could you know that?" the dotard could only make some unclear noises.
That rage-debate was solely ridiculous for Jensen but the probable result of that could mayhaps make him interested in particularly when turning out to be a mas brawl between them, yet nobody was tempted to get apprehended of merely a redundant fight seeing that the cops were everywhere, and they couldn't vanish into darkness in any case except a one, which was that a huge meteor along with aliens from Mars bashed into America. The man that was bawling at four hoodlums was old enough to not be able to even date a girl, who had jaw-dropping light-skin legs and milky knockers seeming as if from the zion. She was such that Jensen could resist his zeal for scanning her utterly. Jensen's eyes were ablaze with excitement as she was the hottest of all he could recall in his hazy memories. "Aphrodite" he had even found a name. He was staring at her like a clock-watcher awaiting the end of the day. Howbeit, suddenly a huge penis blotted out the shinning of the aphrodite, seeming just as if an archaic baseball bat. "Ohh... You oldass" he spat it out with a disgusted face. That sudden obstruction made Jensen full of fury and his eagerness on the girl disappeared merely into memories. "Why should all the sexy girls get picked by a jackass ?" he grumbled and wiped one more roll-up out of his pocket to light. Whence she came was a mysterious point in his mind because in case he found the main resource of prettiness, everything required would be at Jensen's fingertips to make a fairy-tale harem, which he had ever dreamed of, and see all the sexy girls hovering around him, saying " Daddy~! Daddy~! Daddy~!". He wanted a lot to be regarded as an alpha of every beatinuess at that time. He had even found his name to get called, was "SuperDaddy" , but an oldass leviathan had been pretending to be so in lieu of him, so thinking of a brainstorm could help him knock the oldass man down, nonetheless, he, after a short while, came to realize what state he was in and the reality was a far-off place from the fool's paradise. That man's bent body just like a goblin with wrinkles was an out-and-out handicap to spend more time in front of the window. "huh... Money is the key of every heaven" he uttered a few words about that and then headed towards the old-lowson with a heavy-eyed face. The cops had begun to leave the street after carrying out a quick-search for any clues could help them find out whosoever had carried out this assassination, they would follow any track of the murderer even in hell and more than likely get him handcuffed hiding out somewhere, but rest of it was not in the bag as the government had already been on the verge of getting voted out in the oncoming run-off, and thereby having difficulty to detect those abusing their given positions or letting them do that deliberately with aim of giving a shutter-click of all the services to show what would happen when they were gone and second prediction was more likely. The glows of the desk lamp in the walk-in wardrobe were as sharp as a katana and as bothersome as an ignoramus peasant, given that his mind was full of aims of switching it off. He leaked up towards the desk-lamp and yanked it thence with a quick movement. He merely wanted to press the off-button, whereby he could snooze on the sofa by around the forenoon, but some loud footfalls echoing butted in that situation. Jensen abruptly got flabbergasted and fear of whatsoever would come about invaded him as he was no stranger to those patters of a couple of Chelsea boots. He was a hit-man with a pitch-black suit well-known all around the Chicago as a "Stygian British" and his reputation was just as an icy-cold blackish vortex, yet against all odds, the all told of had never been able to nip all the attention of teenyboppers on him in the bud. Perhaps a well-shaped face, a few snow-white teeth and a couple of hoity-toity-looking eyes was the all needed to catch the eye of teenagers instead of a good-earning. A crow screeched and it's waves rebounded his irkingly head. Still, Jensen could hear the echo of the melodious whistle increasingly and it portended the looming death of him. An itsy-bitsy dust-devil whooshed suddenly as if especially made to warn him of an upcoming threat to his life. Jensen hadn't before expected a hit man turn up in front of the door, but he precisely knew why a hit man could be after him. Was because of his mounting loans, so as soon as he was conscious of the hit man, he started tiptoe all along the hall to seek out his double-barrel shotgun, including a jade-green snake symbol eating its own tail, inherited from his father right after his death of a so-called pile-up. His father had ever longed to see Jensen following in his footsteps as a hunter and gunning for whosoever had been villain therewith, but alas, he could not manage to escape the death at the age of thirty-five. The floor was sticky and a dildo camouflaged in darkness, well-nigh invisible, caused him to trip over whilst creeping up the two-way crate " OUCH! holly fucking shit". He was dizzied, lying down on the floor, then he saw the purple jagged-dildo, knee-high, which seemed the one he had seen before, albeit he didn't recall when. He grabbed it to have a better examination on it with an anxious face. "Whoa! Seriously? You dark horse!" he was of the opinion that there had been some stealthy hanky-pankies when he had been elsewhere probably at the bar, thereby picking it up to carry in a handbag fulfilled unknown whatnots so that he could take the piss out of his sister all along the way. Ohh... Darling~! Darling~! You missed the daddy dear? Don't you want the daddy to pat you on the head again just like previously? Okay dude listen this is shuck, I can even feel your vile-smelling breath and a heart on the point of blasting of blood pressure, so open the door, otherwise, you will feel at that, you got? Of course, you did this is not a request. Okay right now you open this piece of shit! After hearing so, Jensen's cowardice appeared in his hazel eyes as a fireball, and he had any longer to be double-quick...
After Jensen left the room, Lana got up to turn off the third-class baker's lamp to lay on the messy bed again for roughly three hours before a bit wearing day as she should've branch herself, but she couldn't distract himself from some sinking thoughts in her head concerning why Jensen started to treat her cordially like a normal human being as if via soft-soaping while merely fucking around during the whole day with his all-time best American whiskey and roll-ups in his half-ripped pocket. He probably was suffering from some memories of past, liable to get him down whensoever recalled again. All the regrets and pains was clearly sensible in his hazel eyes, and they seemed to not de-escalate straightforwardly soon.
Seriously? You care a bastard? Goddamn Lana!
She muttered, low-voiced, with a different look in her eyes as if fed up with the life. Whether or not Jensen could turn into a decent one, she would do never care because she was sure of the fact that Jensen was visibly incapable of being consistent and his resistance to alcohol was going to ping-pong constantly, thus, she would see his all-out efforts on that matter futile. Lana subsequently tried to refrain from thought thereof to deep into slumber given that a surfeit of the works in co-op company would, henceforth, inundate her around clock after a link-up with an ad agency made to entice their all-time consumers into spending more money on their manufacturers and thereby heading off the sudden falling-offs in sales.
"Lana! Lana! Stay awake Lana! We should get out now, we should do right now " Suddenly, Jensen waltzed into her room with a double-barrel shotgun and scared look his face just as if a Nazi solider was after him, and rummaging around for something probably crucial to Jensen. The fear flooded him, and he was out of his mind. There was an ear-splitting rat-tat-tat on the door. It sounded like someone that blew up at her brother was at the door" What in God's name is happening again? I'm sorry about that but you should deal with that boolsheet alone " Lana was no more willing to come across a decent foul-up after seeing a horde of them in a single day.
I'm sorry about that Lana, but we have no time to dilly-dally, just do hurry up if you wanna escape death, Jensen said without any look at Lana, rummaging through all the drawers with an eye on the clock. You want me to hurry up and you fuck around, huh... Really Like this one, Lana said with a sigh and mocking impression on her face.
Here you are my old friend ! Jensen ultimately found his trunks with some banana symbols that seemed made for kids and a tad foolish to Lana after a quick-rummage around the room. His eyes glittered in excitement just as if winning the lottery. They were his all-time best trunks that were worn in the emergency cases by Jensen, and what was the more, it had been on him when having had it off with his neighbor's daughter whilst his neighbor had been of the mind that Jensen had been an upstanding one and would help her peak on the exams without any idea of the hanky-pankies coming about around him thanks to Jensen's good reputation. It was his a proud boast even if he theretofore felt guilt-ridden and showed great repentance as he was exactly conscious of his hidden instincts. "You're not gonna wear them, right?"
Lana thought that he only would take them along through his suitcase but Jensen was not of the same mind with her over that.
"Why not? It's my all fortune. Jensen said bizarrely in state of shock.
Goddamn! Are you pissed out of your mind? We should flee here immediately.
After so, Jensen darted a woebegone look at Lana, as if to say like a child," PLS mom I beg you "
Alright, alright, but be quick because we have no time, somebody has already begun to make some attempt to break in.
Lana could not argue with him by right of the fact that the man at the door would as likely as not manage to make a break-in, thus they could wind up snatched before a getaway through the fire escape stairs to do whatsoever he was said to perform. Jensen was glad of hearing his sister's words. His hazy memories regarding past had already sprang to his mind and preoccupied him. His capability of thinking was gone. The time was slipping away and the echoes of whistle was growing louder during which the time she was awaiting Jensen's preparation, but Jensen's intention of seeing those on him didn't seem to disappear in a short while. The atmosphere around their walk-up and still of the night were making Lana's fears reach the zenith and goosebumps on her skin were knife-like. " Finally, you again are on me mate" Jensen mumbled with a satisfied look on her face. "Alright! We should be on the run to somewhere safe double-quickly thanks to you" Lana was both anxious and bored of killing more time waiting in the apartment.
Ohh... You want an argument?
"is it a joke to you? You dickhead! Just do nothing but shut up. You know somebody wants to see you cut off, don't ya?"
" Ahem Ahem... Shut up Lana, you know we should hurry up and there is no need for some trash-talk" Jensen responded with a mocking impression on his face, heading out of apartment, rubbing a roll-up along his lips to light.
What? Pff... Okay I should probably let it go, come on we have no time and PLS do no more want to take anything else, let's go!
Lana was aware of the current threat and trying to calm herself down to get away from the apartment without any worse incident unlike Jensen. After a quick-talk, they finally abandoned there through the fire escape stairs. Whilst running off, the street seemed needed to get made just-so and as if evacuated instantly after a destructive war against Hitler's troops. Some closed-down roadside bars and a few boomers, stucking their heads with a pink of beer out of the window to bird-dog why they left their apartment were the main causes of the visual pollution around the street in Lana's head. The day was gradually dawning and sun's rays was making some teeny-weeny holes on the indigo sky. Jensen had never mentioned of whither they would go to settle down all along the line as he, in fact, did not know where they could live in prosperity except for one. Was his father's low-key lodge that was on the sale during the course of drought in New Jersey. But Stygian British had a foot in every state, so A long way to the salvation, prosperity, and happiness from which included desolation, corruption and devilish minds was rising on the horizon with the sun, and a blue morpho butterfly was ushering them, fluttering in a cool breeze.