A few anti-gay and racist graffities on the local school's walls in peer-street were still visible no thanks to the rigid policies, enacted to provide a protection for them on homophobic attitudes and fresh-racist strikes, and some given speeches by far-left federals concerning these matters. An armed robbery carried out by a group of gunslingers in a low-key snack-bar, A dead body of a tiny school-girl, and thundering of guns occurring all along the local street as if planned before made Lana in state of dismay for the next generation seeing as they were more likely to get both traumatized and hoodwinked into backing up the so-called concepts during which their boss led to them no matter if they were not righteous. Perhaps they were only a few if any evident examples of government's failures on this kind of must- deal with matters. Lana could see a sixteen-years-old schoolboy with a ski-mask, carrying a box of graffiti sprays in his school bag, seeming as if bunking off school a little while back, on a long dust-ridden trackway towards street walls in distance. Whence he ran off was obvious but where he would head to next was not that easy to puzzle out as a heap of protests were flittering from state to state and following a raging conflict between politics, a sudden upsurge in diversity of them was any longer eye-catching. The kid suddenly started to sprint towards a jumble of people with a parked pick-up truck on the roadside, a couple of steps away, without looking back as soon as he saw Lana and Jensen walking. "You better run motherfucker" Jensen yelled at the kid, albeit not knowing why the kid was on the run. A chubby ruffian with Japanese style tattoos in the car, half-naked, after hearing so, apparently jumped down his throat 'cause he was getting out of the car with a semi-automatic rifle that government had implied a prohibition on sale of it for every realm except militarily purposes. "You, too asshole" he hit back what Jensen had said, then pulled the trigger, taking aim at both Jensen and Lana as if hunting birds. Ohh... Jackass, Take a cover! Take a cover! Jensen said in state of shock, dashing across the street to keep himself safe behind the buildings. Howbeit so flabbergasted of all coming about was Lana that she didn't do anything but gaze at him bluntly. Her body's stillness was far-out and scary. Her face was ashen. It seemed that she was utterly paralyzed with fear, and Jensen was shouting at her in shock despite knowing she had been zoned out owing to her and could not shelter from the aurous bullets. Luckily a shrill siren of A police car had been on the spot for armed robbery had begun to echo aloud repeatedly. The villain's fears invaded him and so legging with the kid urgently without any delay prior to getting hauled off to jail. He seemed like a seventeen-years old lovesick at the high-school boy spitting out "Jesus-jumped-up-fiddling-Christ!" and running off soon after happening upon the girl of his dreams hand in hand with his besty. Whilst the villain was heading off on the way to somewhere else, a thrum of a chopper growing louder in the course of time started to be ear-popping as for Jensen. It set Jensen out thinking who could have such a high-end motorcycle in a poverty-stricken state particularly soon after a political crisis that was at the dead-end. Was again Stygian British with his harley chopper, foaming at the mouth as he hadn't both found them in the walk-up and experienced his first screw-up on performing a rinky-dink task, and what was the more, his spiritual vows to the God had once been broken wherefore. Thereupon, his madness at them both seemed runaway in his eyes. Jensen eyes snapped open in the aftermath of thrum of the chopper in state of panic despite being conscious of the cops by the street only because if a contract killer could finish off anyone in a country deemed advanced, that's to say, the system was undoubtedly down. "We're in the shithouse again, come on Lana look in my eyes if you're there, we outha go now " Jensen said to slip away, gazing at her corpse-like face for an any sing of live such that they could hit the road thence lickety-split in a state of panic. What in god's name are you doing! Lana exclaimed abruptly. Her eyes twirled between Jensen and a police car, near-at-the-hand, with shock as if waking up after a frighting nightmare. "OHH... God! you haven't yet kicked the bucket that's once good to see you again". The beams of the police car's headlights had caused her to squint for a short while, and so trying to obscure it with her hands to see more clearly. An upswing in Jensen's m4od was visible in his eyes as if for Lana but he was still aware of the fact that they should've slope away double-quick so that Stygian British could do never track them through the clues could even be found via merely asking of an anonymous resident on the way sloping down to Chicago subway. The state was utterly in chaos, so everyone was not able to be against those running the state illegally by means of rigid enforcements. "DON'T! Do not say anything more as you know we should hit the road without any delay, you got?" Jensen said a tad anxiously as the buzz of the chopper was oddly far more hearable than a few minutes ago and his inward feelings behind tired eyes, which he had never been conscious of beforehand, had suddenly pushed him into thinking as if he had had to safeguard her even once in his complicated life. Wot is happenin' here? Lana asked despite getting said not to do so with a shocked impression on her face. Shut the fuck anymore up please. Jensen said, heading off the main road to receded into the distance to not snatched by a contract killer. A few if any people, who had witnessed all the things all along the line, were scared the paths off, rattling on about possible threats to their lives that could come about at any time by a load-bearing wall, and frowning at both as if to say Get the fuck out. The marked-down prices in a fashion boutique seemed irresistible for Lana even when running off to not get killed with an undefined pain in her left leg. In so doing, Lana's concerns on their lives receded in her mind. "Hell no! you gotta be kidding" Lana was uncapable of resisting her interest on fall-downs in the expense of under wears as is because normally the prices are high-priced insomuch as cannot be even thought of purchasing by a have-not, So not doing anything but, in a blink, springing there to spend money over those as if there were no to-morrow. "As you know we better still hotfoot it La… Wait how? The disappearance of Lana knocked him for six in a click, nonetheless, it did not take a long while to notice her trying to talk cashier into reckoning the qualitative differences between two goods, thereby making him cut down its price in a knock-down boutique. Her eyes twirled with zeal for a pick-up around the shelfs. "Lana! Are you faking me out or are you really a shopaholic at this fucking moment!" Jensen uttered in a whisper to not spark an argument, approaching the boutique. "Huh…A bird-brain can ne'er see what intellectuals see as ever, right?" She uttered under her breath as if with the hope that Jensen would let her dawdle more even for some bric-a-bracs. Yet Jensen was not in accord with Lana. He did neither want to trigger off any argument could make them revealed nor kill any more time up until they could find a shelter to hole up before eastbound-train. He, hence, said "intel what? alright! You know it's fucking alright! Just please pick one of them or okay, what quantity you wanna pick up, just be quick" In the meantime OUCH! Lana abruptly screamed in pain. She was teetering and like enough had a cramp in her left foot. "We can waste any more time Lana come on " Jensen didn't long to kill any time 'till they could find a temporary place that they could overnight before setting off to the lodge by the eastbound train because Lana had already ran out of her energy and she had to, at least, have forty winks for a while." Shut up! I do not wanna hear you parroting back" Lana's lividness over not knowing where to go was at the peak and her weariness was giving it a hand to crest in the space of time. The bags under her eyes, causing a sleepy impression on her face, making Jensen sort of more scared stiff of speaking to her more, were easily noticeable. Her eyes blazed up as if with the intention of trotting out all-time same complaints via fault-finding. Howsoever, after a short while, her madness at Jensen trailed off unexpectedly bit by bit because she was conscious of the fact that they should prioritize finding a shelter by to-morrow. Jensen was well-accustomed to this kind of satiations owing to the experiences that he had had beforehand and at the same time they heard an off-key voice "Ohh... Darling~! Darling~! Love the blaze in your eyes".