Pride and Prejudice

Ren Jidian's eyes widened, and he rushed to the side of the ship. They really did caught a whale!

An adult beluga, only 13 feet long. But it was quite heavy and enough for the ship to keel a little as it struggled from being pulled up by the nets.

"Hoist away, everyone!" He said, as he went for a harpoon to stop the whale from struggling.

It was quite a tussle, as the 13 foot creature continued to trash. The prince had never expected capturing it would be this difficult and risky, the ship felt like it would topple over.

Prince Weiford went by his side, concerned. "Will we be safe? If you can't handle it... I think you should let it go."

Ren Jidian shook his head. He can't pass on this opportunity to amaze the prince!

He was so interested with how they manage to be sailors on top of being pirates. Not to mention that until now, despite him being a pirate captain and saving him.....