Restless Waves

"Your Highness....We only knew each other for a few hours and yet every second I feel like I'm falling for you more."

Falling for him as Weiford, and not just a representative of Wei Sizhi.

The prince reddened and just let go of him roughly. "Stop talking nonsense again."

He went ahead to unwrap the bandages, and clean up the reopened wound. "You must be getting delirious from losing too much blood. To say such things to a fellow Omega....."

Ren Jidian could only bitterly chuckle. "Maybe I am."

"Then just stay quiet there, or you might end up bleeding more." Prince Weiford told him pointedly.

Ren Jidian just gave a shit-eating grin, and stayed quiet as told.

He's already happy enough that the prince was taking care of him, and continuously insist on doing so.

He wasn't awake last time, so this was technically the first time he would be nursed in his perspective. He was excited to feel the prince's touch..... His soothing words...